Ukraine President Zelensky has been pushing hard to get his country accepted INTO NATO soon.... No deal is the word for the American President Biden.... The unspoken part of this? No American Troop's are gonna be coming to help Ukraine as a NATO country DIRECTLY engage … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…501 days into the Russian move on Ukraine # 1…Biden NO Ukraine NATO till it’s Over…..
Ukraine Update…500 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…#2…The Fall of Bakhmut coming?…Cluster bombs…No Ukraine NATO soon….
A look at Anti-Russian militia's supported by the Ukraine mounting attacks across the Russian border from the Ukraine... The Ukraine military wants the world to know that the Russian military HAS been using cluster bombs against civilian populations for a while.... Ukraine … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…500 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…#2…The Fall of Bakhmut coming?…Cluster bombs…No Ukraine NATO soon….
Ukraine Update…500 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Rebuilding the Ukraine has already begun….
The NY Times does a piece on Bucha, Ukraine the site of bloody battles .... The place has already begun to transform itself back to some sort of normal life.... This WILL be the future of the Ukraine like all war recovery zones.... Growth and memories..... I hope the media … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…500 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Rebuilding the Ukraine has already begun….
Ukraine Update…496 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Ukraine F-16’s are Far away…..
Drone's shot down near Moscow..... Drone stike in the Kharkiv Territory.... NATO confirms F-16's are not coming for the Ukraine anytime soon.... A prisonor swap is working for a American journalist.... Worries about Russia sabotaging the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…496 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Ukraine F-16’s are Far away…..
Ukraine Update…495 days into the Russian move on Ukraine….NATO meeting coming….Worries about Belarus
The ground fighting between the Ukraine and Russian troops is ON..... Ukraine troops have been making small gains... The major Ukraine Western trained troops are continuing to armour up and wait for a break thru on the front against Russian Ukraine held territory.... But … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…495 days into the Russian move on Ukraine….NATO meeting coming….Worries about Belarus
Ukraine Update…494 days into the Russian move on Ukraine….The Offense moves on….
The battle for Kherson contiunes..... The Ukraine units fighting now are NOT the Western trained and equipped units which it seems the Ukraine is waiting for a breakout location against the Russiana that would get a flood of Ukraine troops intent on a final push to push … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…494 days into the Russian move on Ukraine….The Offense moves on….
Ukraine Update…491 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Ukraine Offense….Yards NOT Miles…..
Russian President Putin shows up in public in front a crowd..... A Russian General disappears*..... The Uktaine gains are small and slow.... Some Russian troops ARE fighting Ukraine troops.... Mike Pence shows up in Kyiv.... Belarus and Russia is dancing about what … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…491 days into the Russian move on Ukraine…Ukraine Offense….Yards NOT Miles…..
Ukraine Update…490 days into the Russian move on Ukraine
Wagner caper fallout continues in Russia on several elevels politically and militarily ..... Ukraine works on bomb shelters readiness .... US to rush more combat vehicle's to replace those lost in the current offense..... Belarus now has a exciled Russian milita boss and … [Read more...] about Ukraine Update…490 days into the Russian move on Ukraine