They haven’t over a decade after the agency went after some of their organizations that where not following the rules Congress laid down for their operations….
And to protect the rich and big corporations for paying anything close to the percentage of their income that you and I pay…..
Republicans using politics to complain about the IRS, eh?
Among the conservative groups spearheading the opposition are the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, FreedomWorks, the Conservative Action Project, and the Leadership Institute. They are preparing a letter that warns Republicans should not negotiate with the White House unless they agree to “no additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service…
Supporters of the efforts to enhance the IRS plan to hammer home the message that those who oppose an increase in the agency’s budget are helping rich tax cheats and hurting ordinary, law-abiding people.
“Why is it fair to working Americans who pay their taxes to allow people who can afford fancy lawyers and accountants to cheat?” King said. “I’m not talking about tax avoidance. I’m talking about outright cheating, hiding income.”…
Animating Republican opposition is more than a decade of ill will between the GOP and the IRS. Nearly a decade ago, a top IRS official acknowledged its auditors had scrutinized the finances of conservative leaning groups based on their names — raising the specter of political targeting even though the agency did eye some liberal nonprofit groups as well….
Conservatives like to spend money(their protestations notwithstanding).
They don’t like to collect the money to pay for their spending (illogical really)
Oh and they are opposed to deficits.
A very coherent philosophy!
Jack I could of summed it up better, Voodoo Economics, Oh Wait that was already summed up by a Conservative…lmao…
They want to use the Shaman but not tax him…
If you paid just $1 in federal income taxes in 2007 or 2011, you paid more than Jeff Bezos — a centibillionaire whose net worth increased by $8.4 billion in *one day* this week.
Quite literally, tax the rich.…
Robert Reich…..