Remember?:...... Donald J. Trump ran AGAINST the Grand Ole' Parties lawmakers ..... The party fought against him before their voters jumped ship FOR Trump.... Donald Trump is by trade a New York Real Estate guy.... He wasn't a politican.... THAT fact played well … [Read more...] about Republicans lawmakers are worried about a party leader they never were happy about in the first place….
Team Biden begin’s gaming out a Presidential run….
Former Vice President has started and stopped run's for the American Presidency several times.... He's been a heartbeat from the office for 8 years..... At his age? This is his last chance.... His team is beginning to explore the options in HOW TO run this … [Read more...] about Team Biden begin’s gaming out a Presidential run….
AG Sessions tells his US Attorney leave small marijuana cases alone…..
After scares that the Feds might decide to crash the recent move by states to decriminalize recreational marijuana use? The US Attorney Gnereal has found it nesccasry let people know that he is NOT changing the previous admin's policy of leaving policing marijuana use up to … [Read more...] about AG Sessions tells his US Attorney leave small marijuana cases alone…..
Donald Trump accepts invite to talk to North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un…
The American President allways said he'd sit down and talk to Notrth Korean leader.... Actaually? It's just about the ONLY option he has to deal with that country.... North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un,All the bluster about militayr action was just … [Read more...] about Donald Trump accepts invite to talk to North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un…
Florida GOP Governor signs new gun control bill into law….
I'll take the hit.... I have been saying over and over that the protest's aftre the latest mass school shooting would NOT change anything.... I has sorta in Florida.... Good.... Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a sweeping $400-million school safety bill on Friday, … [Read more...] about Florida GOP Governor signs new gun control bill into law….
NY Daily News….Trump has S**T FOR BRAINS…
New York Daily News New York Daily News … [Read more...] about NY Daily News….Trump has S**T FOR BRAINS…
Andrew Cuomo’s ex-wife…..Kerry Kennedy…..
[ Kerry Kennedy says she plans to vote 'for the person who makes the best lasagna' as governor. ] A little visit to next Governor of New York State's ex-wife..... who happens to be Robert Kenndy's daughter......and the mother of Andrew's three daughter's....... Kerry … [Read more...] about Andrew Cuomo’s ex-wife…..Kerry Kennedy…..
Should Democrats target Arizona, Texas, Georgia for 2020?…
Intriguing thought..... Don't know how long it would get Democrats actually pull off..... But taking Texas? Whew THAT SHOULD cement Electoral College things..... California , Texas and New York? In Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and the rest of the country, as the … [Read more...] about Should Democrats target Arizona, Texas, Georgia for 2020?…