Edward Luce: “The former South Carolina governor is no moderate, as she is sometimes mislabelled. Haley would impose a five-year term limit on civil servants, send US special forces into Mexico and sharply cut social security. She thinks Biden is weak on Russia, China and Hamas.”
“But the contents of her platform are irrelevant. Everyone looks moderate compared to Trump. Because she is not him, Haley would have dramatically better prospects of defeating Biden.”
That word “ moderate “ no longer has any real meaning as to Republicans anymore.
Usually it is simply used to describe any Republican opposed to Trump.Yet many of those so described have fairly Right wing voting records.
That’s why it’s never been correct to call Liz Cheney a “moderate Republican”. She always considers herself a Constitutional conservative.
RINO is a term that has also lost all meaning in the age of Trump. It used to be can accurate description of usually New England Republican politicians who were ancestral GOP bit voted with Democrats on social issues like abortion but also on environmental concerns.
Now it just means a Republican who isn’t kissing Trump’s rotund ass.
Should say “and also sometimes on environmental concerns”
Sorry for the sloppy context there.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s, many Republicans that we would call moderate or liberal were also dovish on the Viet Nam war. For example:
Sen Lowell Wcicker (R-Conn.)
Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-Lib., N.Y.)
Rep. Paul “Pete” McCloskey (R-Calif.)
Mayor and Cong. John V. Lindsay (R-Lib., N.Y.)
Weicker and Lindsay did not stay in the GOP. Schweiker lost a general election to James Buckley, (running solely for the Conservative Party of New York). Pete McCloskey ran a doomed presidential campaign in 1972 against Richard Nixo.
A couple of corrections…Schweiker was Senator from PA. not New York.He served two terms ,1968-1980 when he retired from the Senate.he later served in Reagan’s cabinet.
James Buckley served one term in the Senate ,1970-1976.He defeated Charles Goodell who had been appointed to fill out Bobby Kennedys term and Democrat Richard Ottinger.He later was appointed a federal Judge.
Thanks, Jack. Boy was my ageing memory confused. After all it’s only 50 years ago.
Yeah I go through the same thing occasionally.
You might remember that Schweiker is known for the VP gambit in 1976.Reagn was around 100 votes behind Ford entering the Republican convention .
Reagan’s advisers sold him on the idea of naming his VP running mate .The idea was that this might cause some liberal or moderate delegates to switch to Reagan So Reagan named the moderate / liberal Schweiker.It didn’t work and it only changed a few delegates.
Lowell Weicker (R) was defeated for re-election to the Senate in 1988 by Joe Lieberman (self-declared Independent Democrat who was supported not only by the Democratic Party but by anti-Weicker conservatives like the Buckleys — and who later spoke for George W. Bush’s re-election at the 2004 GOP convention), But Weicker was elected Governor in 1990 on the ticket of A Connecticut Party.
U can add Christie to the list of Republicans that might seem‘moderate ’, but would NEVER vote for Biden or another Democrat for President