Been saying this for YEARS….
The LeftWingNuts of the party only can produce so many votes….
Democrats HAVE TO begin talking to those other voters….
The once-fringe idea of Democrats appearing on conservative-leaning media is suddenly going mainstream in the wake of the party’s 2024 election losses.
Why it matters: Nearly a dozen House Democrats tell Axios that party members need to increase their appearances on conservative-leaning and non-traditional platforms, or risk irrelevance.
- They say they no longer can look past the huge audiences offered by Fox News and conservative podcasts, whose messaging power became evident when Republicans swept the White House and both chambers of Congress in last month’s election.
- “If half the country is watching and we gotta win 50% plus one, how can you reach anybody when you’re not talking where they go?” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) told Axios.
Driving the news: Most Democrats still prefer to stick to friendly outlets such as MSNBC or the more neutral CNN, where they can typically avoid confrontations and adversarial interviews.
- “I think one of the lessons learned from the 2024 election is that we have all but ceded alternative media to the conservative movement,” said Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.).
- “If we have confidence in our message, we should be prepared to take our message to every corner of the ecosystem — including in politically hostile environments.”….
I don’t subscribe to this theory. America is a reactive country. Not right or left.
And as to these new sources of media, I do not see them as beneficial to a party in power. Not that I expect Joe Rogan and his ilk to rally his listeners behind the Democrats in the midterms. He’ll likely just go apolitical and apathetic.
I agree about new media
As i HAVE pointed out ENDLESSLY HERE
Trump’s clown show appearances appealed to the media
Biden NEVER grasped the importance of BEING PRESIDENT IN THE MEDIA
Even now he had disappeared
Obama and Bill Clinton wore the office like badge
Biden never got past being on the second string’
He to this day can’t get past that for more than a few seconds…..
Further more?
Afghanistan was the beginning he NEVER really recovered from
Now all that doesn’t take away from the fact that he was a fairly decent guy and President
Immigration in the last year
Student loan forgiveness
Infrastructure aid
No major loss of troops
Whether fairly or not, I think the American people see a ton of chaos under Biden. They expect chaos now and will abide it under Trump, as long as they think the economy is good.
Trump tried to sell Biden/Harris as ineffective
Not chaotic
Abbott’s migrant export’s drove the immigration narrative
Legal Migrants….
No, I assure you, people think there is chaos in the economy, chaos in world events, chaos with crime, and a good deal of people consider anything associated with transgenderism as chaos, because somehow they think it affects their life.
As a society, we have not gotten over Covid and all the chaos it brought to our lives and the economy, even as the disease receded as a health danger,
He, he ,he
On SEVERAL things base my view
Abortion WAS a HUGE thing a year ago
It did NOT turn out votes
Mass shootings WAS a HUGE thing forever
Gun control has been abandoned by Democrats
Trump and Harris LOST the help the poor and middle classes vote to a capitalist that has SIX Bankruptcies and is a convicted felon
Immigrant rights and support has helped Trump return to office
Trans rights?
A Woman President?
As President, Biden has not been young or healthy enough to be “flashy.” We have learned more about how his staff limited his public exposure. Thus, a lot of difference between him and Obama and Clinton.
However, upon becoming President, Biden tried to act domestically as if he were FDR and LBJ and while I understand the Democrats here may have liked those policies, the American people did not, and held Biden responsible for high inflation, massive illegal immigration, and perceived crime waves. America is a “center-right” country and neither Trump/Biden have or will govern in such a way, which is why both parties have a ton of trouble on the horizon.
One thing Americsns sure as shit don’t want is a return to Bush/Cheney/Romney foreign and domestic policies.
Honestly you’d probably find 5% across the political spectrum who think invading Iraq was a good idea.
I think most of the Trump base and a very large portion of America would very much be behind regime change in Iran or the concept of fighting Middle Eastern terrorists such as Hamas. For all of Trump’s left wing Daily Kos talk about “neo-cons” and “warhawks”, he has said far more belligerent things in regards to wanting to fight or hurt other countries than any other President ever has, and his people support it.
It’s just defending Ukraine against Russia that seems to be a non-starter for so many of those people, because they associate a conflict between Ukraine and Putin as a proxy for the left vs. Trump.
I see no evidence that Republicans have warmed to the Middle Eastern wars that were a hallmark of the Dubya years.
Even the biggest GOP hawks of the 2000s like Lindsey Graham seem to have complete amnesia regarding their role in those involvements.
The Bush/Cheney/Romney GOP is dead and even those like Graham who were very much a part of it act as though the “real Republican Party” started the day Trump went down the escalator.
Trump WILL inherit the High inflation
Trump will also inherit a 50%+ drop in border crossing’s
Abbott created the ‘migrant’ problem and it
will go away with his stopping exports of legal migrants to Democratic states
Trump WILL be starting a hornet nest of shit with detention’s
Biden’s staff was doing what their boss wanted
May i remind you?
Trump got KICKED OUT of office for being a FAILURE
Abbot did not create the “migrant problem.” He and others simply acted in a way that was distasteful and exploitative but very politically effective.
You continue to not understand the the nuance between “legal” and “illegal” in regards to those people. They crossed illegally in order to take advantage of the legal process.
Abbott exploited the situation
Legal migrants ARE LEGAL
Trump’s guys WILL Run into the difference
Seeking asylum is legal. However, crossing the border to do so is not.
Thus, they came illegally and took advantage of laws that only applied to them once their illegal activity ocurred. Whatever the nuances of the current law and technicalities involved, this provided to be a tremendous problem for Americans, including those who were recent immigrants themselves.
What Abbott, DeSantis and others did was exploitative to the humans who were moved from one place or another, in some cases without their approval, but it was highly successful politically. It did demonstrate the dire effects the mass migration had on places like Texas. In theory, it did make sense to most Americans that the places in America which had designated themselves “sanctuary cities” for illegal immigrants should put their money where their mouth was and share in the burden and responsibility.
I get that attacking Bush/Cheney takes you back to your safe, nostalgic space.
The fact is that thought if Trump invaded Iran or attacked Iran, his supporters would be vehemently all for it, and in general, so would over half the country.
You think a war with Iran would be popular right now? You may have had too much holiday cheer.
Anything Trump does will be popular with Trump supporters. Anything.