Far from it…..
It seems to be increasing clear that Robert Mueller may not be after Donald Trump after all….
Rod Rosenstein has been telling Trump that for a while….
Matt Whitaker also alluding to this…..
The Michael Cohen down throw IN PUBLIC and the ongoing probes by more then ten separate groups including Congress, The US Attorney’s in NY, Virginia , and Attorney General’s in NY , Maryland and elsewhere ARE going to be continuing problems for Donald Trump, his businesses , friend’s , employee’s and yes….His family….
Robert Blizzard, a Republican pollster, said public opinion of Mr. Trump had proved remarkably fixed over time, “despite over two years of countless stories about Russia, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen and others.” He dismissed the possibility that Mr. Cohen would shift opinion on either the left or the right.
“The president’s base is rock solid, and his opposition is equally rock solid,” Mr. Blizzard said.
Ralph Reed, a longtime evangelical leader, said Mr. Trump’s record of delivering on conservative priorities had effectively cemented his own party in place, fostering particular loyalty among Christian conservatives with two Supreme Court appointments and efforts to restrict abortion rights.
“He made a set of promises and he not only kept them — he is in many cases exceeding them,” Mr. Reed said.
Mr. Trump may be demanding more and more loyalty from his political base as the adversity he faces in Washington grows more intensely personal. Even before he asks conservatives to secure him a second term in 2020, Mr. Trump will be relying on the right flank of the G.O.P. to keep congressional Republicans in line, as a Democratic-led House conducts intrusive investigations.

Yet in the electoral arena, Mr. Trump’s political survival has long depended on his ability to marry the unbending support of his fiercest followers with the ambivalent backing of more traditional right-of-center voters — people who view him as a distasteful character but favor his economic policies, or who preferred him over Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Many voters in the latter group defected to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections or stayed home, helping deliver the House into Democratic hands. Should the same thing happen in 2020, it would be very difficult for Mr. Trump to assemble the Electoral College votes he needs to win a second term.
It may grow more difficult for Mr. Trump to reforge his 2016 coalition if he faces protracted humiliation of the sort inflicted by Mr. Cohen. In addition to denouncing Mr. Trump as a racist, a liar and a habitual business cheat, Mr. Cohen hinted at the gravity of a probe being conducted by federal prosecutors in New York. And he may have pointed the way toward potential future hearings involving Mr. Trump’s employees and even family members.
Some Republicans who have been critical of Mr. Trump have suggested that a turbulent first half of 2019 could create an opening for other Republicans to enter the presidential race, if prosecutors allege that Mr. Trump has broken laws or if the president begins to appear so politically weak that the party fears it could lose the 2020 election in a rout…..
On Wednesday, Mr. Cohen specifically identified Mr. Weisselberg as helping mastermind a strategy to mask reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for his payment to Stormy Daniels, the pornographic film actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.
Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, said after Wednesday’s hearing that he “probably will” want to call additional witnesses, including Mr. Weisselberg, to gather additional evidence about the hush-money payment.
A Democratic official said that the House Intelligence Committee anticipates calling Mr. Weisselberg to testify, as well.
Mr. Cohen said in the hearing that the payment was ordered by Mr. Trump, which violated campaign finance laws because it was intended to buy Ms. Daniels’s silence so that she could not hurt Mr. Trump’s prospects right before the election.
Mr. Cohen said he had paid Ms. Daniels with his own money, and then was repaid by the Trump Organization.
“Allen Weisselberg made the decision that it should be paid over the 12 months so that it would look like a retainer,” Mr. Cohen told lawmakers, describing how reimbursements were made monthly.
Mr. Cohen submitted to Congress a copy of a $35,000 check — labeled exhibit 5b — that he said was one of those monthly payments.
It was signed by Mr. Weisselberg and Donald Trump Jr.
Mr. Weisselberg declined to comment through his lawyers. But it is clear why lawmakers and investigators might home in on him as they examine the Trump Organization’s finances….
image….Doug Mills/NY Times