No surprise that the conservative news channel is looking forward from the Donald Trump years….
Tampa Bay Times: “From the week of the 2020 election through February, the network asked DeSantis to appear on its airwaves 113 times, or nearly once a day. Sometimes, the requests came in bunches — four, five, even six emails in a matter of hours from producers who punctuated their overtures with flattery.”
“There are few surprises when DeSantis goes live with Fox. ‘Exclusive’ events… are carefully crafted with guidance from DeSantis’ team. Topics, talking points and even graphics are shared in advance… By turning to DeSantis to fill the many hours of airtime once devoted to former President Donald Trump, Fox has made Florida’s hard-charging leader one of the country’s most recognizable Republicans. That has given DeSantis a leg up on others who may seek the party’s nomination for president in 2024.”
The Republican Party increasingly is becoming a subsidiary of their own propaganda network.
Now they are choosing which presidential candidate to boost.Make no mistake ,a large number Republicans watch this ptogaganda religiously.
Indeed, the nighttime triumvirate of Carlson, Hannity and Ingram have much more influence among Republican voters than say Mitch McConnell.Oh Mitch is a power in the Senate but the aforementioned have much greater influence on the overall direction of the party than him or any other Republican elected officials for that matter.
DeSantis is their favored candidate at the moment.Trump has his own base ;however, other aspiring candidates better take note.
Of course one of those may be be propagandist/entertainer Tucker Carlson Himself who has gained some support in recent polls.
CBS News Poll….
A majority of Trump voters(almost all Republicans) believe the Republican domestic terrorist attack on Jan.6 was an act of “patriotism.”
As pointed out previously, given the Orwellian use of language now prevalent among Republicans, “patriotism” now equates to “terrorism.”
Almost as many people have died in Florida from Covid as died during the Nazi bombings of London in WW2.
That DeSantis fellow is doing one helluva job!Maybe Politico will run another puff piece like they did a few months ago .
Ron Lin
Child COVID-19 hospitalization rates hit record in U.S. — but not in California. Actually, only a few states — like Florida and Texas — are responsible for much of the National surge. Here’s why… @AlpertReyes @LukeMMoney
Saturday Republican junk…
Marco Rubio made fun of the CDC telling pregnant women to get vaccinated by tweeting that pregnant men should too.Hes areal comedian.
The Republican News/EntetainmentNetwork (Fox) assisted Ron DeSantis in setting up a vaccination event with a 100 year old man back in January.Is that an “in kind” contribution.
Lindsay Graham called Joe Biden to try to patch up their friendship after Graham made a host of allegations against his son, Hunter.Lindsay said he had to do it to placate the White Trash(my words,Lindsay used “Trump supporters).Biden received his effort coolly .
Last week Larry Elder ,who is running for Governor in California ,said that Biden won the election fair and square.One week later under fire from fellow Republicans,he says he changed his mind.Yep Trump is “fading away.”
A similar thought just struck me:
That the soft-on-the-Confederacy “Republican” Governors of Texas, Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina (plus perhaps those of Georgia, Arkansas and Alabama) have probably by now inflicted more suffering, grief and death upon the plain people of the South than Union Gen. William T. Sherman’s March to the Sea and Union Gen. Philip Sheridan’s devastation of the Shenandoah Valley.
Maybe the Georgia Satellites could compose a new, up-to-date version of “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”.
This just more contempt for their citizens who WILL CONTINUE to vote FOR THEM…..
Gov. DeathSantis says mask mandates are the greatest threat to freedom since the fall of the Berlin Wall. What an incredibly stupid comment – and on so many levels!
First, masks save lives of both the wearer and the people the wearer comes in contact with. The evidence of that is overwhelming.
Second, wasn’t The recent attempted overthrow of the US government a greater threat to freedom? And isn’t North Korea’s advances in its nuclear program a greater treat to freedom regardless of how you felt about Trump falling in love (to use Trump’s words) with Kim Jong-Um.
Third, why was the fall of the Berlin Wall a threat to freedom? Silly me. I thought the fall of the Berlin Wall was actually an opportunity for freedom, the exact opposite of a threat. Maybe These Trumpists have just gotten so used to their Orwellian Definition of freedom that they no longer can even differentiate between the two?
That would definitely be in the running for Stupid Republican of the Day (or Week) if we didn’t have half a dozen Sunday TV talk shows coming up this morning to give opportunities for politicians and activists of all parties to make scandalously-asinine declarations.
You get a post Z…..