When it comes media and Sanders TV?...... Bernie Sanders "has spent the last year and a half building something close to a small [TV] network out of his office in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill," New York Magazine's Gabriel Debenedetti writes. Flashback: … [Read more...] about Bernie Sanders acting like Donald Trump?
Donald Trump
Fired FBI Deputy Director McCabe will sue the Government over his termination….
Only with Donald Trump could we have a upper level FBI guy going after the Government for his termination as a defense against him being looked at criminally... I guess the Stormy Daniels thing has embolden people to fight Trump.... US President's CAN BE sued Civilly while … [Read more...] about Fired FBI Deputy Director McCabe will sue the Government over his termination….
How Trump Tried To sell Forbes Into Thinking He Was Super ‘Loaded’back in the day….
He hasn't changed much after 30 years.... He is STILL trying to sell people stuff that ain't true... ....When the Forbes 400 was first published in 1982, Trump tried to persuade Greenberg he was worth $900 million. The magazine estimated his worth at $100 million. The … [Read more...] about How Trump Tried To sell Forbes Into Thinking He Was Super ‘Loaded’back in the day….
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani joining Trump defense lawyers….
Donald Trump has not been able to attract high level legal representation.... Adding Rudy is probably more political than anything else.... Guilani is a former US Attorney in New York..... Rosenstein told Trump that he's not the target of a criminal investigation this … [Read more...] about Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani joining Trump defense lawyers….
Rod Rosenstein told Trump he is not the target of the Mueller probe…
Anyone surprised at this? I'm NOT... Anyone think Rosenstein was gonna go into the White House and tell President Trump he was the 'target' of a criminal investigation? I don't know where the Mueller probe is going.... But being told he's NOT the target? Sure gives … [Read more...] about Rod Rosenstein told Trump he is not the target of the Mueller probe…
A Republican talking head pleads for a new party and thinks Dem’s could get 40-50 House seats come November….
Alex Castellanos does a pice in Politico this morning that argues that under Trump? The Republican's will lose a TON of House seat elections in 6 1/2 months from now.... His piece is acll to action for the Grand Ole Party now.... He outlines several goals that the party … [Read more...] about A Republican talking head pleads for a new party and thinks Dem’s could get 40-50 House seats come November….
Donald Trump’s Party?
Jonathan Bernstein over at Bloomberg argues that it really isn't.... He points to the media saying the same thing about past Republicans , only to see their disappearing , and their influence going with them out the door.... Hmmmm? Well... I agree with Bernstein who … [Read more...] about Donald Trump’s Party?
Why would anyone want to work for Donald Trump???
The guy has gone thru half the people he brought on in about 14 months.... Others have lawyer they have to pay for because of they're working for Donald Trump.... Employee's are expected to be 'loyal' to their boss and not the American public/tax payer.. Staff will be … [Read more...] about Why would anyone want to work for Donald Trump???