Face it….
He’s a minority elected American President…
He LOST the popular vote by millions…
Everyday we watch a former NYC Real Estate guy pretend to what his job title is…
But he’s not….
Donald J. Trump is just the guy chasing his base supporters…
That thing his swore to when he accepted the job rings hollow….
The man does NOT strive to unite Americans….
While there are over 300 million of us?
Trump is ALWAYS playing to those who solely agree and support him….
The man has no use for others….
It is so marked and raw that he disparages those who do NOT support his way to point of patting those on the back who rail and other use physical might against him….
He has attack and castigated the nations law enforcement and intelligence communities for NOT being loyal to him, not the country and its well being…
He has fired and gone after those working in those jobs….
He has also constantly sought to delegitimize the media for critical thinking and questioning his action s…
All President grow to dislike the media…
But Donald Trump has gone far beyond his predecessors…
Could that be because of the running accounts of his lies designed to appeal to his ‘base supporters’ who seem to believe EVERYTHING he says?….
(Could he get them to drink the ‘kool aid’ if it came to that?)
The media responding to his lies only HELP him get more media time which sends his message to a wider audience …
Check the national news channels…
THAT just serves to reinforce his selling point to his base that he, like them, is being knocked by the media…And Trump will double down each time the media attacks his words, which will be more and MORE outrageous and knocking the status quo…..
Never-mind that his actual accomplishments are few and far between the tax cut /give away and hiring more right leaning Federal judges….
There IS something very wrong with things in American national politics…
Almost two years after this country elected and then re-elected it’s first Black/Mixed race President?
We are having to endure a man who has no idea what an American President is and should be doing…(We have to rely on people like Defense Sec Mattis to keep an eye on his impulses?)
When put on the spot about his actions?
He counters with “I ‘m the President…You aren’t’…..
America is going thru a low point right now with this man pretending to be the countries leader…
One can only home that he will be cast from office soon enough….
Trump’s “big lie” strategy is designed to exploit journalistic convention by providing rapid-fire “news” events for reporters to chase. Trump spews falsehoods in a blitzkrieg fashion, but the lies are only part of the game. What reporters continue to miss is the strategy behind the big lies: to divert attention from big truths. The technique is simple: create controversy and confusion around politically-charged topics to stoke his conservative base and distract from stories that harm Trump.
It’s a numbers game. The more he can get his key terms and images repeated in the media — even as “fact checks” — the more he wins. That’s just how our brains work. The more we hear about something, the more it sticks. Even if it’s not true. When I say “don’t think of an elephant,” it forces you to think of an elephant. Repeating lies, even to debunk them, helps spread and strengthen them. The scientific evidence is clear.
Trump’s most recent spate of large lies coincided with the shocking revelation that Saudi Arabia murdered and dismembered journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trapped in a terrible storyline — the President of the United States giving cover to a foreign leader who horrifically butchered a journalist — Trump started spewing new lies to change the subject.
He launched predictable attacks on immigrants, on California, on the voting process, on transgender people. He made entirely false claims about tax cuts. He counts on his political opponents to react passionately. He counts on reporters to chase his lies and distractions like dogs chase balls. Too often, they meet his expectations…
Trump’s success is rooted in the media’s tendency to amplify, rather than analyze, his tactics. Like a pickpocket who distracts your attention with one hand while the other hand takes your wallet, he knows what he’s doing. When Trump tries to keep them busy debunking sprees of lies, good reporters should pivot to focus on the relevant truth.
New Open Thread is HERE….
Washington Examiner tweet: ‘Trump is going to hell’
The Washington Examiner in a tweet early Monday said that President Trump “is going to hell” and that it “is garbage.” The news outlet says its Twitter feed was hacked.
“Trump is going to hell,” the tweet to the Examiner’s 140,000 followers begins. “Anyone who ever read the bible can tell you where it stands on rich adulterers.
“The key to God’s forgiveness is repentance. Trump’s entire political career has been about the exact opposite of that,” it continues before adding, “Also this paper is garbage for promoting ‘Trump and God.'”…..
The tweet was taken down at approximately 7 a.m.
The Examiner later tweeted that it had been hacked and it would issue a “further statement if necessary.”
Interesting watching Fox News this morning….
They actually had Democratic talking faces on and a top guy from Real Clear Politics which IS a lean Right outfit….
The pundits DO admit that they are likely to lose the House…
The Obama/Trump thing went on about the Economy ….
There are but 2 choices on the ballot tomorrow.
Democrat or Trump.
You don’t vote Democrat you are voting for Trump. Plain and simple.
For a good many it will be just THAT….
For some though?
It will be a connection thing that includes your personal living …
Healthcare /Pre-Existing benefits…
The direction of the country…
Now You’re right Scott about the push in the media to connect Trump to these things…
But some of them where here long before Trump co-oped them to centralize on him…
Some GOPer’s are NOT mentioned Trump at all…
And MOST democrats neither…
As I often do, I agree with every word of this David French column:
Trump is not on the ballot this year. Individual Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are. I hope the best person wins each race.
For me, that best person will be heavily, but certainly not unanimously Republican.
Trump may or may not be on the ballot in 2020. If he is, I intend to do as David French will, and vote against him and send a message to him via that vote, at that time. And the way things stand now, Democrats are unlikely to have done anything to earn my vote by then either.
Good Election Day Morning….
Around my way the weather is wet….
No Matter….
My wife and I WILL go to vote ….
I hope EVERYONE who can goes out does so….
My vote will be those I feel can help MY point of view advance…
As you point out CG?
Donald Trump actually isn’t running for anything
Those who would enable him to continue selling Bull Shit and using the Presidency to stroke his ego should be voted out of office….
Wins by Democrats is also a way to STAND UP and ensure that the PEOPLE of this Great Country have THEIR say in how it goes forward….
VOTE to let the world know that America is STILL a place that has people who CARE…
I’m sorry there isn’t more people expressing their views on this here…
But I’m glad that the number of visits ARE climbing….
Back from voting with my wife….
Place was busy…..
Workers said the numbers have been strong since they opened the doors….
Five Thirty Eight just ran a commercial
Brian Stelter
Fox statement re: Hannity and Pirro campaigning with Trump last night: “Fox News does not condone any talent participating in campaign events… This was an unfortunate distraction and has been addressed.” The statement also praises Fox’s “extraordinary team of journalists.”
728 days to 2020 November elections….
And that’s a wrap for me here….
All in all?
A split decision tonight….
Republicans hold on and get some gains in the Senate….
Don’t do as bad in the Governorships…
But Trump has to see Pelosi gain and nice sized majority in the House that will be a pain for Trump….
But will probably moderate him…
But make no mistake?
GOPer’s have problems festering….
They seem to be even more tied to Trump who is about HIMSELF and not the party ….
Pelosi is smiling tonight on her way back to becoming Speaker of the House…
She is gonna have a hell of a time steering her shop thru rough waters riled by a party that is divided in home they want to go forward….
Stay tuned for more…
Gonna be a TON of stuff coming out over what this vote means and will accomplish for the country…
And Robert Mueller is still snooping around folks…
Good Morning All….
Trump bring Press Sec Sanders and Kellyanne Conway on stage at a campaign stop today….
Susan Glaser
Prediction: We will look back on the pre-election as that nice quiet time before things got really crazy
Stock Market climbs 545 points on Midterm election….
Rudy Guilani is in court doing a divorce….
Rudy Giuliani stiffed his estranged wife, her lawyer claimed Wednesday in divorce court, to support his goomah, who is married to a former Marine….
Good Morning
A Hearty Good Morning to All…..
Morning People
The NY Giants win their SECOND game…..
Their Offensive line got their shit together….
Barkley, Beckham and Eli had good games!…..
Felt good!
Not good for their draft standing though..
My son wanted they to lose the rest of their games….
THAT wasn’t tonights goal, eh?
Ah, Guys?
We actually had comments tonight?
Morning Everyone who would come here….
Names mentioned as possibly being replaced in Trump admin….
And Bolton’s aide who seems to have pissed off the First Lady….
Holy Shit!
Judd Legum
“Since the tax cuts were passed, the 1,000 largest public companies have actually reduced employment, on balance. They have announced the elimination of nearly 140,000 jobs — which is almost double the 73,000 jobs they say they have created”
(Great job creation from the tax cut and giveaway to the rich)
Kevin McCarthy elected House Minority Leader for the Republicans in next years congress
US GOP Senator Flake says he will MOT vote on anything until the Senate considers a bill to protect Mueller….
Who in the GOP will stand by Flake?
If he holds this would he be getting back at Trump as he leaves Congress….
(The first version of this comment listed Flake as a Democrat, he is NOT…He is the outgoing Arizona GOP Senator)
Michael Avenstti has been arrested for domestic abuse in LA….
Update Link
Morning people….
If you stick around Z?
I’d like your view on if the ‘Economy’ is helping Republicans?
And if a recession is around the corner?
James, Yes. I think the economy helped Republicans and explains why Trump still has favorability ratings over 40%. Any time you simultaneously cut taxes and increase spending, you will see a short term bump in the economy. But massive borrowing from foreign investors is horrible for the economy long term, in much the same way that a person who borrows money to buy a Porsche can have a short term illusion that his standard of living has improved.
I do not see any current signs of an imminent recession, especially since there is no political desire to either rescind the tax cut or cut spending. Most likely spending will continue to increase since neither party has the desire to stop it. But last time I looked, inflation was clearly on the uptick – even if it has received little attention by the press which is understandably more concerned about other things. I expect that inflation rate will continue to increase given our government’s current desire for massive deficit spending.
Thank You for your analysis Z….
I have been posting that several economists feel that the tax cut, increased deficits and the Trade War’s ARE ominous precursors to a slowdown sometime middle to late next year….
But I agree fro now?
Things are SAID to be fine…
I think most of us do NOT actually ‘feel’ the good economy…
The tax cuts are hardly notable to middle class folks…
Wage grown seems top be confined to min wage gains….
The Wall Street people are afraid of the Fed increasingly ….
Good Morning All……
Morning All….
Morning All….
4 House races still outstanding….
Utah’s 4th CD Democrat has claimed that he has beat Republican Mia Love…
More @ Roll Call….
Post coming this evening on the MY Times revalatiin piece about Trump seeking to have his government lawyers go after Hillary Clinton and James Comey who he STILL considers political rivals …..
Morning all on a cold but beautiful day…..
My favorite holiday is tomorrow….
Hope all come here are in good health….
He, he, he….
Have some fun watching this….
Morning People….
The Lead CNN
“I don’t want people to forget the first 500 days of the Trump administration, which is what this represents … I’m also trying to correct some of his lies and falsehoods with photographic proof,” says former presidential photographer Pete Souza about his new book, “Shade”…
Morning People….
Morning People….
Good Morning All…..
After two sharply clashing polls over the holiday weekend, RealClearPolitics average net -10.1% disapproval of the President’s performance (42.9% average approval – 53.0% average disapproval).
Rasumussen Reports (Nov. 21-26): 49-49 (net +/- 0)
Gallup (Nov. 19-25): 38-60 !!! (net – 22)
Thanks DSD….
Post coming on this
Good Morning All…..
Morning All….
Nice to have some conversation back here for a bit….
Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Senate voted 63-37 to discharge from committee the Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) –Mike Lee (R-Ut) resolution to disallow authority for aiding the Saudi campaign in Yemen under the War Powers Act.
All the nays were Republican as were 14 of the ayes (5 listed below who had voted against tabling this last March plus Alexander & Corker of Tenn., Flake of Ariz., Murkowski of Alaska, Young of Ind., Portman of Ohio, Toomey of Penna, Cassidy of La & Graham of SC).
Last March, the Senate had voted to table this resolution by a vote of 55-44 (John McCain, R-Az, not voting). Five Republicans (Lee, Rand Paul [Ky], Susan Collins [Me], Jerry Moran [Ks] & Steve Daines [Mt]) voted against tabling as did both independents (Sanders & Angus King [Me]).
Ten Democrats, just over half of them vulnerable, had voted to table the resolution: Reed & Whitehouse from deep-blue, very safe R.I., Coons of Delaware, Cortez-Masto of N.M., Heitkamp of N.Dak., Menendez of N.J., Manchin of W. Va, Donnelly of Ind., Nelson of Fla, and Jones of Alabama.
Interestingly, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, whose seat was so vulnerable that she lost this month, voted against tabling Sanders-Lee, as did Jon Tester re-elected from an even redder, Trumpier state, Montana. But the so did his Republican partner from Montana, Steve Daines.)
(March 20 vote to table) https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=115&session=2&vote=00058
(Nov. 28 table to discharge) https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=115&session=2&vote=00250
So we are just talking about a resolution right?
It has NO legal juice?
The action by the Saudi Prince was WRONG….
That said?
I’ve pointed out before here…
There is little to NOTHING the United States is gonna do to the Saudi’s….
We NEED them strong in the Middle East to counter balance Iran….
I have pointed out that Bush II in going after Saddam Hussein caused Iraq to cxollapse and therefore allow Iran to grow stronger with less opposition…
Every US Senator KNOIWS what In just said…
We can have ALL the resolutions they want…
We can even say we won’t refuel the Saudi warplanes operating over Yemen…
But in the end?
The US/Saudi relationship will continue to be strong
No, James, as I understand it this War Powers resolution is more than the sense of Congress. Should it pass, it would stop all funds, after I think 2 months, to support an overseas military action not endorsed (as this has not yet been) by Congress. The Executive may have primary authority over most military actions, but funding most definitely must come from Congress.
This doesn’t mean that (should it pass) there won’t be a huge constitutional wrangle. Ever since Frank Church’s day, hard-line interventionists and constitutional conservatives have argued against the validity of The War Powers Act, as has I think every Republican presidential administration (and perhaps one or two Democratic ones, too). So I would be very far from astonished if a War Powers Act resolution is at least challenged in the courts — although how effectively is another question.
We are both partly right and the Senator’s aren’t stupid….
The ‘resolution’ actually is about helping then Saudi’s in Yemen….
It won’t effect anything else….
It would call for the Trump admin to cease any action in Yemen NOT oked by Congress….
This vote is the ok to actually HAVE a vote….
NOT the actual Senate vote…
I’m sure that if Trump leans HARD against this it won’t go anywhere….
My ‘long game’ view’ WILL prevail…..
WTF wants to be record voting to make things MORE crazy and necessitating MORE US Troops being sent in harms way in the region…
Morning People….
A person NOT having a one?
Donald J. Trump, eh?
Morning on the first day of December…..
Has Donald Trump blinked on his promise to level more tariffs on Chinese imported goods? ….
Bloomberg is reporting there will no more tariff increases after Jan.1….
Trump and Xi have agreed to keep their trade war from escalating with a promise to temporarily halt the imposition of new tariffs, Chinese state-run TV reports bloom.bg/2E6NYS7
Good Morning People…..
NC-9 CD vote results are STRINGLY in doubt
I’ll have a post on this later….
98% of the absentee ballots came back as Republican….
Morning All….
Best of the morning for everyone!
Stock Market falls 600 points due to investors worries about if the Trump talks with China will earn results.,..
Trump and the truth DO NOT often work
And his deal making is suspect…
Make the drop 799 points…..
4th worst drop…..
Post coming on Mike Flynn and Mueller
Morning People….
Trump stupid bull shit comment of the day…..
President Trump claimed that his approval rating would be 75% if it wasn’t for special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
Said Trump: “Without the phony Russia Witch Hunt, and with all that we have accomplished in the last almost two years (Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judge’s, Military, Vets, etc.) my approval rating would be at 75% rather than the 50% just reported by Rasmussen.”
FiveThirtyEight has Trump’s average approval at just 41%.
Morning …..
An ill wind is blowing on the American economy …..
Mueller Michael Cohen throwdown our…..
Post coming…..
Mueller asks for significant jail time,…
Adds a new allegation about Russian connects….
More connection to Russia by Trump?
Southern Ditrict of New York court papers…..
New York federal prosecutors conclude and assert that when Michael Cohen committed a campaign finance violation, he “acted in coordination with and at the direction of” Donald Trump (page 11), which means their other evidence is consistent with Cohen. justsecurity.org/wp-content/upl…
Ronato Mariotti
Mueller throws down paperwork reads that Manafort lied to government officials which could mean addition charges even while Manafort is in jail….
Mueller filing on Cohen is soft
Southern District is hard….
Good Morning People…..
Morning All….
[May be time for a new Open Thread]
Pres. Tweets since Friday:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
It was my honor to attend today’s #ArmyNavyGame in Philadelphia. A GREAT game played all around by our HEROES. Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football on the win!
Great honor to be headed to the Army-Navy game today. Will be there shortly, landing now!
Watched Da Nang Dick Blumenthal on television spewing facts almost as accurate as his bravery in Vietnam (which he never saw). As the bullets whizzed by Da Nang Dicks head, as he was saving soldiers….
….left and right, he then woke up from his dream screaming that HE LIED. Next time I go to Vietnam I will ask “the Dick” to travel with me!
Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!
“This is collusion illusion, there is no smoking gun here. At this late date, after all that we have gone through, after millions have been spent, we have no Russian Collusion. There is nothing impeachable here.” @GeraldoRivera Time for the Witch Hunt to END!
I am pleased to announce my nomination of four-star General Mark Milley, Chief of Staff of the United States Army – as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing General Joe Dunford, who will be retiring…
….I am thankful to both of these incredible men for their service to our Country! Date of transition to be determined.
The idea of a European Military didn’t work out too well in W.W. I or 2. But the U.S. was there for you, and always will be. All we ask is that you pay your fair share of NATO. Germany is paying 1% while the U.S. pays 4.3% of a much larger GDP – to protect Europe. Fairness!
The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting “We Want Trump!” Love France.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
The White House
Dec 7
This afternoon, President Trump delivered remarks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference where he reinforced his commitment to making our communities safer for all Americans.
Totally clears the President. Thank you!
It is being reported that Leakin’ James Comey was told by Department of Justice attorneys not to answer the most important questions. Total bias and corruption at the highest levels of previous Administration. Force him to answer the questions under oath!
Hopefully Mitch McConnell will ask for a VOTE on Criminal Justice Reform. It is extremely popular and has strong bipartisan support. It will also help a lot of people, save taxpayer dollars, and keep our communities safe. Go for it Mitch!
Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
The White House
Dec 7
President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference
I am pleased to announce that I will be nominating The Honorable William P. Barr for the position of Attorney General of the United States. As the former AG for George H.W. Bush….
….and one of the most highly respected lawyers and legal minds in the Country, he will be a great addition to our team. I look forward to having him join our very successful Administration!
I am pleased to announce that Heather Nauert, Spokeswoman for the United States Department of State, will be nominated to serve as United Nations Ambassador. I want to congratulate Heather, and thank Ambassador Nikki Haley for her great service to our Country!
We will be doing a major Counter Report to the Mueller Report. This should never again be allowed to happen to a future President of the United States!
Today, we honor those who perished 77 years ago at Pearl Harbor, and we salute every veteran who served in World War II over the 4 years that followed that horrific attack. God Bless America! http://45.wh.gov/AK2T95
It has been incorrectly reported that Rudy Giuliani and others will not be doing a counter to the Mueller Report. That is Fake News. Already 87 pages done, but obviously cannot complete until we see the final Witch Hunt Report.
China talks are going very well!
Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest. And bye the way, wasn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of “legal” at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt…
….Will Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report. Will Andrew Weissman’s horrible and vicious prosecutorial past be listed in the Report. He wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies, only to be……..
…..overturned, 9-0, in the United States Supreme Court. Doing same thing to people now. Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton….
….Foundation be listed at the top of the Report? Will the scathing document written about Lyin’ James Comey, by the man in charge of the case, Rod Rosenstein (who also signed the FISA Warrant), be a big part of the Report? Isn’t Rod therefore totally conflicted? Will all of….
…the lying and leaking by the people doing the Report, & also Bruce Ohr (and his lovely wife Molly), Comey, Brennan, Clapper, & all of the many fired people of the FBI, be listed in the Report? Will the corruption within the DNC & Clinton Campaign be exposed?..And so much more!
Arizona, together with our Military and Border Patrol, is bracing for a massive surge at a NON-WALLED area. WE WILL NOT LET THEM THROUGH. Big danger. Nancy and Chuck must approve Boarder Security and the Wall!
Trish_Regan: “Did the FBI follow protocol to obtain the FISA warrant? I don’t think so. The Dossier was opposition research funded by opponents. Don’t use Government resources to take down political foes. Weaponizing Government for gain.” Is this really America? Witch Hunt!
Jerome Corsi: ”This is not justice, this is not America. This is a political prosecution. The Special Prosecutor (Counsel), to get this plea deal, demanded I lie and violate the law. They’re the criminals.” He is not alone. 17 Angry Dems. People forced to lie. Sad! @Trish_Regan
Statement from China: “The teams of both sides are now having smooth communications and good cooperation with each other. We are full of confidence that an agreement can be reached within the next 90 days.” I agree!
Does the Fake News Media ever mention the fact that Republicans, with the very important help of my campaign Rallies, WON THE UNITED STATES SENATE, 53 to 47? All I hear is that the Open Border Dems won the House. Senate alone approves judges & others. Big Republican Win!
My thoughts and prayers are with the @USMC crew members who were involved in a mid-air collision off the coast of Japan. Thank you to @USForcesJapan for their immediate response and rescue efforts. Whatever you need, we are here for you. @IIIMEF
Without the phony Russia Witch Hunt, and with all that we have accomplished in the last almost two years (Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judge’s, Military, Vets, etc.) my approval rating would be at 75% rather than the 50% just reported by Rasmussen. It’s called Presidential Harassment!
New Thread coming a bit later today….
It appears that ‘The Donald” and his ghost writer’s have been busy….