micah (Micah Cohen, politics editor): Today’s debate will center around this tweet from a political analyst:
So, we’re gonna try to do what Nate suggests here. The Republican side of this basically comes down to one person, President Trump — whatever he tweets or talks about stands in for the GOP’s message — so we’ll focus on Democrats today. In short: What topics/issues should Democrats focus on and what should they not focus on to set themselves up for the most success in this year’s midterm elections?
To give us a baseline, I made a list of topics by combining the options in Gallup’s “most important problem” survey and Pew Reseach Center’s “policy priorities” poll and then adding and subtracting stuff as I saw fit. (It’s surprisingly hard to make a list like this, so feel free to add stuff. Also, some of these obviously overlap.)
We have 100 “attention points” to divvy up between 34 topics. I’m going to unveil how I allocated them and then you all can refine and adjust. Ready?
natesilver (Nate Silver, editor in chief): Ready player one.
Ready aim fire.
Ready or not here I come.
clare.malone (Clare Malone, senior political writer): Yup.
- Corruption in government — 20
- Trump’s behavior — 12
- Situation with Russia — 10
- Health care — 8
- Civil rights — 8
- Gap between rich and poor — 6
- Immigration — 5
- #MeToo — 5
- Race relations/racism — 5
- Elections/election reform — 5
- Guns/gun control — 4
- Criminal justice/police — 4
- Environment/pollution — 2
- Drugs — 2
- Terrorism — 1
- ISIS — 1
- Trade — 1
- Education — 1
- Economy in general — 0
- Unemployment/jobs — 0
- Federal budget deficit/federal debt — 0
- Taxes — 0
- Corporate corruption — 0
- National security — 0
- Crime/violence — 0
- Situation with North Korea — 0
- Defense — 0
- Abortion — 0
- The media — 0
- Care for the elderly/Medicare — 0
- Social Security — 0
- Energy — 0
- Russia investigation — 0
- Regulations — 0
I’ve thought this through carefully.
But, anything jump out to you as “WTF are you thinking, Micah!!!!”?
natesilver: Lol that’s a lot of issues….
Here is what I think that most Democrats should emphasize. Of course, the below list will and should differ considerably by congressional district. So while “Pollution” in general did not make my list, it would probably be #1 in Flint Michigan. Likewise, while I believe that most Dems should be talking about gun violence, it should not make the list in places like Montana.
•Corruption in government
•Trump’s behavior
•Situation with Russia
•Gap between rich and poor
•Federal budget deficit/federal debt
Also, I would use the term “gap between the rich and middle class” – not “rich and poor”. Most Republicans and Independents don’t really care about the poor -as Republicans and Independents who are poor nonetheless see themselves as middle class.
My list….
Trump’s ineptitude
Republicans aren’t your friends
Gun violence …
Tolerance for America in the 21st Century
Drug problems…