Poll’s closing times…..
7:00 p.m. ET – Virginia and Kentucky
7:30 p.m. ET – Ohio
8:00 p.m. ET – Mississippi
It’s off year election time across the United States ….
The story in tomorrow’s media will be about if Democrats can continue to over achieve in the vote as they have with last years midterm elections…
The Ohio vote will give read on the issue of Abortion access and strength for Democrats…
In a couple of places Democrats are seeking to get jobs in area’s that Republican should own….
We’ll have the results later tonight if and when they are available
NY Times….
Voters are headed to the polls in several states on Tuesday morning as this off-year election culminates with some key races on the line for Democrats and Republicans.
A couple of unusually competitive governors’ contests in Kentucky and Mississippi, both deeply Republican states, will be closely watched, and the effects of contentious issues like abortion access — which is directly on the ballot in Ohio — are likely to be dissected for hints about 2024.
Turnout is historically lighter in years between presidential and midterm elections, but there’s much at stake on Tuesday.
Here are the major races and questions:
In Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat with high job approval ratings in a state carried handily by Donald J. Trump in 2020, is seeking a second term against Daniel Cameron, the state’s attorney general and a Republican endorsed by the former president.
In Mississippi, Gov. Tate Reeves, a first-term Republican, is being challenged by Brandon Presley, a public service commissioner and Democrat with a famous name: He’s the second cousin, once removed, of Elvis Presley.
In Ohio, voters will decide whether to enshrine the right to abortion access into the state constitution and whether marijuana should be legalized for recreational use.
In Virginia, Republicans are battling Democrats for control of the Legislature that could give them a power monopoly.
In Philadelphia, Democrats are seeking to maintain their dominance of three-quarters of a century in mayoral contests.
Washington Post….
Early Results….
Gov Beshear looks good.,,,
Ohio Right to Abortion looks good.,,,
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
I’ve seen enough: in a victory for the pro-choice side, Ohio Issue 1, a measure to establish a right to an abortion in the state constitution, passes.
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
As expected, Gabe Amo (D) wins the #RI01 special election in a safe Dem district. Brings Dems up to full strength in the House, 213 seats.
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
I’ve seen enough: in a victory for the pro-choice side, Ohio Issue 1, a measure to establish a right to an abortion in the state constitution, passes.
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
In VA Senate, Schuyler VanValkenburg (D) appears to have defeated Siobhan Dunnavant (R) in #SD16. If Russet Perry’s (D) narrow lead holds in #SD31, Dems would be guaranteed to keep the majority.
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
I’ve seen enough: Democrats retain control of the Virginia Senate, blocking a trifecta for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R).
Chris Cillizza @ twitter
If Republicans continue to try to talk about abortion after tonight, it’s campaign malpractice
Dave Wasserman @ twitter
Best result for Reeves (R) yet: he wins Calhoun Co. 64%-35%. Carried it 59%-40% in ’19 (it was next door to Hood’s hometown). Looking better for the incumbent as the night goes on. #MSGOV
BTW Bdog?
I see the 3rd Nassau County Legislative Democratric incumbent actually AHEAD by 13% points with 18% of the preceints reporting….
Democrats OVER PRODUCE in another election cycle....
Good news for Joe Biden and Democrats…..
CNN Breaking News
CNN Projection: Democrats will keep control of the Virginia Senate, denying Republican Gov. Youngkin unified control of state government.
This has been a VERY GOOD Night for Democrats folks!
Dave Wasserman
A common thread tonight across KY, MS and VA: more confirmation that political engagement & turnout are down vs. the Trump era.
Dave Wasserman
I’ve seen enough: Democrats win control of the Virginia House of Delegates, flipping the GOP majority and giving them control of both chambers….
Eric Feigl-Ding
Let this sink in—Virginia, once the home of the Confederacy, home of Confederate General Robert E Lee, and home of the oldest Southern slave plantation—will now have its 1st Black Speaker of the House!
Jennifer Bendery
Ohio voters pass ballot measure legalizing recreational weed
How many Black Republican Governors are there?
Kentucky Beshear BIGGER win that Biden numbers…..
Larry Sabato@ Twitter
“Furious Ohio Republicans Report Widespread Incidents of Women Voting”
“Many of our poll workers spotted women going into voting booths and literally casting votes,” a G.O.P. operative in Lake County said.
By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker @BorowitzReport
I was going to post updates of my own, but didn’t want to reward the doom and gloom narratives that have been prevalent on here.
The only disappointment was Mississippi. No more talk from me about making next year’s Senate race a reach target, all chips must be put into knocking out Ted Cruz and holding Ohio and Montana(Manchin is toast). I still think Kamala Harris would be stronger for next year, but Biden is not in the desperate shape polls and the media make him out to be. Nevada and its trend towards the GOP/the Utahization of the state will be a tough one for sure.
Sorry SE…..
Mississippi WAS a Quantum Leap….
Cruz says he wants to run for President Again in 2028….
Yup Manchin is gonna be unemployed for a while….
Joe Biden WILL BE the nomiee less he get sometrhing wrong with him physically….
(He CAN still ride a bike…Trump can’t)
Ubama pulled it out….
With the overperformance by Democrats Biden’s gonna be Ok…..
Centristish wave in some key states and some Trump land centrist sentiment…Long Island and NYC…Centrist to slight reddish wave…I think the liberal wing of the Democratic Party needs a come to Jesus Moment…Border and Crime and Inflation going to be the Three Pillars of 2024…Democrats don’t do well on those issues…partially because of their own policies, partially because of perception and partially because that’s kind of how it always has been for Democrats in regards to the first two issues…Inflation because they are in power in the presidency…
Democrats may be getting soft in the outer boroughs, LI, and Downstate, but inroads made in upstate plus the sheer population of NYC still guarantees a win for Democrats.
There are enough seats to pick off in Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon, and Pennsylvania in Presidential turnout that NY isn’t that important to the House majority(though I think Brandon Williams probably loses).
Disagree on NY House importance….
If Santos District goes back to Democrats…It IS a Democratic district
And the redrawing goes FOR Democrats?
That IS FIVE Democratic GAINS which is enough to turn the House 50/50 on its OWN….
Good points Bdog…..
McConnell has already laid markers down on Immigration where Biden has already started to do what he and Obama did back in the day….
Crime is for states and local and gun crime has NOTHING to do with anything because gun cintrol is NOT and issue Democrats should touch….Talk about for supporters …But do NOT go after gun possession which IS a sungle issue as strong as abortion to voters…
The economy IS screwing Biden….
But he’s terrible in messaging….
See all them local roads being paved Bdog?
Biden money….
See anything saying THAT?
Trump his damn name on the pandemic checks….
Biden needs to get his shit together on messaging‼️
For all the flapjawing the likes of myself and other Democrats did over Mississippi, Brandon Presley is poised to match but not exceed(might even fall slightly shy of) Jim Hood’s % last time around. That’s with a weak incumbent and, in back to back elections, the strongest candidates Democrats could have put forward. Hood didn’t get the push he needed from national and local Democrats last time, and he had wider name recognition and popularity than Presley. If Presley, Hood, Mike Espy, and Ronnie Musgrove couldn’t do it in banner years for the party with all their advantages, Mississippi is way too far gone. For all his perfect pedigree, enough voters in the state looked at his party and wrote upon him “return to sender.” If Shawn Wilson, the Democrat running against Landry in Louisiana, had consolidated all the other votes, he’d have done as well as Presley, and Wilson was not highly touted.
All to say MS and LA aren’t happening for Democrats, like, ever. My dreams of Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee look realistic by comparison. All the out of state $$ wasted in Ole Miss could have been used to shore up Suzanne Gibson, who looks to have been revenge porned down to defeat by Republicans in her Virginia House of Delegates race.
YO SE????
You are dreaming about RED States!
Jack would remind you that Republican OWN them places cept for Major cities, minority enclaves and college campuses…..
Good ole Boys left the Democrats after Lyndon Johnson defected…..
And Virginia’s results only prove that Youngkin only won because of how bad a candidate McAuliffe was(a man who himself only won in 2013 because his opponent was a worse campaigner than he was). NJ 2021 and the 48% Ciattarelli got was also the high water mark of the Republicans in that state. Menendez would still be the slimmest favorite over former NYC Councilor Andrew Eristoff if he were to get through the D Primary, which he won’t and Congressman Andy Kim will win in a landslide.
Agreed on ole Terry in Virginia….
But Governor’s get termed out there
Trump is blaming Daniel Cameron’s 5 point loss in deep red Kentucky on McConnell. Predictable and boring response from the fat old loser.
David Rothkopf reposted
Joe Trippi
Amazing on a night like tonight. Nothing but crickets. No one screaming “it was rigged!” or “votes we’re stolen! No angry loser spreading lies about a well run vote count across several states. Thank you all working this election night for democracy. Let’s keep it. If we can.
Well U found one complaint Scott…..
not entirely accurate…Democrats tried to steal from other democrats in Bridgeport Connecticut…lol