The NY Post has a pice on him ….
Could the New York City born ex-Senator from Minnesota be thinks about joining NY Politics?
How about running against the junior Senator from the state that pushed him to quit the US Senate?
Al Franken for mayor?
The former “Saturday Night Live” mainstay and ex-Minnesota senator is a man about town again, spotted last weekend at a Fairway grocery in his old stomping grounds — the Upper West Side.
A tipster named Amy shared two photos of a masked Franken — outfitted in jeans, black-and-white flannel shirt and black jacket — with the West Side Rag. In one, he’s giving an elbow pump to a well-wisher; the other is a portrait.
The star of SNL’s “Stuart Smalley” skits didn’t offer his curious neighbors a daily affirmation of his political leanings, or respond to The Post’s multiple requests for comment.
Franken, who turns 70 in May, was surrounded by “a steady stream of politically passionate Upper West Side well-wishers,” Amy told the website.
She added that she didn’t ask the Democratic politician-turned-podcaster whether he was just visiting or sticking around in the city, “but it’s clear [he] would be warmly welcomed back.”
Franken was born in the city but moved with his family to Minnesota when he was 4. He returned as a young man, when his career as a comedian was booming, and lived in a few neighborhoods before buying a co-op at 90 Riverside Drive, which he sold in 2014.
He headed to Minneapolis in the mid-2000s to run for Congress. He served nine years in the Senate before stepping down in January 2018 after a string of women accused him of sexual misconduct. New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand was the first Democratic senatorto call on him to resign.…
image…West Side Rag
I recall a former Senator from Tennessee running for Senate from Maryland a few years back. And more recently Scott Brown ran for a New Hampshire Senate seat 2 years after being defeated for reelection to his Massachusetts seat. .
I can’t recall any former Senators who successfully returned to the chamber to represent a different state.
I doubt Franken will run for office in New York.
Yes, Al Franken who took an inappropriate photo with his hands levitating over a woman’s breasts as she slept wearing a Kevlar vest had to resign the Senate.
In fact, all of us were admonished for not demanding he resign immediately over accusations he acted inappropriately.
Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley helped to start an insurrection on television to overthrow our government and they’re still in office.
Great point Keith…..
This is one of the reasons I think Gellibrand is idiot…