Biden budget money will be raised ….
This is the Senate wish list…
The House has to go 0ver it and match or change things….
There will also be more money coming to the Pentagon is other legislation….
But Biden’s attempt to cut spending isn’t gonna happen….
Democrats have not fought against this….
The Senate Armed Services Committee’s new defense authorization bill endorses a mammoth boost to an already epic defense budget, upping the bargaining power of defense hawks as lawmakers inch closer to setting fiscal 2022 appropriations levels….
By setting the topline for defense at $777.9 billion, the committee appears to have enabled itself to authorize spending to not only meet the president’s goals — such as a 2.7 percent pay raise for military personnel and Defense Department civilians — but also to bankroll virtually all the so-called unfunded priorities on the service chiefs’ lists.
Such programs were not considered critical enough to make the president’s budget, but they have become a de facto part of it…
Arguably the panel’s most noteworthy provision is its inclusion of legislation by New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand that would create military attorney offices that would be empowered to decide which felony allegations to prosecute. Senior officers now make those calls…
Another historic move was the committee’s approval of language that would require adult women to sign up for the draft….
The committee barred any warship retirements until the Navy sends certain certifications to Congress. And the panel would limit retirements of C-130 cargo aircraft, A-10 attack planes, B-1 bombers and more.
The committee authorized continued support for the Afghan military and police and for the Pentagon to transfer Afghan refugees out of the country…
The panel also decreed that the Air National Guard will henceforth be called the Air and Space National Guard.
And, of course, the committee, as is its wont, included a plethora of requirements for reports — on everything from overhauling the Pentagon’s budgeting and planning system to reckoning the gap between America’s military capabilities and China’s….
Tragic waste of money.
I condemn any Senator,Democratic or Republican who supports this total waste of money.
The so called”defense” budget(they’re not “defending” anything, more appropriately the “military” budget) should be cut by a minimum of 10%, more like 20%.
Who would have thunk that I am a real “fiscal conservative!”
Agreed. Ir is foolish to maintain existing military spending – and even more foolish to increase it.
Another example of how the GOP is no longer the only “borrow and spend” party. I am not seeing any fiscal discipline among Democrats anymore. I assume that is because most voters would rather borrow money than increase taxes. But what is politically astute is not necessarily economically astute.
We could use some leaders from both parties whose actions show they are at least a little concerned about the deficit – and not just talk about it. No more tax cuts without spending decreases or large spending increases without a tax increase,
Your last sentence says it all.
I have pointed this out before….
I shall briefly again…..
Defense companies set up shop across the country….
Particularly in the South
Along with bases
Those places have JOBS that have support businesses
While people here tend to look ONLY at the finished product?
Lawmakers look at campaign donors from industry, jobs, bragging rights and THEN a Strong National Security..
EVERYTHING IS COMPLEX and NOT JUST ONE THING as i will continue to point out here…..
And as I will continue to uh
“Point out here?
I oppose it.
What you fail to understand is that I am simply stating my personal opinion.Do I expect Congress to do the right thing and end this waste?Of course not.
I understand ur point of view Jack and respect it…..
I have my own complaints about some of the spending….
But have repeatedly pointed the ‘why’ there will NEVER be a sustained cut in the Defense budget of this country