That would be Right leaning media recently….
Except for political insiders?
None of the tries have stuck….
(Hillary Clinton ‘Spying’ on Trump and Biden admin buying ‘crack’ pipes)
Two weeks ago, it was the idea that the Biden administration was sending crack pipes to addicts across the country — a claim that the Washington Free Beacon reported had been confirmed by an anonymous administration official. The claim was stated as fact by oodles of congressional Republicans and was even the subject of newly introduced legislation.
Except it turned out the official never actually confirmed pipes were being sent as part of harm-mitigation kits, as an editor at the publication acknowledged. To this day, though, the story still says the administration official confirmed the kits “will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine.”
The latest follows a strikingly similar pattern, as The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler summarizes. Special counsel John Durham had issued a filing with some intriguing allegations: that a tech executive tied to the Clinton campaign “had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP” — that is, the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Durham said access to the data had been “exploited” “for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.”
Numerous conservative outlets and lawmakers leaped to the conclusion that this meant the Clinton campaign had spied on Trump while he was in the White House. But even after it was noted Monday that Durham’s filing never actually said this and that the time period referenced appeared to be during the Obama administration — not Trump’s — they pressed forward…
This is what happened with crack pipes. It was no longer that the government actually confirmed sending crack pipes, which it didn’t; it was that it was possible that it was about to do so, and maybe the government shouldn’t be involved in harm-mitigation kits for drug users in the first place.
Just lie upon lie upon lie.
The two biggest offenders are putative Republican presidential candidate Tucker Carlson and former sexual harasser Bill OReillys Office boy Jesse Watters ,who has now been elevated to a starring role over at Fox News/Entertainment.
Of course Carlson has already been cited by a federal Court ,at his own attorney’s urging ,as an entertainer whose ramblings are not serious.
They make good money for the parent company though with their high ratings ,buttressed by their predominately Republican audience.As former Republican Congressman and presidential candidate Joe Walsh said,Republicans like lying.
The same Tucker Carlson who laments he can no longer jerk off to the green M&M nd it’s all libruls fault?
I’ve decided that’s how I’m going to refer to potential GOP Presidential contenderTC
‘That’s Entertainment‼️”
Then there was the so called “scandal” over Hillary Clinton’s emais.We all remember that.The spectacle of Republican convention goers being led in their chant of “lock her up” by Russian asset Michael Flynn,
On and on it went.Some even contend that’s what cost Clinton the election.
Of course the Republicans never gave a damn about those emails.By way of illustration we hear nothing from them as regards Donald Trumps hauling off 15 boxes of White House records,including what the National Archives has described as “confidential information” to Mar a Lago.
But the emails and Benghazi where successful beatdown to weaken Hillary Clinton as a political force…..
No it wasn’t the only thing…
But the CONSTANT media throw downs DID hurt here brand….
And Donald Trump IS REAL GOOD at this….
And the media carries it all….
Hillary Clinton was never really was able handle this….
Republicans LOVE this shit….
Nothing to do with Trump who was the vessel…
On Trump?
He’s a ex-President…
Slimy at that….
At you would say Jack…
This is a non-story…..
I’ll leave it to others to comprehend exactly what you are trying to say.
My point ,which I think is pretty clear ,is that what Trump did is pretty much the same as what Hillary Clinton was accused of and that Republicans don’t care any more about this than they cared about those emails ,other than as a political weapon.
Come On….
I explained WHY and the effect of the GOPer’s anti- Hillary action….
As you would point out?
That the GOPer’s do NOT care is a GIVEN.…