Remember how Joe Biden BEAT Donald Trump because Trump fucked EVERYTHING up?
Donald Trump is gonna get a chance to fuck things up Bigger and BIGGER this time….
He’s Older, Angrier , Meaner and more beholding to the RightWingNuts….
Below is the Wiki look back at the 2020 election….
Time magazine Nov. 2020
It all finally caught up to him. The lies, the outrageous boasts, the disorder and disastrous management, the rants and the race-baiting, the predatory instincts and compulsion to dominate—all the things that made President Donald Trump the ringmaster of the American political circus at last compelled a majority of voters to drive him out of the tent.
Few other Presidents in modern history so inflamed the nation or exposed the cracks in our democracy as Trump. In the end, Trump’s pride didn’t just precede his fall, it precipitated it. Until the final months, his campaign was managed by a novice who burned through millions of dollars. Trump thought he could wish away a deadly virus. He dismissed his legions of critics, preferring to bask in the adulation of fans. He governed as President only of his base, and he ran for re-election without pivoting toward the center. He barely articulated a policy vision for a second term. He campaigned hard, jetting to dozens of rallies on Air Force One in the final weeks of the campaign, and outperforming the expectations of many thanks to a formidable ground game, a sophisticated campaign data operation and a passionate base of support.
But in the end, the Trump presidency ended much as it began: with a thin margin in key states separating two candidates in an anxious nation, and Trump appealing to America’s demons over its better angels, hurling baseless claims that he’d been robbed.
Trump was defeated because of his “failure to connect on the thing that voters most cared about, which was coronavirus,” says Sarah Longwell, founder of Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT). While legions lost jobs, closed businesses, refrained from hugging their aging parents and homeschooled their children, “what Trump did was decide to pretend like coronavirus wasn’t the most dominant thing in people’s lives,”…..
These failures have made Trump the one thing he was raised to fear most: a loser. Early in his life, Trump attended the Manhattan church of Norman Vincent Peale, the evangelist who preached self-realization and wrote the 1952 best-selling book The Power of Positive Thinking. But in politics, his talent was for channeling anger and resentment.
“Losing is never easy,” Trump mused at his campaign headquarters on Election Day. “Not for me, it’s not.” For a man who has craved praise above all else, being the first President in nearly 30 years to be cast aside after a single term is surely a difficult blow. His ego may be bruised. But bearing its own wounds, the country is now faced with the challenge of how to heal…..
I did this post to REMIND anyone what mess Trump left the place before he lost his job…