A woman has informed Sen Feinstein about a alleged sexual misconduct incident back in Brett Kavanaugh’s High School days….
The information has been referred to the FBI….
On Thursday, Senate Democrats disclosed that they had referred a complaint regarding President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to the F.B.I. for investigation. The complaint came from a woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct when they were both in high school, more than thirty years ago.
The woman, who has asked not to be identified, first approached Democratic lawmakers in July, shortly after Trump nominated Kavanaugh. The allegation dates back to the early nineteen-eighties, when Kavanaugh was a high-school student at Georgetown Preparatory School, in Bethesda, Maryland, and the woman attended a nearby high school. In the letter, the woman alleged that, during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself. Although the alleged incident took place decades ago and the three individuals involved were minors, the woman said that the memory had been a source of ongoing distress for her, and that she had sought psychological treatment as a result.
In a statement, Kavanaugh said, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”
Kavanaugh’s classmate said of the woman’s allegation, “I have no recollection of that.”
The woman declined a request for an interview.
In recent months, the woman had told friends that Kavanaugh’s nomination had revived the pain of the memory, and that she was grappling with whether to go public with her story. She contacted her congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, a Democrat, sending her a letter describing her allegation. (When reached for comment, a spokesperson for Eshoo’s office cited a confidentiality policy regarding constituent services and declined to comment further on the matter.)….
Counter from Kavanaugh….
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Friday denied an allegation of sexual misconduct, a day after Senate Democrats said they had referred the incident to the FBI.
“I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation,” Kavanaugh said in a statement provided by the White House, his first comments on the allegations. “I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”…
I believe this “story” is likely completely false, but if every single word of it was true, then he as a High School student, gave up a lot easier than Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton did against Juanita Broderick.
The biggest difference of course is that Juanita was actually willing to go public (years later) and had collaborating witnesses who confirmed she told them what happened at the time. There is also of course a pattern of behavior as well. Nobody has ever accused Kavanaugh of anything improper until this.
(What role did the friend play? How did she “escape” if she was being held against her will?)
This just reeks of a weak attempt at a Hail Mary pass by discredited and embarrassed Democrats.
The fact that Feinstein has been sitting on this since July says it all.
It IS a Hail Mary….
If this was 30 years ago…. it begs the question why so long?
Guys HAVE been losing their jobs for stuff like this recently
It will be up to the media and public if this matters on the vote….
It almost certainly never happened, and I think even the people who very much want to oppose Kavanaugh for ideological reasons believe this is likely made-up. Some will speak publicly though as if the mere allegation has to be disqualifying.
If someone made this up, it’s totally disgraceful. Feinstein sat on this for months, because she knew how flimsy this allegation was, but with Kavanaugh sailing to confirmation, she has to try to look like a “progressive warrior” to her constituents back at home who have a more liberal option on the ballot this November.
You do NOT KNOW if anything happened……
We’ll all have to see how this plays out…
I also do not know the things you might have done and that I heard you did from a person who hates you that made anonymous allegations on here….
Don’t get silly CG….
We have to wait on Kavanaugh….
We’ll see what they do up on the Hill…
What’s there to wait on. He has unequivocally denied it as has the friend in question. Nobody has publicly (or privately) stepped forward to say there is any credence to this allegation, and the FBI chose not to investigate it.
Call the vote today. It’s long over.
The vote could be next week….
Maybe not….
It’s up to the Senate GOPer’s
and it’s 36 years ago, when he was a minor.
They can’t even get this woman to testify like Anita Hill did, so don’t expect anything to come of this, except that his young daughters have to be put through an ordeal like this, purely for political purposes.
Agreed…On the time factor…
And Yes it IS political….
I just want it stated for the record, that while I would never vote for Hillary Clinton and had tremendous dislike for her candidacy, I spent hours on another blog defending her from the allegation that she got a child rapist acquitted and laughed about it.
The facts are, that in her role at the time, as a public defender, she did nothing improper.
Agreed On Clinton who I too defended but had concerns about….
It’s a shame that Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd are no longer in the U.S. Senate to comment on this “allegation.”
What they did, as United States Senators in 1985, in a public place, which was collaborated long ago, by a victim who actually went public, is something that those on the left shrugged off for over 30 years. Dodd ran for President in 2008 and was never even questioned about this, because people considered it “ancient history.”
Some anonymous, last-minute accusation, about what Brett Kavanaugh supposedly did as a 17 year old though, and which he has unequivocally denied, is now supposed to disqualify him..
These ARE different times….
There is a website looking to see if there are anymore of these Kavanaugh incidents…
If they ARE?
He IS in trouble for the job….
If your troll comes forward with more allegations, the future of PDog1 may be in serious doubt….
Also, maybe Ted Cruz’s father did kill JFK? I mean, “lots of people are saying so…”
Different times, but any chance to scream what about a Kennedy or Clinton is never passed up by a Republican.
Im the end while charges of attempted rape are serious I don’t think this will have any effect on the Kavanaugh nomination.
Ah, another Clinton deflection from our friend who is regularly obsessed with things that happened thirty years ago.
First Clarence Thomas and now this, an attempted rape. Do we think Brett would have gotten into law school if this had become public back then?
The difference between Kavanaugh and these other stories is that Brett will get this job for life, the others were subjected to the voters.
It is already obvious that Brett lied to the Senate in his original confirmation hearings, and that the Republicans are trying hard and successfully to hide his writings.
The least that could happen would be to have a complete process and give investigators time to look into all these allegations.
When many here suggested that Al Franken should have been subjected to such a process we were told that he needed to resign immediately. This Kavanaugh story is no different than what Clinton or Franken were accused of.
We can afford to have a thorough investigation. Maybe Mueller can help?
Lets face it….
There ARE different standards for Democrats and Republicans….