Reports are the House GOP leader Liz Cheney is in trouble for ‘not going along’ with other Republicans in the House…
The party members say it isn’t that she says ‘Trump saying the election was stolen Is a Lie’….It’s that she isn’t joining others that are kissing Trump’s ass….
Ain’t much of a difference the way some of us see this….
This will be the second time they try to dethrone this Republican woman in position of power for speaking her mind…
And she’s got a few people having her back including the Republicans Senator from Utah…
We’ll see how the ‘party’ handles the truth….
Hasn’t been too good so far…
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) is coming to the defense of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) amid a high-profile feud with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.) that is sparking fresh questions about her future in GOP leadership.
image…Fox News
What does it say when Liz Cheney gets more criticism from Republicans than Matt Gaetz or Marjorie Taylor Greene?
This is the GOP 2021. It look years, if not decades getting to this point.
after complaining about cancel culture for what seems like years now, which party wants to cancel Cheney for speaking out on one very legitimate issue?
The sad truth, which some people here refuse to see ,is that Mitt Romney has almost no influence in today’s Republican Party.
The reception he received in his home state this past weekend was likely minor league to what he would receive at other state conventions throughout the country.He would be booed off the stage,denounced as a RINO and since,as we have seen ,many Republicans are now domestic terrorists ,he would need a police escort from the building.
For what it’s worth I am “rooting” for Liz Cheney to keep her leadership position.
My support holds absolutely zero water but since some on here have claimed Trump maintains his strangle hold on the GOP because Democrats like me don’t send out positive vibes to the few Republicans who stand up to Trump I just want my position known.
Scott,Let’s hope our support for Liz helps move a few Republicans to support her who otherwise wouldn’t have.