Attacking President Biden for 2024 Republican nomination points would seem reasonable?
The 2024 Republican Presidential nomination sweepstakes is and has been up and running for a few months already…..
Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is ‘freezing’ things for 2024 right now is fooling themselves….
(DeSantis had company out there….Mike Pence and Ted Cruz…)
Ron DeSantis seems to NOT be focused on next years Florida Governor’s election…
He seems to be aiming higher….
More than 1,000 miles from Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis was selling red meat rhetoric for a red meat audience.
At the Fifth Annual Nebraska Steak Fry on Sunday, DeSantis was in his element: serving up conservative haymakers in front of a crowd of 1,200 heartland Republicans just across the Nebraska River from first-in-the-nation Iowa, the traditional kickoff state for presidential elections.
DeSantis, though he’s up for reelection at home in 2022, gave a speech that made it clear he was running against President Joe Biden, barely mentioning his current campaign.
My message from Florida is this: When Joe Biden violates the Constitution, when Joe Biden attacks the jobs of Floridians and Americans, when Joe Biden targets the livelihood of Florida families and American families, I am fighting back against him,” DeSantis said to cheers, criticizing the president’s executive order mandating mid-and large-employer Covid vaccines for workers.
DeSantis’s trip to Nebraska is part of his ongoing split-screen effort as he prepares for his reelection back home while laying the groundwork for a White House bid if former President Donald Trump sits out the 2024 contest. His emerging national presence has made him a top target for Democrats in 2022 as well as Biden — but so far he’s been basking in his moment.
His visit to the Midwest is one of at least a dozen out of state trips he’s taken since May. He has gone everywhere from Southern California to Kentucky to the outskirts of Milwaukee and to New Jersey. Since most are campaign visits, they are not included on his public schedule and the governor rarely informs the public of his out-of-state travel. He also visited the Texas-Mexico border in July with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, where they ripped President Joe Biden’s immigration policies.
DeSantis didn’t have the crowd on Sunday to himself, though, and was joined by two other possible 2024 presidential candidates: former Vice President Mike Pence and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Early Republican primary polling shows the three lead the potential field of candidates if Trump decides against a rematch run against Biden…
image Politico
While Dr Death DeSantis ,a vicious virus spreader ,was floating his lies to the Republican kooks in Nebraska,their Governor,
was on Fox News ,however rather than one of their Right wing softballers he was facing their only bona fide reporter,Chris Wallace.
Like a good little Right Wing “comrade” Pete Ricketts has adopted the party line of opposition to vaccine mandates.Wallace asked him,”You say its personal choice when ,in fact, to attend school in your state children must be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio,measkes,mumps , rubella, hepatitis B and chickenpox. Why are those mandates …not so objectionable and a violation of personal freedom but Bidens vaccine mandates are?
All the goof could utter was that “ people don’t know who to trust.”
Really?Thats all you got Pete?
Republicans don’t give a damn about “freedom.” All they care about is hewing to the Right Wing extremist line They couldn’t care less how many people die or how long this pandemic last.
Nothing is more important than showing “them libruls.”
The Republican Party 2021
I think Trump is running for 2024. Reason being his brand is shit in the world of business. No one wants his name on their hotel, golf course etc. No one really wants to go into business with him because of the bad press it will get them. So his only prospect to profit is running for president to reap profits for himself and his properties and his brands…He may be a self centered delusional prick that lies so much you don’t know what he believes, but you can’t argue with profits in the red, even Trump can’t argue that.
Well,if he is running?
Then these polls are meaningless and irrelevant.
Let’s see how many,if any, of these people who have been “visiting” Iowa and other states are going to announce that they are going to challenge him for the nomination.
When it comes to challenging Trump ?Republicans are ,shall we say, “reluctant.”
I disagree that the poll’s mean nothing….
The CLEARLY have Trump World’s attention….
Egging Trump to keep talking about ‘ running’ to stop the slide in his poll numbers among his OWN party members…..
Say what U want….
Politician’s LIVE on poll numbers
And spend millions in campaigns to generate them…
And will continue even if they have polling mistakes
The point was that let’s see all these would be candidates if Trump announces he’s running .
And given the general state of cowardice when it comes to openly challenging Trump in the Republican Party ?
No those polls won’t be relevant.
GOPer’s ARE on the campaign trail ALREADY…..
Just saying….
Probably Right Bdog……
Fir VARIOUS reasons i CAN see the Big Giy ‘running’
But right now?
His ‘running’ is with LESS Republican support…..
And ?
Other Republicans?
Much YOUNGER then him are circling the country talking to GOPer’s that are up to listening to THEM……
Yeah this is really uncharted territory.
If a former President runs it’s almost like challenging an incumbent when it comes to the primaries.
In modern times only Gerald Ford teased about running again after losing the White House. And he was never an elected President in the first place.
But these aren’t “normal times” and Trump isn’t a normal politician, shit he isn’t even a politician…
So I do think Polls don’t matter, his decision to run to keep himself relevant is the only thing at this point that matters, that is the only thing that will feed his ego even better than a fast food hamburger…