Republicans ARE joyous on their High Court win on abortion…
Smart ones are NOT so happy….
And that includes Donald Trump….
Media reports directly link justice Thomas to comments he has made about attacking the ‘Rights’ of same sex marriage and other past Supreme Court law/policy rulings….
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) today tried to get out the fact that Alito , in his comments on the abortion case, tried to assure that the court would not go a hunt to get rid of ‘other ‘ rights the court has ‘seemed’ to assure….
Graham , with an eye on the Novemberi Midterm Elections that GOPer’s are ‘supposed’ s ‘own’, is trying to refute Thomas ‘s comments/feelings?….
He has NO way to assure that…..
And that could be the problem Graham, other GOPer’s , including Trump, ARE worried about…..
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said Justice Samuel Alito “set the right tone” by writing in an opinion overturning Roe v. Wade that Supreme Court decisions protecting contraception and same-sex marriage are not in jeopardy.
Graham made the remarks during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” while noting that he respects Justice Clarence Thomas,who wrote that he wanted to take a look at contraception and same-sex marriage after overturning Roe and abortion protections.
“Alito, I think, set the right tone. He said nothing in this decision puts those cases at risk. The reason he decided that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided is because it deals with the potential for life,” the senator said.
Thomas joined conservatives in overturning Roe, but in his concurring opinion, the justice said he wanted to examine contraception and same-sex marriage, both of which are protected by Supreme Court decisions.
Thomas argued the Constitution’s Due Process Clause does not give a right to an abortion or to any other substantive rights. He referred to the cases Griswold v. Connecticut, which established the right to use contraception, and Obergefell v. Hodges, which protects same-sex marriage.
Graham, however, said on Sunday that he agreed with Alito that the court did not need to extend its reach into other privacy rights….
Anyone who believes anything this useless piece of Republican filth says is a damn idiot.
But there are sure to be takers, eh?
Nate Silver
Yes, Roe has electoral implications. Major, unpopular policy changes get punished by the electorate. This is Politics 101. Enough to stop the GOP from winning the midterms? Probably not but it makes it less certain or may decrease their margins….
Nate Silver
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I think the activist base is a liability in general for Democrats but this is exactly the sort of where they might have a big enough tent despite themselves. Abortion and guns are two issues that really unite the different factions of the Democratic Party as currently construed.