Maybe not as many as Biden…
Maybe So?
She did the story the night of the Harris/Trump debate….
They want to hear More from Harris & Co…..
Ana Navarro‘s documentary The Latino Vote: Ana Navarro’s American Tour will premiere on Sunday, September 29, at 8 p.m. ET on CNN as part of The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper.
The political commentator has been traveling across the U.S. talking to Latinos ahead of the upcoming presidential election. Navarro shared a preview of her documentary and her excitement over the premiere.
“The Latino Vote really can make or break these elections. It is of crucial importance in several swing states,” Navarro posted on Instagram. “I am most definitely not voting for Trump, but I went into this with an open mind. I wanted to understand what is driving Hispanics to the polls. We traveled around the country and spoke to Latinos voting for Trump, Harris and even undecided. We put names and personal stories behind the statistics. We heard their concerns, priorities and fears.”….
In the final weeks leading up to the election, Harris is looking to shore up support from Latinos in key battleground states like Arizona, where they represent about 1 in 5 voters. Harris campaigned in Arizona on Friday, visiting a city along the U.S.-Mexico border and delivering a message of how she will be tough on border security. She will be Nevada on Sunday for another campaign stop. In both states, Latinos make up significant shares of the electorates.
After Harris replaced Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee, many Latino voters were more upbeat about the party’s ticket, leaders and activists said. But the vice president hasn’t reached the level of support she needs from Latino voters and lags behind past Democratic candidates’ performances….
Interviews with Latino voters in Arizona and Pennsylvania — another battleground state — show that the cost of living and state of the economy remain major concerns. Some also think Biden and Harris didn’t do enough to address immigration, with some on the left frustrated they did not deliver on implementing more compassionate policies and others upset they haven’t been more aggressive in securing the southern border. Even if Latinos — like Calvillo — won’t vote for Trump, any erosion of support for Harris could make a difference in a razor-thin race….
Carlos Odio, co-founder of Equis Research, a Democratic Latino research firm, said Biden lost some of the support he saw from Latino voters in 2020 — and while Harris has gained some ground, she hasn’t been able to fully recapture it. Now Harris faces “a lot of discontent that lingered for a very long period of time,” Odio said.
“You have some voters, who had already defected and just have not made their way back,” he said.
Odio said Harris is in a strong position with Latino voters — even if she doesn’t hit 2020 levels. She can afford to lose a couple points with Latino voters in some battleground areas and still win those states, he said. But that is tougher in Arizona, which Biden narrowly won in 2020 by fewer than 11,000 votes…
“Never in my life have I worked this hard, and I still can’t even make it,” said Calvillo, who also owns a barbershop.
Latino Democratic leaders have praised Harris for her outreach to Hispanic voters not being limited to the Southwest, but extending to states like Pennsylvania and North Carolina, where Latinos are a growing part of the electorate. They also applaud the campaign for recognizing the nuances among Latino populations in each state…..
There’s a certain “ unreality” to this.
Biden and Harris didn’t do enough to address immigration?What exactly does that even mean.Do they not understand that Trumps idea of “ addressing “ immigration is to deport them?And that at various times he and his minions have hinted that even those here “ legally” may need to go to?
Talk about needing a reality check!
I agree……
Immigration is a complex issue that the Congress has left up succeeding Presidents to handle back and forth……
Nobody can stop people from coming here
Nor is it actually healthy for a complete shutdown
In the case of some Latino’s
Once they get legal?
They frown on illegal’s
And some don’t
Donald Trump IS talking about WHOLESALE ROUND UPS…..
Won’t work
But it could year the ass out of things
Lost in the mind’s of America
Everybody’s family HERE?
Came from somewhere ELSE
Do Americans want to go back to to times of ‘show me your papers?’
This in the times that employers can’t get people to work????
Steve Kormacki @ Twitter
NBC/CNBC/Telemundo poll of Latino voters:
Harris 54%
Trump 40%
For comparison, merged data from our pre-election polling of Latino voters in the 3 previous races:
2020: Biden +36
2016: Clinton +50
2012: Obama +39
And an average of exit polls and post-election surveys among Latinos in 2020:
Biden 63%
Trump 33%…