The Bipartisan frame work has little to do with President t Biden's initial rollout .... It is 1/5 of what Biden wanted to spend.... There are NO new taxes.... And it's JUST about capital spending..... In order to make Democrats happy? There IS gonna have to be … [Read more...] about Looks like Biden HAS a ‘possible’ Infrastructure deal….
Sen. Sanders will not approve higher gas or electric car taxes for infrastructure bill….
Hmmmm? The Senator from Vermont leads the Senate committee that will vote on any final committee bill ... Democrats want a gas tax... Republicans want an electric car tax.... The Biden 'Go BIG ' bill seems to be shrinking by the day.... “What is in the bipartisan … [Read more...] about Sen. Sanders will not approve higher gas or electric car taxes for infrastructure bill….
New Infrastructure Deal will have NO Tax increases?…..
President Biden rolled out his Infrastructure proposal with tax hikes to pay for things.... It WAS supposed to also undo some the 2017 Trump/Republican tax reform thing that actually was a giveaway for the rich and corporations ... THAT is NOT gonna happen it … [Read more...] about New Infrastructure Deal will have NO Tax increases?…..
About a Infrastructure ‘deal’ with Biden and Senate GOPers?
Breaking…. A new group of Senator’s from both parties say they have a deal on infrastructure …. There was always gonna be a Biden infrastructure bill…. It IS IN Republican’s interest But? I’m thinking …. It will only become law if the ‘deal’ contains NO TAX … [Read more...] about About a Infrastructure ‘deal’ with Biden and Senate GOPers?
Like Big Business…Rich people pay little to NO taxes..
A look at what the iconic 'rich guys' tax data just confirms the above.... *The 'look' seems to have come from data from internal IRS files , which is NOT suppose to happen..Ref: Donald Trump?*) The Middle Class people of America pay the governments bills.... There is … [Read more...] about Like Big Business…Rich people pay little to NO taxes..
Manhattan DA works on turning Trump ‘s accountants….
Using a criminal grand jury.... DA Vance and his people are applying a vice on the guys who handled Donald Trump's and his businesses money.... A senior finance executive at Donald J. Trump’s family business has testified before a state grand jury in Manhattan as prosecutors … [Read more...] about Manhattan DA works on turning Trump ‘s accountants….
President Biden REALLY wants a Infrastructure Bill….
Wake up people.... President Biden has been Senator Biden for a LONG time.... The idea that Biden offers 'concessions' to the Republicans to get a final bill is of course stupid.... This IS how legislation gets done in the nations's Capitol... President Biden was … [Read more...] about President Biden REALLY wants a Infrastructure Bill….
Biden Infrastructure Bill …Senate Republicans balk….
The negotiations HAD been close to a deal.... But it appears that President Biden's 'Go BIG' thing just wasn't gonna work with Republicans Senator's.... Biden wanted to pay for the Infrastructure AND climate change AND other social safety net things with tax increases....He … [Read more...] about Biden Infrastructure Bill …Senate Republicans balk….