And more of them vote Democratic.... ....From FiveThirtyEight.... If women were the only ones who voted, races that are closely contested now would turn into Democratic blowouts, today’s safe Republican seats would turn into toss-ups, and Democrats would win the House … [Read more...] about More women will vote in November’s Midterm elections…
America IS getting Browner……
Stephen Miller Donald Trump's guy in the White House pushing him to get rid of Muslims, latino's and just about anyone that isn't white KNOWS this and is very afraid.... Other Republicans around the country have had this fear since their fellow Americans elected a Black/Mixed … [Read more...] about America IS getting Browner……
Former GOP campaign guy Schmidt says the party is shrinking and ‘crazier’….
The man has several points.... Including that quietly? Some Republicans WILL serious think about voting Democratic against Trumpism.... Is Donald Trump actually tearing up the party he adopted? GOP strategist and MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt said Friday that the … [Read more...] about Former GOP campaign guy Schmidt says the party is shrinking and ‘crazier’….
Progressives Democrats Netroots conference 2018….
Complaints about Democrats NOT being hard enough against Donald Trump and the GOPer's.... The three-day gathering, which will draw several of the Democratic Party’s top 2020 presidential prospects to New Orleans this week — including U.S. Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and … [Read more...] about Progressives Democrats Netroots conference 2018….
August 2018 Sabato US Senate historical look for the November midterms…
As the Crystal Ball has noted repeatedly since early 2017, the Senate elections in the 2018 cycle feature two contrasting forces: highly polarized, partisan voting in elections running up against a tendency for non-presidential party incumbents to do well in midterms, even in … [Read more...] about August 2018 Sabato US Senate historical look for the November midterms…
Donald Trump and the Truth…An increased disconnect…
Two articles pointing to an American President that appears to be increasingly lying to Grand Ole' Party supporters and them accepting such..... The majority of Americans have not brought into his continuing bending of reality or just plain changing it to what he wants it to … [Read more...] about Donald Trump and the Truth…An increased disconnect…
Stop using the terms Red State or Blue State?
Is doing so forgetting that even a 'Red ' state DOES have Democrats in it, just like Blue states DO have Republicans in them also? Reporters and commentators use red states and blue states as if these were God-given characteristics. It’s bad journalism and it tends to reify … [Read more...] about Stop using the terms Red State or Blue State?
Trump’s daughter Ivanka doesn’t always agree with here father….
In a recent interview she named family seperation and the media as two things her views differed from her dad the President.... Ivanka Trump said during an Axios interview on Thursday that she agrees with White House colleagues who describe family separation as "a low … [Read more...] about Trump’s daughter Ivanka doesn’t always agree with here father….