The 'experts' info IS common sense.... A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that mask mandates were linked to a decline in COVID-19 cases and deaths. The study also found that allowing restaurant dining was linked to increases in cases … [Read more...] about CDC…Masks Work…..
New Democratic power dynamic in the US Senate…’Centrists ‘…
These Democratic Senator's are working to cut back some President Biden's Stimulus Bill.... They can because the Senate political power margins are so tight.... Joe Biden's unity pleas where supposed to be for Republicans... Now? Who else? A bloc of … [Read more...] about New Democratic power dynamic in the US Senate…’Centrists ‘…
Cuomo Update….3/5/2021
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo isn't going anywhere.... The media has reported that NY State lawmakers are moving to take away Cuomo's ability to do executive orders.... THAT is NOT true.... He's the Governor... He STILL Can do them.... The lawmakers would have 30 … [Read more...] about Cuomo Update….3/5/2021
Florida GOP Governor DeSantis climbing the 2024 Presidential chart….
Forget Donald Trump, Hawley, or even Cotton... The swimming against the tide Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has a roll going among those who are letting go of loser Trump and looking for the next anti-establishment Republican... DeSantis is using the same Trump … [Read more...] about Florida GOP Governor DeSantis climbing the 2024 Presidential chart….
Virus cases drop slows…(3/3/2021)
They continue to drop , but it seems that the big drops the past week and half may have been due to weather and other situations.... The vaccination rate has accelerated.... Almost 10% of Americans have received both shots.... The Johnson & Johnson single single shot … [Read more...] about Virus cases drop slows…(3/3/2021)
Fauci…Get the Two Shots…..
The nation's top virus doctor warns that those getting the Pfizer and Moderna virus vaccines should get BOTH shots... Not just get the first shot and wait... Both those vaccine's claim at least 94% effectiveness against the Covid virus... The government’s top … [Read more...] about Fauci…Get the Two Shots…..
Biden is warned against moving too fast on border immigration…
The warning comes from a Democratic lawmaker whose district runs along the border.... Oh? And Donald Trump mentioned immigration and Biden in the same sentence as a repeat of his demonising the issue...AGAIN.... In reality? The issue of immigration IS a complex … [Read more...] about Biden is warned against moving too fast on border immigration…
President Biden has signed more than 50 executive actions …Open Thread for 2/26/2021
A good amount of them UNDO actions of his predecessor President Trump... They are the first wave of Joe Biden's efforts to put things back together for the American Government... President Joe Biden has signed a flurry of executive orders, actions and memorandumsaimed … [Read more...] about President Biden has signed more than 50 executive actions …Open Thread for 2/26/2021