Bad Lindsey!…..
The Senate Select Committee on Ethics formally admonished Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter Thursday for soliciting campaign contributions for the 2022 Senate runoff race in Georgia during an interview with Fox News in the Russell Senate Office Building.
The Ethics Committee found that Graham “directly solicited campaign contributions” on behalf of Republican Senate candidate Hershel Walker “five separate times” during the nine-minute interview with Fox….
“Your actions failed to uphold that standard, resulting in harm to the public trust and confidence in the United States Senate. You are here by admonished,” Senate Ethics Committee Chairman Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Vice Chairman James Lankford (R-Okla.) wrote in the March 23 letter to Graham….
A Liar, a Cheat and a would be thief,i.e.,
A Republican.