Joe Biden is the current frontrunner among Democratic voters for President in 2020, he actually has been for a while..... President Donald Trump “dreams” about running against former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, he said in a “CBS Evening News” … [Read more...] about Trump would LOVE to run against Joe Biden in 2020….Hillary Clinton Polling Update…
Trump looks forward to a second meeting with Putin….
Maybe the guy needs more instructions from his handler? Trump IS likely to meet with Putin in New York in September at the annual UN General Assemby get together.... President Trump on Thursday suggested he will hold a second meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to … [Read more...] about Trump looks forward to a second meeting with Putin….
House Republicans turn to infighting over Rosenstein…
Freedom Caucus House Republicans want the Justice Dept. /Rosenstein to hand over FBI information on their Russian 2016 probes.....That or be kicked out of the Justice Dept..... The Special Counsel is activity investigating the matter and as is normal? Refuses to turn that … [Read more...] about House Republicans turn to infighting over Rosenstein…
Trump tries to recover from getting rolled by Putin….
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he accepts the conclusions reached by the U.S. intelligence community that there was meddling in the 2016 election, according to wire reports. Why it matters: Trump's remarks come after he faced sharp criticism, including from his friends … [Read more...] about Trump tries to recover from getting rolled by Putin….
Republicans in Congress offer silence and mild criticism of Trump/Putin session….
The usual anti-Trump Republicans offer rebukes to Donald Trump's Helsinki comments , in which he praised Russian President Putin and stood by the Russian against his own countries Intelligence Community.... The fear of Republican lawmakers to cross Trump is still … [Read more...] about Republicans in Congress offer silence and mild criticism of Trump/Putin session….
He was a ‘predator’: BBC reveals more evidence that Trump is a giant, gross perv…
Aldous J Pennyfarthing @ Daily Kos “Donald Trump is a disgusting, concupiscent diaper full of ogre shit with a diseased lab monkey brain who preys on vulnerable underage girls” will likely not be the lead headline from the … [Read more...] about He was a ‘predator’: BBC reveals more evidence that Trump is a giant, gross perv…
Florida is now Trump’s strongest swing state….
Trump has grown less popular in the Midwest.... But Surprise! He is actually more popular in Florida.... Incumbent Democratic Senator Bill Nelson is behind current Republican Gov. Rick Scott in the polls also.... (Scott is also more popular with Democratic Puerto … [Read more...] about Florida is now Trump’s strongest swing state….
China does NOT blink in Trump trade war escalation….
China has NOT backed up one bit in the face of Donald Trump's increasing import fee's against their products.... That while grumbling increases by American companies against Trump's actions.... New York Times: “The trade war between the United States and China showed no … [Read more...] about China does NOT blink in Trump trade war escalation….