Politico does a piece on the 'real' Donald J. Trump deal making.... Trump back in the day ? Isn't Trump today as President of the United State's.... His ego isn't enough these days... “I’m a negotiator. I’ve done very well over the years through negotiation,” he said … [Read more...] about Trump the deal maker….Huh?….
Could More Younger voters actually show up at the polls this November?
A new poll says yes.... A majority of adults who will be old enough to vote in 2018 say they are planning to, according to a poll released Wednesday conducted by AP-NORC and MTV. When asked to rate their likelihood on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being "certain to vote"), 56% … [Read more...] about Could More Younger voters actually show up at the polls this November?
Where things stand in the battles for Congress and the governorships…Sabato Crystal Ball…
— Both Democrats and Republicans have about equal odds of winning the House majority. — Republicans remain clearly favored in the battle for Senate control. — Democrats should start 2019 with at least a few more net governorships than they hold now. Checking in on 2018’s … [Read more...] about Where things stand in the battles for Congress and the governorships…Sabato Crystal Ball…
In Defense of Polls….Nate Silver…Pollster Ratings 2018
He mounts a defense of political polling and does his annual ratings of outfits.... With the 2018 midterm elections approaching, we’ve updated FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings for the first time since the 2016 presidential primaries. Based on how the media portrayed the … [Read more...] about In Defense of Polls….Nate Silver…Pollster Ratings 2018
Rudy Giuliani is greeted with ‘Boo’s’ at Yankee Stadium…..
The guy who everybody OUTSIDE NYC THINKS is loved in the Big Apple gets a vote of no confidence in the Bronx with thye annoucemnet of his Birthday... Yankee fans gave Rudy Giuliani the Giancarlo Stanton treatment. The former New York City mayor was at The … [Read more...] about Rudy Giuliani is greeted with ‘Boo’s’ at Yankee Stadium…..
The More Media attention Trump gets?…The More he gets over…Open Thread for 5/27/18….
Of course the media isn't gonna STOP covering any American President.... But everyday as I read in to do posting here at the PDog? I see stories on just about EVERY stupid assed comment Donald Trump makes....That....Instead of covering the serious issues and actions form … [Read more...] about The More Media attention Trump gets?…The More he gets over…Open Thread for 5/27/18….
Congressional Budget office…Tax cuts will NOT pay for themselves….
Anyone surprised by this? The CBO also says Trump's budget won't do what Trump says it will.... All told, CBO said Trump’s budget would produce deficits of $9.5 trillion over the coming decade instead of the $7.2 trillion promised by the White House. CBO took a more … [Read more...] about Congressional Budget office…Tax cuts will NOT pay for themselves….
Trump’s mouthpiece lawyer Giuliani hasn’t spoken to his client in weeks!
Wait? You mean the guy walking around trying to negotiate Donald Trump's case in the media hasn't even talked to his client for WEEKS? WTF is the media even entertaining his comments? President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that he hasn’t spoken with … [Read more...] about Trump’s mouthpiece lawyer Giuliani hasn’t spoken to his client in weeks!