Bet ya didn't know THAT? Yes.... Donald Trump like Barack Obama IS a War President.... The U.S. military is officially fighting wars in seven countries, according to the White House’s latest war report. Known formally as the “Report on the Legal and Policy Frameworks … [Read more...] about The US Military is engaged in wars or combat in 7 countries…..
Update on Trump’s Space Force wish….
Not Good... Defense Sec mattis is setting up a meeting in which he will present to his boss President Trump a request to form a new military command .... That command will be named the Space Force.... The current Space operations in the US Military is handled by the US … [Read more...] about Update on Trump’s Space Force wish….
Republican President’s leave the country with BIGGER Deficits….
Despite their Bull Shit that Democrats are the big spenders? Donald Trump isn't gonna be an exception..... The most recent U.S. government fiscal year just ended. The budget deficit grew by 17% from the previous year, thanks to Trump's tax cuts. By the numbers: If you look … [Read more...] about Republican President’s leave the country with BIGGER Deficits….
Daily Polling Updates…..Oct. 20/21, 2018
Sunday, October 21 Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread Missouri Senate - Hawley vs. McCaskill Missouri Scout* Hawley 47, McCaskill 46 Hawley +1 Minnesota Governor - Johnson vs. Walz Star Tribune/Mason-Dixon Walz 45, Johnson 39 Walz … [Read more...] about Daily Polling Updates…..Oct. 20/21, 2018
New Survey: Evangelicals Losing Truth of the Gospel…
bySusan_Wright This from a Conservative Blog post... Evangelicals are in trouble. More and more, they are losing sight of the truth of the Gospels. If there are any who, like myself, watch other evangelicals throw themselves at the feet of an adulterous, abusive, … [Read more...] about New Survey: Evangelicals Losing Truth of the Gospel…
Democrats look to make gains in State Legislatures come November…
They hope that increased voting for Democrats would trickle down to State and even Local gains... To win elections, you need to run candidates. And Democrats have more state legislative candidates than anytime in the past two decades — 5,349 this year as of September, … [Read more...] about Democrats look to make gains in State Legislatures come November…
Trump wants the Government to NOT acknowledge transgenders…
How? By making the government standard for a persons sex as the one on their birth certificate.... Another step by Trump and Republicans to go backwards in time that will ultimately fail.... The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a … [Read more...] about Trump wants the Government to NOT acknowledge transgenders…
Could polls be underestimating Democratic gains?
Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight floats the idea that the YUGE fundraising that Democrats have done going into the upcoming midterms could just add up to the bigger number of gains forecasters are estimating.... The fundraising numbers are so good for Democrats — and so … [Read more...] about Could polls be underestimating Democratic gains?