Donald Trump told us to give HIM the blame. for the border wall government shutdown.... Americans ARE..... This poll from CBS has Trump at a approval number of 36%....The lowest in recent polls.... Seven in 10 Americans don't think the issue of a border wall is worth a … [Read more...] about American’s back Nancy Pelosi against Donald Trump on HIS ‘ border wall government shutdown…Poll
Republican Senators seem ready to goo down with ship supporting Trump’s Government shutdown….
It appears that Donald Trump's border wall shutdown COULD go on for a LONG time... One would think that with Trump taking a hit in the polls? He will drag down those lawmakers supporting him also.... I doubt the people effected by this are gonna forget who caused them … [Read more...] about Republican Senators seem ready to goo down with ship supporting Trump’s Government shutdown….
Donald Trump losing ground with his border wall government shutdown..Update…Day 30….
Donald Trump has put himself in a hole...... WILLIAM KRISTOL @ The Bulwark.... The veteran and shrewd New York political operative Bruce Gyory, who’s always worth listening to, writes: Wanted to drop you a note. The slippage we anticipated for Trump’s standing in … [Read more...] about Donald Trump losing ground with his border wall government shutdown..Update…Day 30….
Beto O’Rourke gets media attention by being different….
Lets face it.... Media editors will ALWAYS gravitate to the story with images and that is out of the ordinary.... Democratic Texas losing Beto O'Rourke seems to have fit the bill on the above.... He has rocked into the top tier of 2020 Democratic hopeful's.... (The … [Read more...] about Beto O’Rourke gets media attention by being different….
Donald Trump will offer a border wall government shutdown lifting compromise to Democrats today….
The word is he will offer Democrats a deal crafted by his son-in-law Jared Kushner in which he would often on anti-immigration policy in exchange for his full $5.7 Billion wall money.... This, in the 29th day of the government shutdown he said he'd take the blame for... I … [Read more...] about Donald Trump will offer a border wall government shutdown lifting compromise to Democrats today….
Another poll with Donald Trump below 40% approval…
Second one in a week..... He is losing support on the border wall government shutdown.... A new Pew Research survey finds President Trump begins his third year with a 37% job approval rating while 59% disapprove of his performance. The survey also finds “that a growing … [Read more...] about Another poll with Donald Trump below 40% approval…
Trump beginning to lose base support…Poll
In the 27th day of Donald Trump's border wall government shutdown it has finally begun to happen.... Donald Trump is beginning to lose support even with his base supporters.... In the true historical way in which the guy operates... He's screwing HIMSELF... His … [Read more...] about Trump beginning to lose base support…Poll
Nancy Pelosi is running circles around Donald Trump….
As the Donald Trump border wall government shutdown drags his polling numbers down and the media plays daily stories of federal employee's resort to food pantries ? Donald Trump wonder's in private....WTF is going on? Yea... It appears that the guy is getting his ass … [Read more...] about Nancy Pelosi is running circles around Donald Trump….