The below I’ve put together based on reports in the media….
.- No officer confronted the shooter before he enterd the school….
– The first arriving officers on the scene came under fire and retreated….
– Most of the shooting occurred intially onto the incident aimed at police officers….
– The school was locked down almost immediately
– There is bound to be after action reviews by Local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies of the situation while the media does the same
– Arriving officer’s were mainly by the school’s front doors…
– Several parents , after watching the cops stand by, tried to enter the school and where restrained from doing so…
– Dispatchers advised the first arriving unit’s that the children where safe in the building…Then sudents and staff began leaving the building…It is ubkown if the cops knew where the shooter was…
– There now has been revealed that a negociation session when on for a pereiod of time with the shooter…
– When the Border patrol tactical team arrived…They became the lead group to enter the building and engage the shooter….THAT group of officers came under gun fire and that is when two cops where hit and the shooter was killed….
– There are already questions about police protocols ….
– Do they rush arriving unit’s into a confrontation or wait for the special tactical units which is what happened….
– The husband of of one of the the teacher’s killed in the incident has suffered a heartattack and passed….
– President Biden and First Lady Jill B iden willtravel to Uvalde , Texas on Sunday…
image…. NY Times…..
Update on the Texas mass shooting….
The Texas Department of Public Safety, with technical assistance from the FBI is reviewing the police response and actions in the incident….
We are still unsure of which officers where shot…The first arriving or the tactical ones…Or?….Both…
Contrary to reports from some parents….
The cops standing around where able to get a good amount of the children and staff in the school out safely…
The media has focused on the lapse in time between the first arrival of cops and the end of the situation…
They seem to NOT address the coincerns that a rush of people into a sitaution with subject having several assault rifles could have resulted in MORE unnecessary injuries and deaths….
It appears that the first arriving Border and ICE cops where told to hold and wait for the Tactical Unit from their agency….
When they arrived the local cops where emptying the building…
Also the reporting is NOW that local cops did enter the building (Parents would not know this) but came under fire and retreated with some injuries…
Texas Gov Abbott will NOT attend the NRA get-together in Texas ….
Trump will be there which has the Secret Service banning any guns at the event when Trump is present….
‘Forgive me, forgive my son’: Gunman’s mother makes emotional plea to victims’ families
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, visited memorials honoring the children and teachers killed during Tuesday’s school shooting in Uvalde, Tex.
Two Uvalde teens were arrested in foiled mass shooting plot in 2018
Abbott recorded a message to the gun nuts gathering at their altar to human sacrifice (where no guns were allowed).
In other words. Trying to have it both ways.
Coward, creep. In short–typical Republican!
Good thing Uvalde spent 40% of its city budget on police and has a SWAT team.
Lets Remember….
In Texas the kid was able to buy TWO assault rifles and 375 rounds of ammo….
Lets Remember…
In Texas you can walk around with-a gun on your hip without getting any papwer work…
Let’s Remember ….
The shooter walked into the school try an unlocked door….
Lets Remember…
The first cops got shot at….
Lets Remember….
Those cops stand around got the rest of the students and staff out UN HURT….
Lets Remember…
The SWAT team got shot at and got hit…
Lets Remember IF the cops let the parents rush into the school they would have faced assualt riffle fire that hit armed cops…
The situation was overwhelming for the local cops who after thius is all over will been seen to have saved a bad situation from getting worst….
Because the cops gave 15 differnt versions of the situation against enraged parents?
They ARE getting a beat down…
There are NO good ways to deal with the deaths of children that did not go home that day…
But this REALLY isn’t about the cops response…
It IS about Texas and their love for Guns…
The tragities will NOT stop that gun love….
But maybe they’ll start locking the doors of the school’s when the kids are there?
And YES Scott….
Abbott WILL have it both ways as thei fades from the headlines and NOTHING is done to stop the more than 200 mass shootings we’ve had sence January 1st of THIS year….
Americans LOVE their guns…
It is a part of this countries culture….
Mass shooting’s will not make that go away….
And the NRA has a get together IN Texas this weekend….
Donald Trump IS the featured speaker
There won’t be any guns there
Only because the Secret Service says so….
A GoFundMe has raised $2.4 million for four children who were left without parents after the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers.
Irma Garcia, who taught at Robb Elementary school for 23 years, died on Tuesday while she was protecting her children from the shooter.
Shortly after the tragedy, her husband of almost 25 years, Joe Garcia, died from a heart attack, likely caused by the stress from the incident.
The deaths leave their children: Cristian, 23; Jose, 19; Lyliana, 15; and Alysandra, 12, without parents.
A GoFundMe created two days ago by Debra Austin, Irma Garcia’s cousin, has already reached above and beyond its $10,000 goal, raising $2,451,710 for the children….
I forgot to point out that Senate Republicans just blocked a Domestic Terrorism Bill….
Just saying…..
The Justice Dept. will ‘review’ of the Texas mass shooting law enforcement response…
It is just a review….
Cow manure
He, he, he…
Makes stuff GROW…..