Mo Brooks may not have Trump’s blessing…
But he sure IS as stuipd as the Big Guy….
Fox News IS being sued for carrying the water for Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ that the elction machine’s were ‘rigged’….
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) got into a fiery argument with a “Fox News Sunday” guest host over the 2020 presidential election, which Brooks repeatedly claimed was stolen and riddled with fraud.
When Brooks pressed his claims of voter fraud and pushed for tighter election laws, guest host Sandra Smith countered that effort after effort had failed in court to prove the 2020 election was stolen from former President Trump.
“The congressmen and senators disagree with you, with what you just said,” Brooks told her. “Elections are going to be stolen if we don’t fix these problems.”
Smith and Brooks then talked over each other before the Alabama lawmaker told the journalist, “You just made a false statement.”
“The courts are not the final arbiter of who wins federal election contests,” he said before citing unproved allegations and discussing a controversial film about the 2020 election, “2000 Mules.”…
‘2000’ Mules…
2000 Mules is a 2022 American political film by Dinesh D’Souza that falsely says that Democrat-aligned “mules” were paid by unnamed nonprofit organizations to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.
According to the Associated Press, the film relies on “faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data” provided by True the Vote, a conservative vote-monitoring organization. National Public Radio (NPR) found that True the Vote “made multiple misleading or false claims about its [own] work”. AP reported that the film’s assertion that True the Vote identified 1,155 paid mules in Philadelphia alone was false….
image…NBCNews.Com/Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images
Brooks also announced in the same interview that he is opposed to any restrictions on guns because “we will need them to take back our government.”
Calling Brooks “Stupid”,however, is calling the Republican Party “stupid.”His views on Trumps election and guns are the same as the vast majority of Republicans.
Like most Republicans in this country ,Brooks is a liar( about the election), a cheat( Republicans were in favor of all sorts of chicanery to deliver mythical votes for Trump) and a thief ( he tried to steal an election that was lost by his guru.Hes the moral equivalent of the petty shoplifter at the local WalMart.)
So “stupid?” No more stupid than about 80-90% of the Republican Party.
Indeed Jack……
The whole ball of wax….
With Trump happily pimping for his own use and pockets