Howard Dean said that above back in December ..... It was just pointed out to read a piece by Adam Davidson over @ The New Yorker..... Wow!... Davidson touches on a whole bunch of things I've been pointing out here at the PDog for a while.... Davidson's piece jumps … [Read more...] about DNC head Howard Dean… Trump is running a ‘criminal enterprise out of the White House’
Donald Trump
Comey…Trump Asked me To Investigate about a ‘Pee-Pee Tape’
If Donald Trump was in the damn tape? What did he expect the FBI Director to do? Sent agents to find if there was a tape and turn it over to him? Is this what the Russians have on the guy? President Trump wanted James Comey to investigate the infamous “pee tape” … [Read more...] about Comey…Trump Asked me To Investigate about a ‘Pee-Pee Tape’
Republican (and Democratic ) Senator’s move to support Mueller….
While we don't know what House Republicans would do? More and more US senator's are announcing support for Robert Mueller's tenure as Specail Councel (Prosocutor) .... Would congressional Republicans draw a line in the sand when it comes to protecting special counsel Robert … [Read more...] about Republican (and Democratic ) Senator’s move to support Mueller….
James Comey is about to get even….Open Thread for April 9, 2018
The media readies for Comey’s swipe at Trump (he already beat up Hillary Clinton) in his book tour, which starts on Sunday and runs for a month…The book is already close to top of the Amazon book list….It goes on sale April 17th… Trump is NOT gonna be happy reading about the … [Read more...] about James Comey is about to get even….Open Thread for April 9, 2018
Scott Pruitt’s EPA hasn’t actually cut much of anything?
Politico is out with a piece that points to a EPA head that is all over the media in a unflatting way.... That has his bosses blessing because the rightwingnut's think he's doing a good job.... But isn't..... EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s spiraling ethics scandals … [Read more...] about Scott Pruitt’s EPA hasn’t actually cut much of anything?
Trump goes hard to try get ‘deal’s’ that most often do not happen….
Axios points to the oldtimer's method of operation now and in the past.... This is how he has lived his whole life: promising big things, and creating on-the-edge, "Apprentice"-style drama — then changing his mind. Show less He threatened to veto a spending … [Read more...] about Trump goes hard to try get ‘deal’s’ that most often do not happen….
Those troops won’t be leaving Syria anytime soon…
I poised the question in a earlier post about Trump 's off the cuff remark that he wanted all the American troop's* out of Syria 'soon'.... 'Their boss just either is signalling a change in policy, or?....Does NOT know WTF he's talking about....' I think the answer is the … [Read more...] about Those troops won’t be leaving Syria anytime soon…
Update…Robert Mueller has told Trump’s lawyer’s their client is not on the hook criminally…
But? Mueller & Co. REALLY want to talk to Donald Trump face to face... Mueller HAS told Trump's lawyers that they WILL being releasing several reports on their investigations.... And they ARE considering obstruction of justice and want to know the WHOLE truth … [Read more...] about Update…Robert Mueller has told Trump’s lawyer’s their client is not on the hook criminally…