Donald Trump HAS been pimping them from the jump….
Donald J. Trump is about HIMSELF...
No one else…..
Paul Krugman: “Like many observers, I expected severe buyers’ regret fairly early in the second Trump administration. After all, many Americans who voted for Trump did so because they believed he would bring down grocery prices. He was never going to be able to deliver on that promise and stopped talking about the subject as soon as the election was over; sooner or later, voters were going to notice.”
“I did not, however, expect a MAGA civil war weeks before Trump had even taken office. But in retrospect I should have seen it coming.”
MAGA won’t care.
Don’t you at long last finally understand that this is a cult?
Trump doesn’t keep promises?So?”Hes our leader and we are sure he had good reasons for not doing that “or something similar will be their response.
“ Pimped?”Not to them.”If he benefits in some way from his actions?So what,he deserves to they will say.After all he is working hard for us.”
Your constant claim that somehow MAGA will miraculously turn on Trump because he has “ pimped” them is old, worn out ,and boring.