Politico takes a look back in time at several of the efforts by this country to send large groups of human beings ‘back’….
This would include….
Irish Expulsion …
Chinese Exclusion Act…
Sedition Act of 1918…against alleged leftist radicals from Eastern Europe, Russia or Italy
“Mexican repatriation”…(1930’s)
“Operation Wetback”…(1954)
President Obama…
President Trump…
Donald Trump has promised to deport millions of immigrants on “Day One,” boasting that it will be the “largest deportation operation in American history” — though there are questions about both the legality of his plan and its potentially steep price tag.
As history shows us, mass deportations are nothing new in this country. In fact, to accomplish his goal, the president-elect is promising to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, a wartime law that allows the president to deport non-citizens deemed an enemy of the United States. While on the campaign trail, Trump declared that he would use the law to carry out “Operation Aurora” — arresting and deporting immigrant criminals like the now-infamous Tren de Aragua gang that made headlines in Aurora, Colorado. (Of course, people often forget that immigrants, whether they are undocumented or documented, commit crimes at much lower rates than native-born Americans.)
Trump wouldn’t be the first president to round up undocumented immigrants — criminals or otherwise — en masse. He would have to double his deportation numbers from his first presidency to break any kind of record. (More on that later.) But if past removal efforts are any indication, governments don’t need to physically deport masses of people to accomplish their goals of sharply curtailing immigrant populations. Over the years, the biggest “mass deportations” in the U.S. have been, by and large, high-pressure publicity campaigns that stoked such fear among immigrants that they chose to “self-deport.”
As history demonstrates, sometimes fear is all that’s needed, says Kelly Lytle-Hernández, a professor of history and African American studies at UCLA. This time around will be no different. “Strongly encouraging and frightening people into leaving will be a main strategy,” Lytle-Hernández says….
Half a century after “Operation Wetback,” President Barack Obama became known as the “Deporter-in-Chief” by pro-immigration groups who criticized his record. But his legacy with immigration is complicated.
Obama’s administration deported nearly 3 million people — more people than any other administration in history — but he also enacted programs like DACA, which provided legal protections to immigrants who had lived in the U.S. since they were children….
Obama’s deportations weren’t a coordinated raid or campaign in the same way as his predecessors on this list. They came as part of an ongoing shift in U.S. policy, as both Democratic and Republican administrations have increased investments in immigration enforcement since the late 20th century.
“What Obama does that’s different is he shifts the number of people who are being formally deported,” says Lytle-Hernández.
Instead of departing voluntarily, during the Obama administration, more people went through the actual court process of being deported. Under his administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement also shifted its focus to targeting recent border crossers and people with criminal convictions.
During Trump’s first term, more than 1.5 million people were deported, and under his “zero tolerance” policy, his administration separated thousands of children from their parents who’d crossed the border illegally. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is on track to match Trump’s deportation record by the end of his term on Jan. 20…..
There are 2.5 MILLION cases pending in the Immigration Courts.Let me repeat that,TWO AND A HALF MILLION.
Submitted with comment…
It HAS been said repeatedly NOT in the headlines that Trump’s ‘MASS’ deportation shit is nothing BUT a charade….
Obama actually sent back more
But thru the system and with out breaking up families
I predict FOX News will simply stop reporting on every heinous crime committed by an immigrant.
If they came in pre-2025, it will definitely be reported on and blamed on Democrats.
And Abbott probably will stop exporting legal migrants…
Yea Great point
Could be a post on this later
The illeg.al immi.gration issue is the best thing the Republican Party has going for it. Of course, they are going to focus on it during the next four years. If things get better, they will take credit, and any stories involving crime will be bla.med on Democrats. They will continue to target san.ctuary cities and states because that is good polit.ics.
And if there is one p.romise that will be kept, it will be that there will be a lot of deportation.s.
Who checks the computer?
Obama and Biden ACTUALLY HAVE done MORE than Trump
Trump will get bogged down in the courts like last time
Abbott is just playing the system
And now wants to get paid for it
I think the Trump Administration would like a narrative of “the liberal Courts are stopping us from deporting violent criminal immigrants.” They would like that very much.
Remember this
U get props
Of course Trump will lie about it.
That’s all Republicans do is lie.
And “the American people “ like lying.It is now literally what the American political system is all about.Lie upon lie.
The “ liberal courts” have nothing to do with it.
As I pointed out ,with two and a half million cases?The court system has collapsed .No way can it even come near to handling this number.
Democrats should demand the Republicans cancel the massive tax cuts for the wealthy ( yeah those Republicans are real uh “ populists” haha) which is first on their agenda and devote all that money to a massive restructuring of these immigration courts. I’ll hold my breath!
Tax cuts for the Rich ARE A Certainty……
I believe the voters DID APPROVE THAT…..
Even the minority vote
In my opinion…….
The concept of Capitalism was a STRONG message Trump successfully sold…..
The Democratic message failed
As u and i have debated over the years
I believe Trump WILL track somewhat back to the middle on a surprising number of things….
In touch with his Democratic side from the past
Trump’s lying has been his trademark since his father set his ass up in business
The point IS?
Trump and Abbott’weaponized immigration as it HAS been in the past
Those efforts came out so-so…
People are NEVER stop risking their lives to come here
With Trump
U just gotta have the MONEY H-1B wise
As Jack pointed out rheee is a backlog of 2.5 million.
And not nearly enough administrative judges to handle the Required BY LAW hearings…
Two and a half million cases?
That system is in a state of total collapse .
In moderation again. What else is new? And there is no chance I will be told what word in the post triggers the moderation because the owner does not like being customer friendly.
Ur up
Now I’m in moderation.