Donald Trump’s criminal cases in 2024….
Trump would like you and the media to forget all that….
It will NOT just go away…..
America voters just may have to decide if they want a convicted felon as their President….
Wall Street Journal: “A second showdown, this time with Mr. Biden in the White House and Mr. Trump as the outsider, could determine how the U.S. proceeds in its support for Ukraine’s war against Russia and its work to counter the effects of climate change, as well as how it would balance domestic and military spending and economic policies at a time of high inflation.”
“A 2024 campaign would likely be different from the first encounter, when Mr. Biden limited his in-person campaign events and rallies because of the Covid-19 pandemic and Mr. Trump used the trappings of the White House in his campaign, often featuring Air Force One in the backdrop of airport rallies.”
“Mr. Biden is expected to open his re-election bid with a video announcement. Advisers are considering a Tuesday launch to coincide with the fourth anniversary of his entry into the Democratic primaries in 2019… Mr. Trump is planning a response to the announcement…”
And ,if the polls are to be believed,close to half of Americans want Trump,convicted felon or not, to be their President.
I have not seen a ok if convicted poll
You’re hilarious!
You really think Republicans give aDAMN whether Trump is convicted or not?
Good God ! How damn naive are you?
Hell his popularity among them shot up at his being indicted. Now you think if he’s convicted, the Republican trash will say”oh gee whiz that changes everything.”
How damn dumb!
Your refusal to understand what’s happened to the Republican Party is the defining characteristic of this site.As the Republican Party essentially repudiates almost everything they’ve ever believed in,you waste your time rhapsodizing about insignificant people like Liz Cheney and your developing crush on the likes of Nikki Haley .
Get your damn head out of the sand Gomer.
Fucking Aye!
Biden beat him by SEVEN MILLION VOTES last time
Maybe he can get TWENTY this time ???😁