Donald Trump is out of office….
Florida Republican Governor seems to generating a line of state following his lead in making HARD Right policy turns….
This may maybe alright for the Repoblican base…
But it may come back to haunt a Republican running for President Nationally….
America as a nation is NOT Florida….
And Ron DeSantis maybe unwittingly making sure he’ll never win the Presidency….
“Just as California has taken a lead on a lot of liberal policymaking, Florida now seems to be the center of gravity for a lot of conservative policymaking right now,” said James Nash, a former spokesman at the National Governors Association and now a senior vice president at the bipartisan ROKK Solutions public affairs strategy firm.
From the Mountain West to the Deep South, Florida-style bills are springing up in state legislatures, signaling the growing influence of DeSantis as an ideological leader for a Republican Party that had been shaped in the image of former president Donald Trump.
The state-policy debates underscore how Florida now rivals Texas as a laboratory for conservative policies, giving Republican legislators elsewhere a model for how to turn their principles on social issues into law.