This IS GOOD news for Democrats….
Elect Project is tracking early voting in the 2018 midterm elections.
Michael McDonald: “The levels of engagement are just bonkers in some some states. If this keeps up, we’ll have turnout higher than the 2016 presidential election. That can’t happen, can it? You’d think this has to level off at some point, but there are no signs yet.”
“Usually early voting increases as Election Day nears. Maybe there is a rush to vote right now among the most politically interested, and early voting levels will stagnate. Whatever is happening it is most unusual compared to recent midterm elections.”
My post on Turnout and Democrats….Here...
Evan Siegfried
Yes, young voters and millennials are going to vote in record numbers in the midterms: ”Exit poll data from competitive statewide elections in 2017 suggests that 2018 could set a record high for young voter participation.” @geoffreyvs is right.