So have other President’s…..
President Joe Biden want’s to ‘Go BIG’ in social programs to increase the social safety net, deal with climate change , climb out of the post pandemic malaise and other things…
They history of such moves is not good for those got their way afterwards….
There ARE more and MORE warning signs flashing fir Biden, Pelosi Schumer and Democratic lawmakers and politicians across the country….
American’s do NOT like BIG changes Over and OVER history tells us…….
It’s common now for democrats to argue that the agenda they are struggling to implement on Capitol Hill represents the party’s most ambitious since the “Great Society” Congress convened in 1965. That’s a reasonable assessment—but one that the party today should consider as much a warning as an inspiration. Under the relentless prodding of President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Democratic-controlled House and Senate passed landmark legislation at a dizzying pace during that legendary 1965–66 legislative session.
Over those two years, the 89th Congress, finally completing a crusade started by Harry Truman almost two decades earlier, created the massive federal health-care programs of Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor. It put a capstone on the civil-rights revolution by approving the Voting Rights Act. It created the first large-scale system of federal aid to elementary and secondary schools and launched the Head Start program. It approved breakthrough legislation to combat pollution in the air and water. It created new Cabinet departments, a new agency to regulate automobile safety, and national endowments to fund the arts and humanities. It transformed the face of America with sweeping immigration legislation that finally undid the restrictive quotas that had virtually eliminated new arrivals since the early 1920s.
“It was one of the most productive and impressive Congresses that we’ve had,” says Julian Zelizer, a historian at Princeton University and the author of The Fierce Urgency of Now, a book about Johnson’s push for his Great Society agenda. “Today, it’s unimaginable.”
Then, suddenly, when the work of the 89th Congress was finally finished, Democrats lost 47 seats in the House and three in the Senate during the midterm election of 1966. The Democrats’ bitter disappointment is a cautionary tale for their party descendants hoping to materially improve their odds in next year’s midterm contest by reaching agreement on the sweeping economic bills that have divided the party for months….
The lesson of history is that it is extremely difficult for presidents to translate legislative success in their first year into political success in the midterm elections of their second year. Those early achievements can boost presidents in their reelection bids, but in almost all cases they have not proved an antidote to the other midterm factors that cause the president’s party to lose ground in Congress….
Like the Great Society Congress, the 1913–14 Democratic Congress under President Woodrow Wilson was among the most productive ever; it created the federal income tax, the Federal Reserve Bank to stabilize the economy, and the Federal Trade Commission to monitor fraud in the marketplace. When it was over, Democrats lost 61 House seats in the 1914 election.
In 1981, Ronald Reagan pushed his signature tax cuts through Congress, arguably the most significant conservative policy achievement of the past half century; the next year, Republicans lost 26 House seats. Republicans lost 42 seats in 2018 after Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress passed their massive tax cut in 2017.
Bill Clinton lost 54 House seats in 1994 after passing a sweeping budget bill, a substantial crime bill, and the most significant gun-control legislation Congress has ever approved. The losses were even greater in 2010 after Barack Obama passed his stimulus plan, expansive financial-reform legislation, and, above all, the Affordable Care Act, extending health insurance to more of the uninsured than any other federal initiative had since Medicare and Medicaid. Despite, or perhaps because of, all that, Democrats lost 63 House seats in 2010, the biggest midterm loss for either party in more than 70 years….
“Biden’s theory of the case seems to be: If you can take these big swings and push a lot of money at people, they will reward you by voting for you. And I do not think that is correct,” Longwell said. “As best I can tell, not only do these voters not have a strong sense it’s benefiting them; they have a much stronger sense it’s benefiting people they don’t think it should be.”….
image…NBC News
According to a YouGov poll, About 25% of Republicans believe Trump is going to be reinstated as President.
Shows how a substantial part of the American population is dumb, ignorant and stupid.
Do these Republican dipshits realize if Trump were to be “reinstated” he’d be ineligible to run in 2024 under the 22nd Amendment?
I guess not.
The Constitution was trashed so much under Trump that I have my doubts we can depend on the constitution to protect us in the future.
Consider that a 12 year old in Texas cannot wear a mask to school, but she must bear the child if she is raped. Yeah, our constitution is protecting us!
The dipshits would join Trump in trying to overturn or disregard the amendment one would imagine
The brain washing continues
The Top 1% of Americans hold more wealth than the entire Smerican Midfle class,defined as the middle 60% of Americans.
Yet, the so called “populist” Republican President upon taking office five years ago made his first act enacting a huge tax cut for that same 1%.
And a substantial number of the American people?
Applauded him for it and indeed want more f that.Thay are said to be “mad.”Apparently they believe the 1% need even more!
There are Republicans who believe it is their money and so they should not be taxed. Conservatives and their sympathizers simply are too stupid to even comprehend the disadvantages of borrowing money to pay for these tax cuts.
Republicans will say that tax cuts pay for themselves even though the top economics journals (including conservative ones) are not able to support those claims. And I suspect that is one of the biggest reason that most economists in the USA are Democrats.
The TOP 1% pay little or no taxes……
A good amount of Big businesses get tax refunds like Trump has……
The American Middle Class pay the freight…..
And will continue to do so….
The above statement is demonstrably untrue and should be “censored.”
Unfortunately,the “censor” is the one who made the statement.
TPC estimates that 68 percent of taxes collected for 2019 came from those in the top quintile, or those earning an income above $163,600 annually. Within this group, the top one percent of income earners — those earning more than $818,700 per year — will contribute over one-quarter of all federal revenues collected.Apr 6, 2021H….
Middle Class 75%?
You said “the top 1% pay no taxes.
That’s not correct and you know it.
You knew it when you wrote it and you said it anyway.
Now censor yourself or admit you’re a hypocrite and a liar.
NO Jack……
The direct quote is ‘the top 1% pay little or no taxes’…..
My comment is about the top of the top….
And Jack?
My basic IS glaring correct
The MIDDLE CLASS taxpayer carries the load
It’s totally incorrect.The top 1% pay a substantial amount of taxes.
What you are doing,as you often do,is make up a lie to substantiate what you wish things were.
I’m in favor of massive tax increases for the wealthy for all sorts of reasons; however I’m not going to lie like you did and claim they pay almost no taxes.
That’s blatant lie and everyone knows it.
Whatever Jack……
Snappy comeback
Thanks Keith!
Jack is totally correct. I also would like to see the wealthy pay a larger percent of the taxes. James’ original comment that the top 1% pay little to no tax is remarkedly stupid for a person who thinks he has knowledge of these things. What type of person would double down on that comment?
So James considers the Middle Class to be anyone that is not in the top 1% of earners – or people making over $818,700? Okay.
Perhaps Republicans are confusing the term “reinstated” with “re-elected”? If not, it is a scary thought for when the authoritarians do get elected some time in the future.
Back to the original topic: James’ headline is incorrect, I think he meant LBJ rather than FDR.
And FDR’s New Deal is the big exception: the Democrats won more seats in 1934 than in 1930 and 1932; then FDR won one of the biggest popular presidential landslides in 1936 (against Alf Landon, who carried only Maine & Vermont), gaining even more Democratic seats in the House and Senate.
Reaction didn’t really set in until unhappy Republicans and (largely Southern) Democrats issued the Conservative Manifesto in 1937. The next year, Roosevelt then echoed Andrew Johnson’s disastrous anti-Reconstruction “Swing Around the Circle” with FDR’s own fruitless campaign to oust conservative Democrats in their respective 1938 Democratic primaries. Not only did conservatives get re-elected, but for the first time since Hoover’s own landslide in 1928, the Republicans actually gained seats.
¶ And although the tenor of this article is probably correct, it should also be remembered that the Civil Rights of Act of 1964 was passed just before LBJ’s all-time landslide in November, which increased the Democratic caucuses in the Senate (from 67 to 68; one can only wish today!) and House (from 258 to an unbelievable 295-140). [More than 2/3 of each House.]
You are correct.
Alright, “censor” do your work!
A scant 48 hours after declaring that henceforth he would “censor patently untrue” statements,James makes two patently untrue statements!
But really,is anyone surprised?
My mistake
Thanks DSD
Corrections made…
The headline hasn’t changed.
James probably doesn’t realize that the Great Society had nothing to do with FDR.
If James would stop making his juvenile editorial comments with each post, we wouldn’t be accusing him of making shit up. This gets so tiring … multiple times every day. And I for one would appreciate it if he would stop talking about things he knows nothing about. It hurts the dialogue among the serious posters. Maybe he could leave his editorial comments in articles about sneakers or Coco. This would decrease the odds he would make a stupid mistake.
“In a very real sense,we are living today in the country that Johnson and his Congress made.”
Julian Zelizer
The Fierce Urgency Of Know:Lyndon Johnson,Congress and the Battle For the Great Society(2015)
I think an increasing number of Democratic lawmakers are just worried about keeping their jobs past next year….
Not much farther down the road….
Things go better
when u are the majority party?
LBJ done the greater good
It cost him and the party
It should be noted that the Democrats retained control of both houses of Congress in the election of 1966 despite losing seat.
Indeed Republicans didn’t win control of the Senate until 14 years later and didn’t gain a majority in the House for 28 more years.
The great social legislation that Johnson enacted was worth the loss of those seats in 1966.
I agree his actions where the right ones for the country….
These days law makers are worried about the midterms and their seats
In addition lets face it
Biden is not an arm twister like LBJ was and these are different times
For one thing, there might have been no Medicare, no Voting Rights Act and no Fair Housing Act.
Post coming tonite on Biden’s negotiation with his own party on his ‘Go Bog’ final’s