As expected by most, based on the South Africa cases, the highly infectious strain of Covid that doesn’t care about vaccinations , but is is more akin to the common cold , is running out of people to infect in the Eastern parts of the United States….
But it’s still there ….
Just in dropping amounts it appears….
The number of new Covid-19 cases in New York City rose more than twentyfold in December. In the past few days, it has flattened.
In both New Jersey and Maryland, the number of new cases has fallen slightly this week. In several major cities, the number is also showing signs of leveling off.
In Boston, the amount of the Covid virus detected in wastewater, which has been a leading indicator of case trends in the past, has plunged by about 40 percent since its peak just after Jan. 1….
A huge surge in cases that lasts for about one month, followed by a rapid decline, would be consistent with the experience in some places where Omicron arrived earlier than in the U.S. In South Africa, new daily cases have fallen by about 70 percent from the mid-December peak. The chart showing South Africa’s recent trend looks like a skinny, upside-down letter V.
In Britain, where pandemic trends have frequently been a few weeks ahead of those in the U.S., cases peaked just after New Year’s and have since fallen somewhat:…
To be clear, the current emergency is not on the verge of ending. Cases appear to be peaking only in places where Omicron arrived early, mostly in the Northeast. In much of the country, cases are still soaring….
“Omicron is more like a flash flood than a wave. It goes to enormously high levels very quickly and then, based on other parts of the world, may come down very quickly,” said Tom Frieden, a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director and New York City health commissioner. “We know that the more people who are up to date with their vaccines, the fewer deaths there will be, the fewer hospitalizations there will be and the less economic disruption there will be.”…
It’s also too soon to declare a rapid decline in infections following the steep spikes, as was observed in South Africa and London. Cases remain alarmingly high, like a reckless driver slowing from 110 mph to 90 mph.
But there is good news.
David Rubin, who tracks national coronavirus trends for PolicyLab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, says federal data shows a sharp decline in emergency room visits for coronavirus in the Northeast and the rest of the nation is on track to follow a similar path.
“You got a picture of an East Coast that’s rapidly improving, a Southeast that’s not far behind, a Midwest that’s maybe a week behind the East Coast while the West Coast has not yet peaked,” Rubin said. “Our assessment is we have likely peaked as a country.”
New York City is still averaging about 40,000 infections a day. While omicron appears to cause milder illness with a lower hospitalization rate, the high volume of cases hitting all at once has led to long emergency room waits and staff shortages at some hospitals….
Some medical experts think that Omicron will actually give an added immunity to humans against future virus strains…..They feel that vaccinations simply will not be a long term answer to fight virus’s due to short supply and reluctance to shots be used as much a s every six months….
Is this nature trying to fix a problem its own way?
An official from Europe’s top medical product regulation agency said Tuesday that the COVID-19 omicron variant may be pushing the pandemic into becoming endemic.
Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccine strategy for the European Medicines Agency (EMA), told reporters on Tuesday that that the natural immunity conferred by the highly infectious omicron strain may be fast-tracking the progress towards endemicity.
“With the increase of immunity in population – and with Omicron, there will be a lot of natural immunity taking place on top of vaccination – we will be fast moving towards a scenario that will be closer to endemicity,” Cavaleri said during a media briefing, according to Al Jazeera.
When a virus becomes endemic it means a population has gained enough widespread immunity — either from infection or vaccination — that transmissions, hospitalizations and deaths will start to go down…
Cavaleri’s remarks echo those of British infectious disease expert Sir Andrew Pollard, who said earlier this month that repeated vaccination every few months was “not sustainable.”…
Dumb Sick Republican of the Day: Glenn Beck has COVID a second time. Unvaccinated. Says it’s entering his lungs. Is taking horse dewormer.
Thoughts and prayers yada yada yada
Glenn Beck- “I am not a Republican.”
“…but is more akin to the common cold.”
That’s an inaccurate statement.
In some people that’s true ,but to make that as a blanket statement is incorrect.While overall it is less virulent than other variants and even the original disease, many people are still becoming quite ill and dying from Omicron
Your apparent need to blatantly lie about this is just another example of your continuing effort to downplay this pandemic.
Those who are vaccinated are not getting very sick from Omicron. However, james does seem to be sort of anti-vaccine, especially on Twitter. He seems to think that wearing masks is more effective than getting vaccinated.
Yeah he’s just one of those “Independents “ who votes for nothing but Republicans but ain’t one.
We have seen this act before.
Why I’m sure Beck has supported lots of Democrats!
I once heard of him entertaining a vote for Clinton in 2016, but just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He ultimately went for a Constitution Party theocrat gasbag.
Ohio Republican Rep. Warren Davidson apologized on Thursday for comparing Washington, DC’s Covid-19 safety protocols to Nazi Germany.
“Bad things happen when governments dehumanize people,” said Davidson in a tweet. “Sometimes, there is a next step—to systematically segregate them. Unfortunately, any reference to how the Nazis actually did that prevents a focus on anything other than the Holocaust.”
“I appreciate my Jewish friends who have explained their perspectives and feel horrible that I have offended anyone,” he added. “My sincere apologies.”….
Yeah wonder how many Democrats Glenn votes for.
He’s not a Republican. I am not sure why you have to make him into one. I wasn’t ever calling Ralph Nader a Democrat.
Whatever …
I’m sure Nader voted almost exclusively for Democrats except individual ones he didn’t like.Yu want to call Nader a Democra..That would be a fair call in my opinion.
Beck told Sean Hannity that if Trump.wasn’t re-elected America was on the rode to “socialism”( a constant refrain of Republicans and certain “independents” for years).
He also called Mitt Romney a RINO.Thats particularly interesting.Since he himself wasnt aRepublican ,how does he decide who is “really” a Republican?
All this type stuff is much ado about nothing
Pretty much all the right wing talking heads claim to be “independents”.
It’s a marketing decision more than anything else.
Beck is weird. It shouldn’t matter what he is (beyond being a human being that nobody should wish harm to come to), but he is not a Republican. Why label him as one? He is a former non-Republican anti-Trump conservative who become a non-Republican pro-Trump conservative or whatever he is.
Mitt Romney is a Republican though and he shouldn’t be called a RINO by Beck. Two different points though.
Are you okay with dumb conservative of the day?
Good news out of West Virginia. Gov Jim Justice is said to be feeling 100% better after previously saying he was “very unwell” with COVID. He is vaxxed and boostered, but also 70 yrs old and overweight. Considering those comorbidities beinh vaccinated and bolstered mat have saved his life.
Smart Republican of the Day?
Dr Fauci says that all of us are likely to get Omicron before it’s over.
I’m still taking all precautions but am facing that likely event.
He might have been trying to say that we all may “encounter” it, but not get it if vaccinated, etc.
That was a pretty damaging thing for him to say though. We have gone from the Administration promising to “shut the virus down” to just throwing their hands up in the air.
The simple reality and the truth is a lot of vaccinated and boosted people are getting infected with varying outcomes.I know of two myself.Both had mild symptoms, mostly some congestion, sore throat and headaches
You don’t want to hear the facts?
That’s up to you.
They aren’t getting very sick though, as I said. I do not know what sort of activities they were doing, etc, to perhaps put themselves at risk. The most likely reason for breakthrough cases is either living with or spending a significant period of time with someone who is unvaccinated and becomes infected.
I have always had bad allergies, especially this time of the year. My concern is that if I had Omicron, I wouldn’t even know the difference.
Well that’s possible.
Fauci mentioned that lots of people are walking around with it and don’t even know they have it.
I have congestion almost every day Have since a teenager.
Also a lot of vaccinated and bolstered people are being infected but are asymptomatic.
How would Pres. Romney have handled a mutating virus different than Biden did?
There would have been a variety of different ways, especially related to consistency in medicine and a far more organized and focus effort on testing. With his background, Romney would have been very good at making sure that tests went out and that the money that was appropriated was spent as it was supposed to be.
Perhaps he also would have focused more on fighting the virus as a main priority instead of being sidetracked by massive domestic and foreign adventures and initiatives.
Romney can’t even get his own party to get fully onboard with vsccines. But sure.
You asked the question and I gave you an answer.
I am sure you agree that Romney would have been far better than Trump on fighting the virus and I recognize you will never publicly criticize a Democrat.
About a year ago, at least one Democrat on here was saying that Romney would be a good “Covid Czar” for the Biden Administration.
Omicron is highly contagious. Spain had a full mask mandate when we were there, indoor and outside, and everyone complied and the infection rate is still soaring with a population that is 90% vaccinated. Fauci is right, most people will get this variant even if they are vaccinated. The unvaccinated have a higher chance of dying and are already overcrowding medical facilities. Fauci and this Administration must feel that it’s their duty to tell the truth rather than fairy tales.
The vaccines seem though to keep people from getting seriously ill or having to be hospitalized.
Everyone should get vaccinated.
Meanwhile Marjorie Taylor Greene (no one can doubt her Republican credentials) Says Fauci is responsible for the pandemic.
He’s Chinese?
The hearing with Rand Paul and Senator Marshall the other day was disgusting. Both of these folks were trying to score political points by spreading misinformation. I am so glad Fauci fought back. So Marjorie is just following the script.
Fauci was right about that clown Marshall, dumb as the day is long.
As for Paul,he’s the biggest “prick” in the Senate (and that’s saying something) .
I don’t know what specifically Marshall did to get Fauci to lose it on a hot mic, but i am sure he did something and Rand Paul is of course a class A jerk.
But they also both happen to be like Fauci, fellow physicians. I don’t know how many “dumb” people are able to actually graduate from medical school. Perhaps though Marshall’s background as an OB/GYN took more work than Paul being an Ophthalmologist instead of following his father’s medical path.
Yes, Marshall was completely unprepared and wrong in his attack on Fauci. I was embarrassed for him and he should fire his staffer who provided this “research.”
Rand Paul claims to be an eye doctor, but no one needs glasses to see that he’s an asshole.
Dr Marshall was berating Dr Fauci for not disclosing his income & salary (around $400,000) when that’s already a matter of easily-accessible public record.
Dr Paul is seeking contributions on a “Fire Fauci” web page.
I don’t watch these hearings regularly (no C-Span) so I wonder if Dr Bill Cassidy (R-La) was at that hearing.
¶ As for Gov. Jim Justice (D>R, W. Va), he’s been taking a relatively responsible line (at least for a GOP governor outside the Northeast). West Virginia was able to achieve a high penetration of vaccines into her many remote, isolated farm towns and mining villages by concentrating on locally-centred pharmacies and drug stores, rather than Walgreens, CVS and state agencies.
I did see a bit of a Fauci interview that night in which he said most of the Republican Senators (and he mentioned Burr, Romney, Collins, and Moran) were asking good and fair questions.
Fauci and his family have 24/7 security details….
It IS like THAT.….
You are the one endorsing “physically scaring” people over political differences.
Virus cases ARE declining in New York by a good margin…..
New York is “turning the corner” on the Omicron-fueled winter surge as COVID cases, hospitalizations and the state’s overall positivity rate all fell for the first time in weeks, Gov. Hochul said Friday.
The governor touted the precipitous decline of the state’s seven-day average of new cases, which peaked last week over 90,000 and fell to below 50,000, as she delivered the good news…
Hospitalizations also fell for the second day in a row, dropping by 245 people to 12,207.
The state’s overall positivity rate plummeted to 16% on Friday, down significantly from the 23% recorded last week, according to State Health Department data….
Meanwhile cases continue to rise elsewhere,. Labor shortages are contributing to empty grocery shelves at major retailers, inflation is still going strong and there’s a burgeoning crisis with Russia.
Look I’m a loyal Democrat but I’m no cheerleader.
Things are BAD and while there’s still aways to go and sure Biden could recover, right now?
He’s in deep,deep trouble as is the Democratic Party for the midterms.
There’s no need to sugarcoat this.As of now the Democrats are going to lose both houses of Congress perhaps by substantial margins.Thats the fact.
President Biden seems lost
He needs more Trump to look better
I have pointed out here that Joseph Biden is a legislator at heart…..
That is not what his current job call’s for….
Americans like stong President’s
Biden has been missing in action…..
He is going to have to close the door on the parties left as move to the middle with legislators
The fact IS?
The Democratic TWO in the Senate ARE IN CHARGE…
Democrats need STOP attacks on them
It severs no porpoise except to make the left’s in safe districts feel good…..
A course correction is in order
But seeing Biden so far
He won’t ‘get it’
Also Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) compared vaccine mandates to the Holocaust.
So far I have heard no outcry from House Republicans.
I mentioned it on here yesterday but it was drowned out by someone’s crocodile tears over COVID denying Republicans winning Darwin Awards
Davidson issued a profound apology today.
and maybe that would go to show that it is better idea to focus your ire on the living instead of the dead.
How does one apologize for this type of hateful rhetoric?
What Davidson said was ignorant and illustrative of someone who is anti-Semitic. Very much like Billy Grahams conversation with Nixon all those years ago when he didn’t know he was being recorded. The true feelings of these Republicans creep out and it’s disgusting. Making excuses for them is disgusting too. The funny part, Davidson claims he has Jewish friends.
I just read Jack’s “it’s really bad” comment. It ain’t good, but it’s not that bad. In fact the economy is expanding and that, along with a stalled supply chain, is the reason for inflation. And please, without the benefit of Fox News footage from a foreign country show me empty store shelves.
Shall we go through the good news? Almost seven million new jobs, record GDP, and record salaries and government revenue. This pandemic, one that the previous administration stood by and let run rampant, needs to be brought under control. But how do you do that when the loyal opposition fights mandates at every turn, to the point they compare mandates to mass murder?
The Supreme Court just tied Biden’s hands on this issue, a Court that was approved by a Senate that represents a minority population in America. So if we could get some compromise from the other side we might get a better handle on this pandemic. It might also help if the Republicans started respecting science.
So, yes this is bad, but as this variant dies down things will recover. There are signs inflation is easing and the unemployment rate is at a forty year low. So I for one am not ready to throw in the towel. If we follow the European model this variant will run hot and then die out with everyone but stupid people, mostly Republicans, who won’t get vaccinated. Many of those stupid people will die because they listen to other stupid hateful Republicans like Tucker Carlson. But we need to be careful Scott, we don’t want to be accused of celebrating death.
Biden hopes things get better
That isn’t gonna be enough for the midterms one would think
Biden still has my vote
And if he was to run against Trump? Again
He’d win by a bigger margin I feel
Perception matters, stagflation killed Ford (who still won 48.0% & a competitive number of Electors), and then Carter; the miserable economy in 1982 hurt the GOP; the S&L meltdown (part 1) killed GHW Bush; the derivatives bank crash crippled GW Bush (and thus John McCain).
Blame the media, but folks who felt fine after getting Relief money and a great job market now are really upset by shortages and inflation. Other good signs are yet to show them anything tangible.
Or, more succinctly, it’s the economy, stupid.
James Carville rings true
Virus Update 1/17/2022
Covid/Omicron cases have leveled off in the East and across the county….
Death’s remain low as do hospital stays
No media hurrahs
Just CDC numbers to go one, that are of course NOT really accurate, but show a trend downward as expected…..
You seem to really have a handle on this and recently informed us that Omicron is really no worse than the common cold.
Please explain why around 2000 people a day are dying from the common cold.
Deaths from Covid-19 have been especially high lately in New York State which is having more deaths (on a numerical basis) than anywhere in the country.
In the meantime, James continues to spread misinformation which just might cause more people to die needlessly.
OK guys…..
Covid cases according to CDC based data are down ….
The same hold’s true for NY.…
While some here may long for the narrative that virus going strong?
Oh, and New York and Cal having higher numbers ?
The TRUTH will set ya Free…….
Could that be a function of population density?
You didn’t answer the question.
Why are people dying from a disease you labeled “ like the common cold.”
How many people do you know who have died from the common cold?
That was a lie ,just like your statement above that some of us want to create a narrative that the virus is going strong.
You don’t deal in facts.Instead you create your own reality and then lie about what is “real”, then label others ,who point out the true facts ,as somehow creating a “narrative.”
Very Trumpian of you .
Please read this Jack…..
In fact I have almost ALWAYS backed up point of view with facts…
But for the past decade?
You ‘accept’ the facts u like…..
And ignore the ones u do NOT care for….
Death rates for covid have all sorts pre-exsiting conditions….
The Death figure averages ARE WILDLY over since millions of Omicron cases go unnoticed because of it’s mildness to most, not all Americans…….
‘Very Trumpian of you’ ….’Touche’
Oh wait?
The New York Gov is a liar along with me?
What facts?
Jack and Z are the truth?
New York State recorded about 48,000 coronavirus cases on Friday, a nearly 47 percent drop from the roughly 90,000 cases reported a week earlier, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on Saturday.
The total number of positive cases — 47,870 — represented only 14.6 percent of the 327,427 tests reported by the state, a significant decline from the 23 percent positivity rate recorded on Jan. 2.
Hospitalizations also seemed to decrease slightly, with 38 fewer hospitalizations recorded on Friday compared with the day before.
This and other recent data show that the latest surge in New York driven by the Omicron variant may be starting to trend downward from a Jan. 9 peak, and that several Northeast states — including New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island — may be heading in the same direction….
There were 1,122 new deaths recorded Monday across the country, the Johns Hopkins data show. And the number of hospitalizations were at 156,676 as of Monday, according to Department of Health and Human Services figures.
The nationwide decline in cases comes as infections in several states have started to fall — or plateau — in recent days following weeks of Omicron-fueled surges.
New York’s seven-day average of new cases has been on the decline since peaking at at more than 85,000 per day on Jan. 9….
And THIS IS why I LOVE doing this place despite some bad days once in while😁…..
California death numbers are surprisingly low and has been for most of the pandemic. New York is very high, but that was only true recently and at the start of the pandemic. Lately it is exceeding 100 deaths a day, which is substantially more than when you first told. the lie that the pandemic was going away.
The number of cases is a relatively meaningless number. If I came down with Covid, I probably wouldn’t have gotten tested (I am house-bound and go nowhere), so the case total is always an underestimate.
Thanks for supporting my and the Governor ‘s‘lying’ facts…..
Much appreciated
The NY Governor said that Covid-19 was like the common cold? That is another lie of yours.
When i talk about covid, I have always referenced the number of deaths because that to me is what I consider is most important. You can be concerned about things that are important to you, but looking at the number of cases won’t tell you whether Covid is like the common cold.
I understand your frame of reference Z….
But the reality IS omicron IS ‘generally’ mild like a cold for a good many people
If it wasn’t?
The world would be back in
The Dark Ages
We can add another person to ur viru numbers ‘oar’ lit!
The new NYC Mayor Adams who says the cites numbers are dropping!
List is growing every day?
James, Adams wasn’t lying, don’t make up shit that I said he was lying.
James, I am sorry you always have such a hard time following the conversations. This is not a new problem, but your comprehension is getting worse.
Why don’t you just stop communicating with me? I promise I will do the same,
THE NYC Mayor can his cities numbers are down
But if me and Gov say so we’re liars?
I do enjoy making u dance back so ur stuff
Ya give?
U need to be able to take
Sorry you still don’t understand.
First you said Covid-19 is like the common cold even though there are between 1000 and 2000 deaths almost every day.
You have been sayingThat virus has been getting better on a weekly basis since August. Clearly, the opposite has happened, whether you look at cases , hospitalizations or deaths. Any chart will show that.
I never said the Governor was a liar. You just made that up. I did say looking at the number of cases was not the most meaningful metric. That is not saying that quoting the metric is a lie. Sorry if that is still confusing to you.
You probably still don’t understand, but I am tired of correcting what you accuse me of saying.
Republicans keep making the vaccine mandate=Nazi comparison. So Davidson apologized. Some other Republican will do it in a few days. It’s clearly what many of them think.
The claim gets the coverage not the apology.
Old Republican game. Attack with a racist or other unsubstantiated smear, let it sit, and then apologize.
In this case the dumb fuck can’t even explain the Holocaust.
despite Justice Roberts prodding, Neil Gorsuch won’t wear a mask to the court room even though Sotomayor is a diabetic. As a result Sotomayor must attend the meetings by video.
What a piece of shit Gorsuch is!
They are people like everyone else…
It it dispectfull….
But then he does have a history
This is not my fight nor my job to defend james, who Lord knows is problematic as all get-out, but since others likes to stick their nose in things here that do not involve them, I might as well too.
On this specific topic, Zreebs is definitely misstating, twisting, and manipulating things that james has said about Omicron. This seems to be a common and increasing tactic for Zreebs on a variety of topics. It could be something he does on purpose or he just may not be reading things as carefully as could be the case or perhaps is so stuck with a narrative in his mind, that the actual words others use do not matter. I am not sure.
This is hardly unusual for people who find joy in online political fights. Demonizing one’s “opponent” is quite common.
On a separate note, the new covidtest website to order them through the mail worked very easily. Of course, it may be a while before the tests actually show up in my mailbox, but I will have four of them. I hope to never have to use them or share them with someone who might need them, but they will be good to have I suppose, and I encourage others to do the same and receive four free test kits. Frankly, this should have been a priority of the Administration months ago.
I have never known Zreebs to lie, his opinions are always fact based even when I disagree.
As far as the new free covid tests are concerned, ain’t Socialism great?!!
Does anyone think that the last Republican Administration would have provided free tests for a pandemic they said would “disappear like a miracle?”
The Republicans in this country from our Justices to Members of Congress and the great unvaccinated unwashed Republican masses are fueling this pandemic. Fuck them all!
More on Virus numbers going down…..
Since early last week, new cases in Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and New York have fallen by more than 30 percent. They’re down by more than 10 percent in Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. In California, cases may have peaked.
“Let’s be clear on this — we are winning,” Mayor Eric Adams of New York said yesterday. Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York State, said during a budget speech, “We hope to close the books on this winter surge soon.”
If anything, the official Covid numbers probably understate the actual declines, because test results are often a few days behind reality.
The following data comes from Kinsa, a San Francisco company that tracks 2.5 million internet-connected thermometers across the country. It uses that data to estimate the percentage of Americans who have a fever every day. The declines over the past week have been sharp, which is a sign of Omicron’s retreat:…
But the full picture is less grim than the current moment.
Omicron appears to be in retreat, even if the official national data doesn’t yet reflect that reality. Omicron also appears to be mild in a vast majority of cases, especially for the vaccinated. This combination means that the U.S. may be only a few weeks away from the most encouraging Covid situation since early last summer, before the Delta variant emerged….
Thanks for defending me anybody…..
But I HAVE posted facts here on this topic and others…..
Saying that I’m lying just makes me smile throw thinks back….
Actually makes me better…..
CG repeats the Republican lie that there is no voter suppression in the US today. Even as a Georgia county is moving ahead with a GOP spearheaded plan to close all but one polling place in the entire county.
How is that NOT voter suppression??
Very small, heavily Republican rural county? There are some counties that only have a few hundred people.
Nonetheless, anybody in Georgia can vote by mail.
Also, Oregon has zero polling places in the entire state. Not one.
Oregon does not have in person voting.
Is there voter suppression going on in Oregon?
Similar laws in Washington and Colorado. I believe that anybody who does not want to vote by mail in those states can only do so on Election Day, at one location per county.
and yet they moved the MLB All Star game from Georgia to Colorado which did not seem to make sense…
A non-partisan study found that with the passage of the new law, Georgia is now one of the easiest states to vote in.
I have said that I had concerns about the Georgia law in terms of the oversight of counting and would have likely opposed it for that reason.
But those legitimate concerns about counting are completely unrelated to how easy it is vote or not.
The bottom line is that a state that has no excuse absentee vote by mail makes it as easy as possible to vote. Nobody has to wait in line for one minute. Georgia also has more days of early voting than most other states.
The concern for Georgia and other plaecs should about nullification not “suppression.”
Washington Examier?😳
GOPer’s gonna need everything they can get
With the Abrams and Warnock run’s
And Walker helping Democrats
the non-partisan study is accessible in full in the link.
If one prefers the Washington Post, remember that they gave Biden “Four Pinocchios” several months back, over the lies he told about the Georgia election law.
Now, with political reality on a variety of fronts crashing all around them, Democrats are doubling down on their Big Lie, because they are desperate to change the subject.
Good come back
But the Examiner won’t be taken seriously outside it’s normal area of influence
WashPost gets more attention by mile
I have no idea what you are trying to say. The study presented was from The Center for Election Innovation & Research.
It is clear that it is easier to vote in Georgia than it is to vote in Democrat-run New York. Maybe that is why you didn’t vote in the last primary.
Didn’t ole’ Mitch point out / Admit less votes help’s his party?
Common sense though that all politicians want their supporters to vote and those who do not support them to not vote. Democrats are definitely known for trying to discount overseas military ballots for instance.
Common Sense????????
Ironic (although it might be true0 because in the British General Election of July 1945 (between VE & VJ Days), Churchill’s defeat by Clement Attlee (Labour) was generally attributed to the arrival and counting of the Forces vote.
Churchill rather blandly (or tone-deafly) attributes this — in Triumph and Tragedy (vol. 6 of his History of the 2nd WW) — to soldiers who always want to vote against the Sergeant Major, and found voting against the Government was a way to do so. Labour sympathisers like me have attributed it to the general desire (both military and civilian) to throw out the Old Gang who had led Britain since 1929 into the Slump of 1931 and then World War II — and instead build the better Britain for which they believed they had been fighting.