Not Donald Trump….
He ain’t smart enough….
And don’t fool yourself…
If this stuff gets too Hot for him?
He’ll drop it in a second….
It just fits his ego….
This stuff IS WTF Over Biden and Democrats heads….
They where asleep at the wheel…Check that…They knew something was coming…
But NOT how deep the planning was…
And they will need Trump and the Project’s overreach to help them slow this effort down…
Some of it WILL stick….
Paul Rosenzweig: “The first 10 days of Donald Trump’s presidency have seen such an onslaught of executive orders and implementing actions that Steve Bannon’s strategy to “flood the zone with shit” seems apt. But that characterization is incomplete, and it obscures a more frightening truth: The Trump administration’s actions have been not just voluminous but efficient and effective. Though Trump himself may not appreciate the depth of detail that has gone into these early days, his allies do appear to understand what they are doing, and they seem to have his unquestioning consent to do whatever they like.”
“And what they want is very clear: to take full control of the federal government. Not in the way that typifies every change of administration but in a more extreme way designed to eradicate opposition, disempower federal authority, and cause federal bureaucrats to cower. It is an assault on basic governance.”
“A great deal of thought has gone into this effort already. The executive orders and sundry administrative directives and guidance that have been issued reflect a profound understanding of the federal government and exactly where the weak spots within the bureaucracy might lie.”
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