Donald Trump isn’t gonna be convected we ALL think at this time….
There just isn’t the votes against him in the US Senate…
Donald J. Trump and Republicans ARE running out of excuses for his actions in using American taxpayer money to bribe the Ukraine to do sometime for his OWN personal gain…
Starting right now?
The American media is showing a political show that will be showing a underhanded President and his fellow party lawmakers trying to get him off the hook….
It isn’t gonna be pretty…
I thought the Bill Clinton example was the reason to NOT go thru this…
But I’ve changed my mind…
William Jefferson Clinton’s story has little to nothing to do with this….
Trump should beat the rap…
But he’s gonna be dragged thru the mud….Again…
Robert Mueller did it…
But House Democrats do NOT have Attorney General Barr to worry about….
And?….Those who have chosen to support Trump’s action and carry him on their backs?
They could pay a price with their futures…
Americans looked at the president’s Republican accusers, saw a collection of sanctimonious zealots and power-hungry hypocrites and answered: Not these guys. Clinton boasted afterward that if it were not for the 22nd Amendment, he would have soared to a third term.
President Donald Trump and this generation of Republicans plainly are looking to the politics of the Clinton impeachment as a source of comfort.
They are deluding themselves in a profound way.
Leave aside the argument that many Americans will regard abuse of power in foreign affairs as more serious than lying under oath about extramarital affairs, the reality is that Clinton and Democrats were buoyed by impeachment only in a near-term sense.
Long term, Clinton’s ambitions for his presidency were dealt a grievous blow. And there were enormous, if often overlooked, costs for the progressive movement that are still being paid more than two decades later.
That history echoes with particular relevance today, as public hearings in a new round of impeachment hearings begin. The conventional appraisal of Trump’s prospects—the House will likely convict, the Senate will likely acquit and Trump will claim vindication—might well be true. But this glosses over a larger point: On the current trajectory, Republicans are engaging in a battle with their own long-term costs that they will be paying for the next generation.
Based on Clinton’s precedent, those costs will be paid against Trump’s agenda—things he wants to do but won’t achieve because of the distorting effects of impeachment on his political options and room for maneuver.
They will be paid by his associates—people whose reputations and ambitions will be permanently dented because of their proximity to him.
And they will be paid by conservatives who follow him—who will discover their own principles have lost credibility and power in the public mind because of their connection to Trump.
Understanding the real costs paid by a president during an impeachment battle requires engaging in some what-if scenarios. But these scenarios do not require lots of conjecture or long, speculative leaps…..