The media and other Democrats maybe on his case….
But the Democratic President is NOT giving ANY indication he’s giving up his race for a SECOND Term….
Behind the scenes, Biden has remained steadfast despite the growing number of Democrats calling for him to stand down, telling key allies that he’s the best candidate to not only beat former President Trump but to save democracy. The proof, he says, is in the last three and a half years. And his 2020 campaign. Not to mention Trump’s surprise defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Biden has told allies for years that he could have won that race.
And while his critics have said he’s leaving a lot to chance, Biden has maintained the opposite position: Handing the baton to another Democrat is a risky proposition.
“He believes in his core that he understands the electorate and where Americans are and that he’s the one to do this, to win,” said one key Biden ally who has spoken to advisers in the president’s small inner circle. “He’s dug in.” ……
Biden is now daring Democrats to challenge him at the Convention.
Getting uglier by the hour. Trump probably shouldn’t believe his luck, but he definitely does.
And people said Biden couldn’t be STRONGER?
Man seems to hanging stronger against his own then he was against Trump…..
Bonus Quote of the Day
“The bottom line here is we’re not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere.”
— President Biden, calling in to Morning Joe, while adding “I don’t care what the party elites want.”
As long as he “gives it his all.” That’s all that matters. On to the 2028 midterms!
I actually did mean to type 2026, but must have fallen into the Biden trap of mixing up election years.
No no Joe…
The “bottom line” is you lose.
Who knew that I am an”elitist.?”
I might have called you that before, but now the nominee of your party is going to use that line against people like you, while being cheered on by the anti-establishment grassroots of the party. Reportedly, the CBC is standing behind Biden and demanding he not get out.
Both parties, and our politics in general, have significant “anti-elite” and “anti-establishment” sentiments. “Owning” the other team is considered more important than having a cogent or realistic plan to actually govern or advance an agenda.
WTF was ALL this BEFORE the damn debate???
Attacking the media. Claiming the “polls are great.” Bragging about a crowd size. Attacking the “elites” in the party. Basically threatening a murder-suicide pact against the party. Even the spray tan he was using on Friday….
Biden is becoming Trump. Democrat hardliners are becoming “Blue MAGA” (h/t Ghost)
Credit Biden Primary challenger Cenk Uygur, frontnan of the Young Turks media empire. It was his videos, which I hadn’t watched much of before the fallout from the debate(I watch Secular Talk and Majority Report with Sam Seder mostly), that ended up decisively swinging me away from being a “lemming”(h/t CG) for Biden and more of a poll denialist than I already was. That is his term, and if the blue glove fits… Though at least Keith(the man I may have slagged too much with that moniker) was willing to openly, if briefly entertain his stepping aside for VP Harris.
Again, there was never going to be a telep.rompter allowed during the debate. The Biden defenders keep wanting to act like he needs to be given points for reading off a teleprom.pter or reading talking points in an off camera, friendly-arranged, phone interview. The man can still read. Nobody should be claiming otherwise.
I do not think any of these things, or literally anything he had done, in any day since the debate, has helped him with swing voters, or people in his own party who now realize just how serious this crisis is.
Biden is holding his own in most of the swing states and is actually competitive in NC and Ga……..
And this shit is taking AWAY from the what should be the REAL PUSH….
This is not reality. The polls in all those states were bad before the debate. They are worse now. They will be even worse the longer this goes on. Keep in mind, Biden has had the airwaves in those states to himself. Trump has not even started running ads yet. Trump is having money pour in. Some large Biden donors have decided to abandon him.
The big push should of course actually be who is capable of being President for four years. Both presumptive nominees refuse to take cognitive tests. Maybe they can play golf together.
It’s mainly blue states like New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Maine’s statewide EV’s(among I’m sure others) that have slipped away from him, as well as former swing states like Virginia and New Hampshire and cratering to disastrous new lows in Iowa.
Granted, to your point on the Southern states, I have a great feeling about flipping Arkansas and Texas if we get Bibbles out of the way. I know people who are working hard and really hustling in the former state. Trump still wins FL, but that may not be enough to save Rick Scott. Likewise with the GOP crank in Montana.
Please publish my posts which are in moderation.
Right now, there is one that is missing.
It’s up
Chuck Todd
Biden’s anger at “elites” is a bit misplaced. Without the “elites,” he would have had a serious primary foe. Without the “elites,” the No Labels effort would have a compelling ticket. Arguably, it’s the “elites” who put too much faith in Biden that got the Dems in this position.
This is completely correct. The Dem “elites” spent months ridiculing No Labels and shaming them into submission, so they would not be a spoiler. I was saying then, this was all being done because they knew Biden had to be propped up. Now, when it is obvious he can no longer be propped up, he and his family/team are turning against the very people who bought him additional time.
The one conspiracy I entertain is that said elites gave Joe Lieberman, head of the No Labels effort, that final push into the great beyond. I wondered how much of a coincidence it was that he died right in NL’s clutch moment.
These things should not even need to be said but if Biden and those around him were truly convinced he was the right person to take on Trump and be President for another full term they ought to look at the numbers and be willing to do ANYTHING to turn things around.
He would be doing tons of detailed live interviews. Press conferences until the journalists ran out of questions. Unscripted Town Halls with all sorts of voters. There seems to be a reason why it’s not even a consideration to do these things.
If he truly has a clear bill of health, and maybe he does, he would release all the records, everything, and challenge Trump to do the same. If he and the people around him really think he is mentally fit and just had “one bad night”, now that the cold and the jet lag should be over, he ought to be asking an independent doctor to give him a cognitive test on live television and challenge. Name 15 animals or 15 wotds that start with a B or whatever else the test involves and challenge Trump to do the same.
Otherwise, this is all a giant fraud. They do not really care about Trump being back in power. They are willing to let it happen.
Excellent point CG…….
Biden is more into being President which IS his day job, eh?
Were the heck IS Trump?
On Truth Social, as he is every day.
The longer people don’t see Trump, the better for his campaign. Sort of similar to how Covid and the lack of a traditional campaign benefited Biden in 2020.
My point exactly!
Indies ain’t on Truth Social unless they ain’t Independent’s!
Come ON!
THE undecided’s gonna vote mostly AGAINST TRUMP because people vote AGAINST candidates NOT FOR THEM…
Yes, it’s good that actual persuadable voters are not on Truth Social. They cannot ignore Biden though. The entire Republican convention next week could be nothing but showing Biden video on loop.
“Undecideds” almost always break for the person who is believed to be favored to win. People want to go with a “winner.”That is probably going to be Trump. In 2016, a bunch of people voted for Trump as a “message” not expecting, or even wanting him to win, but that seems a special case.
This year, there will be a bunch of votes for third party candidates and a lot of people who just stay home or leave the top of the ballot blank.
Do Democrats really think that Harris (not to mention someone else) would do WORSE at this point?
There have been various tidbits in the media relative to prominent Democrats agreeing that Biden needs to step aside but they are refraining from calling for such until he makes one more big flub .
If this is so they are playing a dangerous game .Once Biden gets the nomination it will be too late.There is no mechanism to remove a nominee who refuses to go.
This whole mess is personally disappointing to me.For eight years now the Democrats at least held the moral high ground as the Republican Party was taken over by a liar, a cheat, and a thief and watched as this common crook literally co-opted the term “ conservative “ as those who claimed to be of that persuasion watched on helplessly and slowly were co-opted themselves and joined in the lying ,cheating and thievery of their new leader.
If the Democrats sit by and renominate a man who,while I believe to be a good and decent person,is nevertheless becoming daily more infirm and is visibly deteriorating before our very eyes?Then we become no better than the Republicans .
Both supporting two men who ,though for different reasons, have no business serving as President of the Inited States.
I feel ya…….
But it seldom is that simple…….
Trump IS the GOPer
It looks like Biden MAY just be Dem….
We’ll just HAVE to wait
And while Biden IS getting a beat down?
By HIS party people and MEDIA
Trump IS doing the ‘Right Thing’ by moving to the MIDDLE
All this effort AGAINST Biden is stiffening Biden’s resolve…..
As I said yesterday……
Maybe this could make Biden’s supporters double down come November?
I’m Hoping and Praying
What does this even mean?
Again what is your point?
You “ feel” me?What in the hell does that mean?
No it’s very “ simple.”The idea that Biden is going to “ get better” is an absurdity.’80+ yoa people don’t l get “better. “It’s called aging.His gaffes are going to be more frequent and likely more odd.
Indeed there is no cure for aging, but for some conditions there are prescribed medications, treatments, therapies etc. You see ads on tv all the time targeted at seniors for over the counter Prevegan and things like that that is supposed to “improve brain health.” That may not be a panacea but there appear to be questions about just how honest Biden (and his family) are in dealing with his declining health. Are they in denial? He is seemingly not willing to take a cognitive test, not even to humor people or attempt to prove them wrong
This whole situation is relatable to people who have parents around Biden’s age or who once did. Are the people around him too scared to really say anything? If he is not at least doing everything he can to treat whatever issues he has? If not, a great disservice is being done to him personally, especially since he is POTUS right now.
Old people don’t count ?
Cept for Donald Trump who IS 78?
A convicted felon
Sexual predator
Owes $850M in civil fines
You two guys should check yourselves
The old stuff only applies to CERTAIN DEMOCRATS
CG please inform us of the average age of the congressional leadership?
The average age of the Congressional Leadership is much, much, younger than Biden, especially since Pelosi and her team passed the torch to others (but stick around anyway.) Mitch McConnell is doing the same after this year.
Now, the age thing does not apply to Trump, but perhaps in three years, we will see age having a major effect on Trump, the way the past three years have on Biden.
People do not view Trump as old. For one thing, he did not bomb the debate because he was tired or jet lagged. He was just Trump.
Fair or not, people do not view Trump as old. They view him as a child, if anything. It is also true that Trump looks about 15 years younger than Biden.
Replace Biden with someone younger, and Democrats can push the age/senility card against Trump. As things stand now, they have no credibility to do so.
The whole “check yourself” business is entirely pathetic of course. It is what someone says when they literally have nothing else to say. I heard it from cultists on one side when I refused to go along with Trump, as they did, and now the Blue MAGA cult is acting entirely the same way.
I congratulate jack for being able to actually see what is going on in his party. There may still be time to for them to fix this, but the clock is ticking.
Yeah he has nothing left to say ,if he ever had anything to say to begin.
His constant reiteration that Trump is a convicted felon, sexual predator and has a bunch of civil judgments is old and worn out.
Everybody knows all this,yet it hasn’t effected his poll standings at all.Indeed since Bidens debate flop ,his numbers have increased.If he had any analytical ability at all,he could see that Biden is not going to win this election.He doesn’t.
He has spent eight years now claiming that Trumps political demise was right around the corner and he has been WRONG for eight long years
But he won’t quit.He can’t.As I’ve said before ,he simply develops a narrative,rarely factual,keeps repeating it over and over and in a real sense it becomes his reality,thus…
Trump is a criminal, a sexual predator and owes a lot of money which means he’s going to lose the election ,while blithely ignoring the sad spectacle of Joe Bidens declining ability to serve and the electoral debacle the Democratic Party is now facing
No Jack…..
The PROBLEM is what u just said
It doesn’t matter how screwed up Trump IS!
He’s the ‘ That’s Entertainment’ STAR …
U and others deserve to share the loser tag they are trying to pin on Biden…..
Some Democrats, as usual, make sure that they DO NOT WIN AND KEEP IT…….
Obama goes in with Majority Congress
What happened?
Democrats can’t get their stuff together
They lose it!
Seriously Jack?
I think the Russian’s probably paid some of the stuff to grow
Heck i said it before
Sell all the election stuff !
Just make Donald Trump the Damn KING!
Three years difference?
Optics is a problem for Biden, but his problems go far beyond “optics.”
I will re-phrase what james should be saying. To many Americans, it does not matter how “screwed up” the challenger is. The bottom line is Biden is an incumbent running for reelection with historically low popularity and that was BEFORE the debate. Elections like this are only about the incumbent. Even if people at large shared the Democrats’ view about Biden having a great record, and based on his polls, they clearly do not, there is not a case that can be made at this point for him being an effective President in 2025, let alone 2026 or beyond.
It’s over for him. Move on to somebody else, even if they also have vulnerabilities. They cannot be as bad as Biden’s at this point, and also thank your lucky stars that Republicans were dumb enough to once again nominate Trump, and if staying in power is all that matters, once the change is made, pray that Trump might not croak before Election Day.
Optics IS THE STORY, eh?
‘Trump is NOT OLD’……
I agree that what ur selling is unfortunately the sorry truth…..
George Clooney may wind up being Time’s Man of the Year.
Now, we have reached the “Russians hacked Biden’s debate” portion of james’ ever steep descent into the depths of delusion.
It is funny having looked back (since I did not remember) how in 2008, when he was all in for Hillary, he was insisting that Obama was a sure loser, and would sink the party forever.
Off on a tangent here, but I could make a case that in a way james could be considered correct because had Obama not ever been nominated, the Democrats would be a far stronger party, than they appear to be now, but that’s all irrelevant at this point.
After the economy cratered in September of 2008, Hillary would have beaten McCain. Maybe she would have been a one-termer, but the all-out hero worship of Obama kept the party from cultivating a bench or a message beyond Obama’s powers. Trump never would have become President. Biden not either of course, considering he won the nomination in 2020 thanks to the goodwill he received from many in the party for the years he spent standing behind Barack Obama at events in aviators and smiling.
I have also commented before that if Hillary had dropped out in the 2016 cycle because of her horribly unethical actions with classified information, which surely, would have required her being fired at the time if she were still Secretary of State, Democrats could have replaced her with a still reasonably young Joe Biden and he would have easily beat Trump in 2016
Politics is all about timing, and Biden’s time in politics has reached the end of the road.
Whew CG?
Where are you going?
Biden HAS been equal or better then his former boss……
But Obama did EIGHT YEARS
In a backwards way YES……..
The country seems to HAVE delt with a Optical’Black’ President by electing a piece of garbage White Crook……
America going backwards with the help of the Alito 5 ……
And Democrats are falling over trying to make sure Trump gets a chance to finish screwing up stuff MORE …….
And it would seem he’s going to get over Jack tells US?
Claim # 1, Democrats are wrecking their chance to stop Trump by putting Biden forward as his opponent
Claim #2, Democrats are wrecking their chance to stop Trump by potentially not putting Biden forward as his opponent.
One of these things is more accepted than the other.
I WAS WRONG on Obama
I didn’t think America would actually accept a mixed race President…….
We was ALL WRONG in 2016…..
The Russian line was sarcasm
Just curious, did you think the political problem was because he was as you put it, “mixed” or because he was considered black? Did you think it would have not been as much of an issue if he had two black parents?
No CG……..
He WAS and IS considered Black even if his mother wasn’t…..
Correct. You often have referred to Obama as “mixed” though, and I can understand people having their own perspectives on things like that, but on the surface, it sounds disrespectful or dismissive of him.
But NOT‘disrespect ing’ his mother by NOT ACKNOWLEDGING her?
I believe a white mother can have a black child, biologically or otherwise. Racial identity is an individual thing. I do not believe acknowledging Obama as an historical black American is anyway disrespectful to his mother. People have the right to their own perspectives and people have the right to view themselves as part of their own family structure whatever way they want. Typically, the term “biracial” would be used more than “mixed” these days.
I just think if you ask Obama himself, he would just say he is African-American or black.
Actually, the new line is that the Russians hacked Rob Reiner’s Twitter account. Brain rot either way.
Yes, three years. Life can move fast when you are old. It should scare us all. Biden was in far better shape three years ago. Do you really think Biden can actually be President in any sort of substantive way three years from now? If the answer is no, his candidacy for the job is a fraud. Nobody can honestly say yes though, that he is going to somehow finish a second term, no worse than he is now.
Some people also differently than others. There is no doubt that many men were in far worse shape than Biden at a much younger age, but it is also true that people Biden’s age or older, are in better shape physically and cognitively.
In the case of Biden, he has always looked older than he is. He ran for the Senate at age 29, and people saw him and thought he was 45 then, which worked to his benefit.
I CERTAINLY DO FEEL President Joe Biden WOULD BE a DAMN BETTER President than Trump…..
Hands Down……
You did not answer the question. Not surprising. You often refuse to answer questions when you know you are “caught.”
And I was trying to post a brief thing on another matter, and it won’t get thru the filter, so that is my cue to stop.
I just want to touch on the “Old” debate from earlier, that term is relativistic…Trump is indeed old, indeed bat shit crazy and indeed goes off the rails incoherently at times, but when he does, weather it is his makeup or his energy he doesn’t seem as old as Biden…now if they had cameras in the court room, we might have been able to see an “old” Trump…
All the images and pictures frozen in time from the debate make Biden look old, senile and feeble…those can’t be erased, I watched the debate and I saw it with my own two eyes…he looked “old” relative to Trump weather it was because Trump had energy and had the same four talking points to say over and over again while Biden tried to make coherent policy statements that he just fumbled time and time again.
But in the end voters are going to the polls in less than 4 months and they are left with an old choice and an older choice…I don’t believe after that debate Biden can beat Trump…I was fifty-fifty before the debate…It was a toss up, but his appearance at the debate lost him key votes because people will be scared that he isn’t physically up for the job…He can’t beat or persuade perception, in my opinion for the good of the country and the good of the Democrats he should step aside as I think most other Democrats not named Clinton could wipe the floor with Trump (and my logic goes counter as well, most any other Republican could wipe the floor with Biden with the exception of Trump, but now even he seems poised to be able to beat him as the media and the Democrats begin to circle in the water like Piranhas)
Yes Bdog……..
Me and MOST Democrats STILL support the President who polls BETTER THAN any one else except Michelle Obama and she ain’t running…..
This is not true. According to the ABC poll out today, 62 percent of Democrats and Democrat leaners think Biden should get out of the race.
Harris runs three points better against Trump than Biden does in that poll.
Blacks, Old people, Hispanics and OTHER DO support Biden…..
Harris , Newsom and Whitimer do NOT run Better than Biden who HAS actually BEAT Donald Trump.…
Now, you are just echoing what Chris Matthews said, without citing him. It is a weak argument.
Anybody runs better against Trump than Biden. The ABC poll is already showing Harris does. This is going to be a difficult few days for you. The outcome is inevitable.
Like I said yesterday,he makes something up,keeps repeating it and the facts be damned and now it’s become his “ reality.”
A short time ago, Biden introduced President Zelensky as “President Putin.” He then caught himself a few seconds later, but a bad gaffe, whatever the circumstances,. Zelensky replied “I’m better” (than Putin.) He was very classy to not have retorted by referring to President Biden as “President Trump.”
Press conference is in a few minutes. However, it goes down, I think it is already too late.
Press conference is being delayed. Maybe he will pull an Axl Rose and show up at 11 pm.
I’d love to hear Biden belt out “Paradise City.”
Just need to have some Patience.
Chinese Democracy took years