Donald Trump and his Republican lawmaking cohorts swore that Americans would rejoice at the tax cuts they where gonna get!.... It would be the Republican selling point!.... NOT! The tax cut law that they have rammed thru in the waining hours of last year isn't a tax cut … [Read more...] about Tax Cuts turn sour for Republicans….
Democrats hold a narrowing lead in the House 2018 polling….
Six months ago the Generic House polling had Democrats up by double figures.... Today they are still ahead.... But the margin has dropped on the average in polling to a single number.... Trump's support remains strong with White non-college Americans... While that … [Read more...] about Democrats hold a narrowing lead in the House 2018 polling….
Republican are scared and scrambling for the 2018 Midterm contests…
They can read.... They can smell.... It's repeat warning of the 2010 'Wave' election that went THEIR way.... Except it's going for the Democrats.... 59 of the House memebers, more than half that bodies GOP leadership people are in that group bailing .... The party … [Read more...] about Republican are scared and scrambling for the 2018 Midterm contests…
With a Democratic House ‘wave’ coming….How about the Senate?
The folks over at FiveThirtyEight thinks that Democrats might do better than previously thought on the Senate side of Congress come election day in November.... Democratic prospects are looking better in Tennessee, Arizona and Texas. There is one race, though, where the … [Read more...] about With a Democratic House ‘wave’ coming….How about the Senate?
Political Roundup for April 12th, 2018…Generic Polls to question…RRH Elections…
National: Voter Registration vs Turnout: An interesting piece in Washington Monthly makes the case that campaigns are focusing too much on registering people to vote, and not enough on actually convincing the already registered to vote. It turns out that the vast majority of … [Read more...] about Political Roundup for April 12th, 2018…Generic Polls to question…RRH Elections…
With the number of open House seats at 59….Republicans are in trouble…
Larry Sabato's place moves three more House districts a bit away from the Grand Ole' party.... — House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R, WI-1) retirement makes his now-open seat a Toss-up, although the seat definitely sits to the right of the national average. — Ryan’s departure adds … [Read more...] about With the number of open House seats at 59….Republicans are in trouble…
A majority of those in the South Disapprove of Trump…Poll
An even larger majority think migrant workers should be allowed to work..... Interesting.... This NBC News/Survey Monkey poll has a margin of error of only 1.1%, because its sample was over 15,000 people.... This is NOT a good look for Republicans and Trump who are … [Read more...] about A majority of those in the South Disapprove of Trump…Poll
Most American’s do NOT want Mueller fired….Poll
President Donald Trump should not fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, American voters say 69 - 13 percent in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Even Republicans say 55 - 22 percent that President Trump should not fire Mueller. American voters say 52 - 32 … [Read more...] about Most American’s do NOT want Mueller fired….Poll