The Russian have to KNOW what the US and other copun tries are doing to help the Ukraine…
And their efforts have brought reward’s for the Ukraian’s and the countries on their border…
But last week I and probably Biden noticed something….
The screaming headlines about how the arms where flowing in to the Ukraine brought on missle attacks from the Russian on some of those supply lines….
But that’s NOT the main worry for Biden….
The reports that the Ukrianina’s had been targeting and taking out Russian General’s is NOT a good look….
Sure the Ukrainan’s are happy…
They’re at war….
What if the Russian’s cxome to think that they can go hunting for Western military leaders?
(Remember Biden has be pushed and dragged into this so far)
What if the Russian’s begin to present evidence that the US and other nation’s are NOT just supplying stuff….
But much more active DIRECTLY outside and maybe inside the Ukraine?
Things are actually getting more dangerous by the day.
For starters, the longer this war goes on, the more opportunity for catastrophic miscalculations — and the raw material for that is piling up fast and furious. Take the two high-profile leaks from American officials this past week about U.S. involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war:
First, The Times disclosed that “the United States has provided intelligence about Russian units that has allowed Ukrainians to target and kill many of the Russian generals who have died in action in the Ukraine war, according to senior American officials.” Second, The Times, following a report by NBC News and citing U.S. officials, reported that America has “provided intelligence that helped Ukrainian forces locate and strike” the Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet. This targeting assistance “contributed to the eventual sinking” of the Moskva by two Ukrainian cruise missiles.
As a journalist, I love a good leak story, and the reporters who broke those stories did powerful digging. At the same time, from everything I have been able to glean from senior U.S. officials, who spoke to me on condition of anonymity, the leaks were not part of any thought-out strategy, and President Biden was livid about them. I’m told that he called the director of national intelligence, the director of the C.I.A. and the secretary of defense to make clear in the strongest and most colorful language that this kind of loose talk is reckless and has got to stop immediately — before we end up in an unintended war with Russia.
The staggering takeaway from these leaks is that they suggest we are no longer in an indirect war with Russia but rather edging toward a direct war — and no one has prepared the American people or Congress for that.
But we are dealing with some incredibly unstable elements, particularly a politically wounded Putin. Boasting about killing his generals and sinking his ships, or falling in love with Ukraine in ways that will get us enmeshed there forever, is the height of folly….
The U.S. announced a new weapons package for Ukraine on Friday, encompassing “artillery munitions, radar and other equipment,” Reuters reports.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports the Pentagon also announced it’s purchasing “aerial drones, laser-guided rockets, binoculars” and more from American companies to send to Ukraine.
Biden is simply facing the same problem every President has faced.
Intelligence agencies leak like sieves.
Everybody knows that.
So he told them to STFU?
Yeah that will stop them!
Probably not
And certainly not the Ukrainans