First it was ALL DRepublicans.... Then maybe Democrats hold ALL.... Now? It's settled down to Republicans get the House majority by a small margin. And? Democrats hold their Senate majority and maybe gain a few seats for insurance... But? There seems to be a … [Read more...] about Midterms 2022…Looks like a GOP House gain…Democrats hold the Senate….
Latino/Hispanic students in American Higher Eduction Zooms up 287%….
Latino/Hispanic population gains in America have passed Black's and is still climbing.... Despite recent noise some places... Latino/Hispanics overwhelming like and vote Democratic .... Hispanic student enrollment at four-year colleges and universities has reached an … [Read more...] about Latino/Hispanic students in American Higher Eduction Zooms up 287%….
Republicans Rick Scott & Tom Cotton will campaign FOR Hershel Walker…..
Republicans need the US Senate seat so bad it seems they'll hold their noses and help Hershel Walker try to walk thru the mud for a possible win.... Donald Trump, the guy who pushed Walkler to run, has NOT annouced a trip to the state to support his floundering … [Read more...] about Republicans Rick Scott & Tom Cotton will campaign FOR Hershel Walker…..
President Biden’s polling numbers are NOT getting much Better….
Yea there will be stories about Joe Biden's approval numbers getting better ... They haven't so much.... Biden continues to poll in the same place roughly 44% averge approval.... But? 53% average DISapproval..... Now let me give him a bit of a … [Read more...] about President Biden’s polling numbers are NOT getting much Better….
Georgia US Senate Update 10/6/2022…Warnock matains his lead…Will Trump abadon Walker?
Lets get something straight.... Despite the media horse race headlines.... US Senator Warnock leads in the November polling to keep his job .... Hershel Walker has NEVER led in any of the Real Clear Politics listed polls..... Walker , who sometimes has trouble chewing … [Read more...] about Georgia US Senate Update 10/6/2022…Warnock matains his lead…Will Trump abadon Walker?
The House Democrats won’t get rolled…Pelosi….
Another pundit is now saying that Democrats ARE expected to lose their slim US House majority.... But? There probably is NOT be a 'Red Wave' blow-out .... Is that why Nancy Pelosi said out loud she thinlks she'll still be Speaker when the dust settles after the November … [Read more...] about The House Democrats won’t get rolled…Pelosi….
DeSantis and Rubio lead in Florida Polling…BEFORE the Hurricane….
I'd say these polls are usless right now.... The next round done AFTER the storm would be more telling ... And more done a few weeks from now.... Turnout will also be smaller... So? Pundits comments now are based on something that does not exist in Florida … [Read more...] about DeSantis and Rubio lead in Florida Polling…BEFORE the Hurricane….
It’s a Long Shot…But Democrats COULD actually hold their slim majority in the House….
That from NY Times The Upshot pundit Nate Cohn.... The media narratrive HAS been that the Republican's WILL gain a majority come 2023 from November's Midterm's... If for reason they DO hold on? Nancy Pelosi WILL be the second coming..... And Joe Biden will be walking … [Read more...] about It’s a Long Shot…But Democrats COULD actually hold their slim majority in the House….