Federal law prescribes that women having medical emergecies get treatment, even if that would mean an abortion….
THAT is against the new anti-abortion laws coming in several states….
State’s get Federal money…
But some now do NOT want to follow Federal Law….
The Alito 5’s ruling has anti-abortion states trying to do their own thing in shutting down ANY abortion regardless of the womans’s medical condition….
This and other things ARE gonna end up back in the High Courts lap….
The ‘Justices’ are gonna have decide in supporting abortion means that everything else this country has accepted as law goes out the window in letting states do whatever they want regardless….
Could 5 people nullify the concept to national standards for just about EVERYTHING in America?
The federal government brought the lawsuit seeking to invalidate the state’s “criminal prohibition on providing abortions as applied to women suffering medical emergencies,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said.
The announcement is the first major action by the Justice Department challenging a state trigger law since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June. The court’s decision has led some states to enact restrictive abortion laws and is likely to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states in the U.S.
The Justice Department brought the lawsuit because federal prosecutors believe Idaho’s law would force doctors to violate the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, a federal law that requires anyone coming to a medical facility for emergency treatment to be stabilized and treated, Garland said…..
This IS the Biden admin pushing back against the anti-abortion forces across the country…
The President’s action is on firm ground in that over 60% of Americans do NOT agree with the Alito 5’s efforts to limit abortion across the country…..