The four who joined Justice Alito in signaling a vote against women right to have a abortion have damaged the High Court’s reputation…
This sin’t about the leak of the offical June hand down…
This IS about a conservative group of individual’s who have badly misjudged how deal with something that a majority of their country thought was done to their acceptance…
Instead of being a hero ?
Justice Alito is man, Yes…Just a man, who is hiding form the reaction his rant has stired up…
Sending the authority for the procedure back to the states will NOT stop it…
It will only make things more difficult until those who want or need the procedure find away around the courts roadblock…
And case a pall on the court whihc has to watched to see what else they might want to receed back in time to….
The ‘Abortion 5’ of the court have wounded themselves….
The last time Yahoo News/YouGov asked about confidence in the court was in September 2020, a few days after liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died and a few days before Trump nominated conservative jurist Amy Coney Barrett to replace her.
Back then, 70% of registered voters said they had either “some” (50%) or “a lot” (20%) of confidence in the court, and 30% said they had either “a little” (23%) or “none” (7%).
But the new survey of 1,577 U.S. adults, which was conducted immediately after the leak, found that registered voters have swung from mostly having confidence in the Supreme Court — by a colossal 40-point margin — to being evenly split on the question.
Today, just half of voters still express some (37%) or a lot (14%) of confidence in the court, while the other half now expresses either a little (24%) or none (26%).
And among all Americans — as opposed to just registered voters — most (53%) now say they have either no confidence in the Supreme Court (28%) or only a little (25%).
Views on key aspects of American life rarely shift that suddenly….
The justice’s have become targets of protest which is a ‘Right’ in this country….
The leaked draft of a Supreme Court abortion decision marked a changing point in security for the historically cloistered institution, which has long drawn public scrutiny and protest but now has further entrenched as a reaction to perceived threats to safety.
On Capitol Hill, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. gave final approval to surrounding the Supreme Court building with unscalable fencing, the kind that went up after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol across First Street NE.
Capitol Police put down concrete barricades to shut that street down to traffic, as near daily crowds of both anti-abortion and abortion rights advocates filled the sidewalk outside the court, the more typical spot for protests about decisions.
The decision to shut down the street was made “out of an abundance of caution to keep everyone safe,” the Capitol Police Department said in a statement. “TBD on when it will re-open.”
Protesters gathered outside Supreme Court justices’ homes over the weekend, an exceedingly rare personal outcry about court action, chanting “we will not go back.” A website for the effort states more walk-by protests are planned for the justices’ houses on Wednesday….
image….pro-abortion-rights activist holds up a sign during a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on May 3 in response to the leaked draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade. …Alex Wong/Getty
This from the idiot Republican US Senator from Texas….Nobody has ‘stormed ‘ the High Court grounds
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) compared recent demonstrations outside the homes of Supreme Court Justice by abortion rights activists to the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that was carried out by supporters of former President Trump.
“It’s complete hypocrisy. You see this in the corporate media, you this among Democrats,” Cruz said during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program on Monday. “On January 6 of 2021, you had tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting and yet the corporate media and Democrats slandered them with the made-up term insurrectionists.”
“And yet in this instance they (Democrats) are not willing to call off their goons,” Cruz added. “Even now as this has the potential to escalate and escalate further.” …