A Daily News Op-Ed piece looks beyond the media headlines to point out that while Trump might be a ex-President who in adept at using the media and politics to escape trouble….
Trump decades long account isn’t….
And has SERIOUS legal trouble….
(There will be no pardon)
The piece below references Nixon and the Mafia and the Trump case….
The Nixon and Mafia tax fraud schemes are relevant to this moment in history.
While the indictment filed against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Alan Weisselberg, does not name Trump as a defendant, it is generally accepted that Weisselberg would not have created the tax evasion scheme alleged in the indictment without the participation and approval of Trump. This commonsense conclusion, however, does not a criminal tax case make without admissible evidence that Trump knowingly and purposely participated in the alleged scheme to defraud the government in its collection of taxes….
According to the indictment, Trump’s tax fraud was far more pervasive and of a much greater scope. Indeed, investigative reporting by the New York Times shows that cheating the government was the Trump family’s regular way of conducting business. For example, the Times reported that Fred Trump, Donald’s father, had evaded enormous amounts of gift taxes by funneling funds to Donald and his siblings through a phony corporation, All County Building Supply and Maintenance Corp
In the Nixon tax case, we used the same prosecutorial technique of attempting to turn Nixon’s subordinates against him. There were three individuals who were personally involved with Nixon in preparing the backdated deed for the gift of papers, a White House lawyer, Nixon’s personal lawyer and the individual who appraised the gift of papers.
Of those three, only one cooperated. The other two were indicted and went to trial….
Significantly, the indictment of both Weisselberg and the Trump Organization sets up an unsolvable conflict in their individual defenses. The case against Weisselberg is based almost entirely on documents, company records and tax returns, leaving him with no viable defense. His lawyers cannot properly argue in a court of law, as they have done in the press, that this is a “witch hunt” motivated by politics or that what is alleged are standard business practices.
In the face of this formidable proof, the only viable defense left to the Trump Organization is to separate itself from Weisselberg and claim he was a rogue employee acting on his own. But to direct the blame squarely on Weisselberg carries the enormous risk that Weisselberg may feel used and abandoned by Trump. That is the pickle the former president is in….
He’s only the “accountant.”
You could join Trump’s legal team with that argument.
Weisselberg IS an accountant by trade….
He HAS been the Trump family account for almost a half a century……
The DA and AG also are ‘Lawyers’….
A General is a ‘Solider’….
A President is a ‘Politician’
We several them from others by their rank or responsibly…
But they ARE basically what their basic trade is….
….and a jackass is stubborn
U are NOT subborn sometimes on a point?
I am stubborn for accuracy.
You are the only person on the planet who is describing Weisselberg as “accountant” instead of Trump Organization CFO or even Trump Organization Vice President.
But you know better than every other single media outlet and his own Wikipedia page.
If U read the pieces on the guy….
Just about EVERY reporter describes the guy as a accountant….
Speaking for myself (since CG claims to be speaking for me), while “CFO” is a more appropriate term than “accountant”, I am not offended with James’s use of the term accountant.
James is correct that a few sources did describe Weisselberg as the Trump organization’s accountant. Who knows why? Maybe because some readers don’t know what CFO means?
I agree with Zreebs. It isn’t offensive to call Weisselberg an account since he trained as such, although given the level of graft involved it might be more appropriate to call him “a bean counter” because of all the money that’s been lost or laundered through Trump Organization.
Or how about this, let’s call him what he is, a Republican grifter.
And, while we’re at it, we should stop using the term Trumper and call them what they are, Republicans!
Let me know when you start referring to “Politician Biden” on your blog.
Maybe “Senator Biden” if you want to be consistent.
Title used by some in the media to desc ride Biden…Sure….
Businessman used for Trump….
How about ex-President Clinton, Obama, Bush, Carter?
Those three are just ex-Politicans
Like Scott said….
He, he, he….
Ya gotta do better….
Every single person (not that there are a lot) who posts here, and who agree on virtually nothing else thinks you are wrong on this.
Everyone don’t have to ‘agree’ with me….
Sometime i have to be the first to show the way….
I like that…..
Heck, start with anyone!
To jump into the waters, I don’t think it matters what you call him CFO or personal accountant…he runs the money for the Trump Organization…
I’d say James uses personal attorney because though in print it seems they use CFO more, in the talk media they use personal attorney. So who cares, it doesn’t matter, will they get the guy to flip on Trump that’s the question.
An attorney IS an Attorney
A accountant IS a Accountant
Don’t matter high on the pay scale
Yes Joe Biden is an Attorney.
President?Uh “don’t matter.”
Dumb and stupid but par for the course here.