These politicans don’t want to hear about their ages and health….
“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday shut down all discussion of his recent health problems, refusing to answer reporters’ questions about the precise nature of his medical condition,” Punchbowl News reports.
“And McConnell used the same tactic on his Republican colleagues during the closed-door weekly GOP lunch. McConnell simply went through his medical history, and no senator rose to ask a question.”
“Instead, McConnell was able to shift the talk to fundraising and abortion during that session.”
McConnell, Grassley, and Feinstein need to go. So do their enablers. Looking at you, Schiff and Pelosi, Thune & Barrasso.
But as we see with Alabama US Senator Tupperville?
Those lawmakers in Congress COULD do things but will NOT ….
Ya NEVER know when U could be in the same situation, eh?
Median age of the leadership in BOTH House of Congress I beleieve IS 65……
Only a Constitutional amendment (2/3 x 2 + 38 of the states) could change that, not Congress alone.
Minority leaders are voted on Senators themselves….
McConnell could be replaced
It isn’t going to happen
Even with Tupperville?
Schumer could have individual or bunched confirmations vote’s
But he doesn’t because this is pressuring Republicans
In the Trump era?
Things have further pushes…