Don't get Mad....Get Even.... James Comey is coming out with a book.....A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership,”..... Comey will get rich and get his chance to speak up.... The book release is being handled so there are no leaks of its content.... Since Donald … [Read more...] about Former FBI Director James Comey getting ready for his book release….
Rick Saccone (R) looking to run for the Pa.-14th CD in November….
He lost to Democrat Conor Lamb in a tight race that was in a district that Trump won by 20%..... Saccone has been called a LOT unflattering things by his fellow party members for his loss this Tuesday.... Will those same GOPer's now switch directions and heap priase on the … [Read more...] about Rick Saccone (R) looking to run for the Pa.-14th CD in November….
After the Pa. Special House win for Democrat Lamb?…Talk of a ‘Tsunami’ …Not ‘Wave’…
The Post’s Dan Balz writes: “There is no way for Republicans to sugarcoat what happened in southwestern Pennsylvania on Tuesday. It’s true that campaigns and candidates matter, but fundamentals often matter more. That’s why Republicans should be nervous about November.” At least … [Read more...] about After the Pa. Special House win for Democrat Lamb?…Talk of a ‘Tsunami’ …Not ‘Wave’…
A Clinton hand from 2016 explores how Trump could be defeated in 2020….
Philippe Reines was a Hillary Clinton spokesman.... After being up close when his boss lost .... He gives his view of how a Democrat should gain a win over Donald Trump.... (And her mistakes) I might add.... IF Donald Trump is still the President come Novemebr … [Read more...] about A Clinton hand from 2016 explores how Trump could be defeated in 2020….
Two upcoming House Special election’s still favor the Republicans….
Despite Conor Lambs thin will a couple of days ago ? Republicans have actually held their own in the last few Hosue Special elections.... Larry Sabato's people believe that in the next two contests in the Arizona 8th CD and the Ohio 12th CD? Republican's are likely to … [Read more...] about Two upcoming House Special election’s still favor the Republicans….
Trump brags about making s**t up in a trade meeting with Canada’s Justin Trudeau
By Laura Clawson @ Daily Kos... Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau Donald Trump lied to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a trade discussion, or, as Trump braggingly sees it, he successfully … [Read more...] about Trump brags about making s**t up in a trade meeting with Canada’s Justin Trudeau
Senate passes deregulation bill for small/medium size banks Sen.’s Warren and Sanders are against…
Mass. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) and (Sen. Sanders) were dead-set against the bill and made their views known.... But the bill passed with 12 Democrats joining the Republicans in the vote.... The will roll back some Dodd-Frank financial rules and regulation put into … [Read more...] about Senate passes deregulation bill for small/medium size banks Sen.’s Warren and Sanders are against…
America follows the Brits with sanctions against Mueller charged Russians…
British PM may has expelled several Russian diplomats in disopalying her displeasure in what apopaers to be Russian actions aginst former spy's in from the cold living in the West.... In announcing her move, May said America and other Wetsren countries had her … [Read more...] about America follows the Brits with sanctions against Mueller charged Russians…