Even though she is still in third place in the Real Clear Politics polling averages? It IS clear that Warren is encroaching on Bernie Sanders campaign support.... While Sanders comes across as bit gruff and angry ..... Warren has been pushing her anti -big business … [Read more...] about Elizabeth Warren post debates Update….
Fact…90% of Americans ARE covered by current healthcare insurance….
Bernie Sanders wants to throw out the Affordable Healthcare Law also known as Obamacare... The support For vs Against the Obamacare Healthcare law is currently 48%/41%*.... Among Democrats....For vs Against is 80%/12%*..... America's much-maligned health care system is … [Read more...] about Fact…90% of Americans ARE covered by current healthcare insurance….
Donald Trump continues his racial politics…Brings up Al Sharpton….
A year and half after 8 years of Barack Obama? Donald Trump goes out his way to disrespect just about ANY person of color that he hears about... Racial politics is back in America BIG TIME front and CENTER.... President Trump, after a weekend spent assailing a leading … [Read more...] about Donald Trump continues his racial politics…Brings up Al Sharpton….
Some Republicans really worry about Kamala Harris….
Her first debate performance got EVERYONE'S attention... Including Donald Trump people.... The issue for here will be getting the nomination on the Democratic side... Her polling numbers have actually dropped since the first debate.... She's back in fourth place as of … [Read more...] about Some Republicans really worry about Kamala Harris….
Trump wants Obama Book deal investigated?
Donald Trump REALLY hates the guy who had Presidency before him.... Barack Obama seems to get under his thin skin..... So much that he just said something REALLY stupid and small minded.... President Trump on Friday lashed out at Democrats over … [Read more...] about Trump wants Obama Book deal investigated?
Democrats need Ohio…Biden is only one to top Trump there….Q Poll…
That's the story about 17 months out from Election Day.... Joe Biden continues to be the 'electability' candidate for Democrats and the one Republicans should be worried about.... Former Vice President Joseph Biden leads President Donald Trump 50 - 42 percent in the … [Read more...] about Democrats need Ohio…Biden is only one to top Trump there….Q Poll…
Biden pushes back against Booker and Harris….
The 'Black' vote is the basis a Democratic Presidential Nominee's support.... Joe Biden has most of it because he WAS Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years.... The two Black candidates for the 2020 nomination are trying to dislodge that Balc k voter support.... So … [Read more...] about Biden pushes back against Booker and Harris….
Nobody is gonna impeach Donald Trump….
Ya gonna have to VOTE his ass out of office.... Democrats need to stop the impeachment bull shit to get media attention and turn to making sure they win their elections next November.... The simple reason on this has been there ALL along.... They do NOT have the votes to … [Read more...] about Nobody is gonna impeach Donald Trump….